please tell where the hell you guys are getting your information theres nothing about letting/getting the ice to melt holy H mother of god bags into bucket IN THE CORRECT ORDER small amount of water in to get everything wet now place cooled plant matter and ice in bags layering untill about a 6 inches from top
3.pour cold water into bags
4.turn/mix for 7 to 30 mins
7 with mixer 30 by hand
5.let sit for 2hours
6.remove bags letting them slowly drain DO NOT sqweeze bags.
7 when 90% of the water is out slightly jerk the bag fast to collect resin in middle of the bags
8.using a spoone scoop the resin out when resin is collected rinse the bag and spoon out into the next bag continue until bags are done
9. Now put the bags into a new bucket and repeat the process with the SAME plant material but NEW water
10 when all done let the water from both bucket sit over night and syfun off water from the top to the bottom and use your pressing screen to drain strain water threw.
IF that doesnt help you totaly fuck 3 ways from sunday