Nitrogen nutrients or heat stress problem?


New Member
i didnt check my ph! i need to get a ph tester today! i didnt water them i just flushed them and they were wet enough so i just through them back in the tent and snapped some pics for you, when there dry in a few days ill water them with filtered water and some epsom salt and maybe liquid karma and check the ph!

Drbrutus, wat a potassium burn??? i was looking at pics with plants that had a potassium deficiency and they kinda look similiar to mine, i dont know though im a newb to growing


Well-Known Member
the next time you water just give it epsom and water nothing else It.
you have to give the plant time to use the nutes that you already have given it.
and it wont stunt your growth, unless you dont figure out what the problem is. If you give your plant more nutes and the problem is that your over feeding your plant, is giveing more nutes to a plant that is already over feed.
get my point. do one thing at a time so you can figure out the problem.
and also give you plant a little tap water some times , tap water contains trace elements that can help your plants. sometime filtered water, all the trace elements is filtered out. then you have to supply those to your plant to thrive. and get some super thrive give them a couple drops per gal. Its basicly vit. b-complex and itll help the plant to recover from sick ness.


New Member
ok so how much epsom salt should i give it! ? - gal. salt isnt bad for plants???? well i switched to 12/12 today so when my light turns on in a few hours ill check em out and see wat the flushing did, hopefully i see good results. thanks for all your help candylime, dont know wat i would do without ya


Well-Known Member
tsp. per gal. change to feed- water/carb-water -feed for your watering this will give the plant a small flush inbetween feedings. adjust ph to 5.5-6.5 going in and your run off should be under 6.5. salt build up is bad yes but every thing that your feeding to you plant is salts ITs just maintaining a balance in short.
you should see some resualts in a few days.
paece +rep me


New Member
tsp. per gal. change to feed- water/carb-water -feed for your watering this will give the plant a small flush inbetween feedings. adjust ph to 5.5-6.5 going in and your run off should be under 6.5. salt build up is bad yes but every thing that your feeding to you plant is salts ITs just maintaining a balance in short.
you should see some resualts in a few days.
paece +rep me
what do you mean????..."change to feed- water/carb-water -feed for your watering this will give the plant a small flush inbetween feedings"???????

So next time i go to water it give it 1 teaspoon of epsom salt with just water correct?? when should i give nuts for the flowering stage???when they revive and are looking good again right???? i did rep ya bro ill do it again


Well-Known Member
dank I think that you got it,
1 teaspoon per gal. ( is kinda lite on Epsom but recommend going easy at first)
where your at right now. the next time you water, ph 5.5-6.5 Epsom@ 1 teaspoon, the next watering after that will be ph 5.5-6.5 only, the third watering will be a feeding give your liq. karma 1/4 strength and any other amendments.
then follow water- water-feed this will let the plant use the nutes. that you gave it. watering two times in between feedings will keep the roots clear of salt build up. After your problem is fixed you can use a watering to add carbs.
And also make shure when going into bloom that you have good air flow, and shake you plants at least one time a day.
peace Thank you for the reps bro.


New Member
ya i think i got it! it looks like the flushing might of did some good they have some nice new fresh growth but for some reason some of my leaves look deformed heres some pics but i dont know if you can see what im talking about



New Member
The deformity is caused by s sudden ph shift.
Good luck!

so that was caused by using the tap water to flush them??? im gonna feed them tonight with bottle water and some epsom salt! me flushing them did some good theres a lot of light green fresh growth! hopefully after i feed them the leafs stop deforming and cringin up


Well-Known Member
the deformaty shouldnt hurt them, thats why i suggested to ph you tap water before flushing!!!!
new growth is always a good sign keep it up


New Member
the deformaty shouldnt hurt them, thats why i suggested to ph you tap water before flushing!!!!
new growth is always a good sign keep it up
i got some ph strips it looks like my tap water could be around 7.0 and my filtered wat is 6.0! so im good now! they need a watering, so i put 1 teaspoon of epsom salt into 1 gallon of water right candy???? wat does the salt do again???? and the next watering should be 1/4 bloom nuts????? thanks for helping me with my grow bro


Well-Known Member
the epsom salts add trace minerals to your soil. and yes i recomend 1/4 nutes the next watering. then plain water if your problem goes away no epsom, if there is a problem with your plants add the salts.
basicly what your tring to do is add the nutes,epsom,carbs. when your plant needs them, if your always adding nutes in to your soil, the nutes will build up on your roots and youll have lock out. then your plant wont grow or produce.
when you add nutes. your replaceing the nutes in the soil that the plant has used.
and your welcome, if it wasent for riu. id still have a lot of problems.
I posted my latest harvest of one plant ill post the link below.
peace and good luck


Well-Known Member
How often do you flush these plants my advice would be flush them and lower the feed scedual a tad.some of the outer yellowing is heat stress.When you flush them leave out the epsom salt,why would you wanna be putting this into the plants i know in some case's it is a good thing but i personaly don't like the idea of putting and salty based product into the plants flush with normal tap water ph it to around 5.0/5.5 and with in a week or so the plant will pick up.


Well-Known Member
so that was caused by using the tap water to flush them??? im gonna feed them tonight with bottle water and some epsom salt! me flushing them did some good theres a lot of light green fresh growth! hopefully after i feed them the leafs stop deforming and cringin up
Absolute rubbish,don't answer the guy if the answer is a load of crap even if the water was realy hard this kind of damage would not have been caused.


New Member
idk im just listening to candylime, i also looked it up on the web and its says its a good thing to feed and it wont hurt them, i used a light dose! ill see tonight when the light turns back on! they look alot better than last week since i flushed them! heres some pics from a couple days ago (day 5 or 6 of flower)



Well-Known Member
If i were you id take those majorly deformed fan leaves off. this will help the plant concentrate on growing, rather than mending the sick leaves.
If the leave has a good amount of good green surface leave it be. but from what i see the most of them could be pulled.

for the link its in harvesting and curing under thanks riu.
and again thanks for the props.
one thing that youll find out while growing, their is a million and one ways to grow. and very few people grow in the same way. or agree in the same manner on how to fix plant problems. my methodology is.
cannabis is a weed, it can and will grow anywhere, what were doing as cultivators of cannabis. is controlling the necessary conditions to meet our needs, ie; potency, resin, yield, etc. Time is your best friend when it comes to growing. I like to do one thing at a time to see if it helps my plants, thats where the time issue comes to play. all the expert growers on riu have grown for 20+ years and went threw the same thing that me and you are.
peace and good luck