600watt secret jardin organic Dj short flo and tangerine from clone!!!!


Well-Known Member
pic update from tonight..

they got fed this morning.

5 gal water

ph 6.5

10ml bio-genesis synergy
10ml humboldt honey ES
10ml earthjuice meta-k
20ml humboldt bloom organic



Well-Known Member
Great to see your clones are rooting... I have the hardest time gettin them to root, I always have to take multiple clone and use different rooting compounds and I'm lucky if I get 2..


Well-Known Member
just cut at a angle get rapid rooters and dip them in the gel and wait a week and i bet they all will root.

This grow is gettting biggggggggggg


Well-Known Member
for cloning i use dip n grow solution... its the best in my opinion. ive always had 100% success rate on all my clones.

i cut 5-6 nodes down, cut at an angle, id say like a 3'oclock angle. cut the bottom of the clone so it splits but is still intact.

then i cut off the bottom node and make a few extra slits near the base.

i hold it in my dip n grow for about 35-40 seconds.

i get insane fully rooted clones in 7-10 days. i just planted six that had such insane root growth it looked like a hedge hog..


Well-Known Member
just went to check on the clones infact.. 6 more rooted over night. check out the roots on this baby. this is how all my clones turn out, or better.



Well-Known Member
just went to check on the clones infact.. 6 more rooted over night. check out the roots on this baby. this is how all my clones turn out, or better.
Nice looking roots....I cant get the Rapid rooters here...I am stuck with the peat pods...I believe the RR's are better.


Well-Known Member
ya i hate rockwool, algae always grows on it and it hold a shittttt ton of water.

Damn does your hydro shops not sell rapid rooters??

I thought all of them would.

hm who knows, later


Well-Known Member
ya i hate rockwool, algae always grows on it and it hold a shittttt ton of water.

Damn does your hydro shops not sell rapid rooters??

I thought all of them would.

hm who knows, later
It may...but the closest hydro shop is over 200 miles away. I live in a big not very populated state. I will be lucky to get peat pellets in the off season.


Well-Known Member
haha dammm, 200 miles holy shit brooo. Hmm i wonder which state it is, im guessin somewhere up north somewhere.

But if you REALLY wanted them im sure u can order them, but its not that big of a deal.

late bro


Well-Known Member
Internet security is a lot better that in the past...
And if you still paranoid I promise if they are watching you credit cards and your house its already to late..

Most ppl that get busted get snitched on or are causin way to much energy usage, stuff like that..