A few Outdoor Lowryder#1's

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Thought I should include this...Growing these in Bacto potting soil mixed 50/50 with perlite and added a little Osmocote plant food for feeding...all are the same age although one is much smaller, showing the small phenotype that some lowryders have....these pictures were taken at day 15 after germination, if they are showing a date at the bottom it may be wrong...didn't take the time to set it on the camera. Originally i had ten of these planted in flower beds but the ants decided that they were tasty and killed 6soI transplanted these back to pots in clean soil....

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Sweet! Thanks for the interest, I'll keep fresh pics and info coming. Never grown Lowryder before and the ants almost shut me down but there are still 4 of them so we'll see how it goes....no lights of any kind have been used on these, they are 100% outdoor grown.


Well-Known Member
I've grown lowryder#2 indoors and will be growing it again soon nice plant and really potent compared to what being sold!


Well-Known Member
how did the ants kill them?i have ants all around mine i didnt think they did anything?nice plants and goodluck!

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
It was wierd....I just assume it was ants...I don't really know. The seedlings came up and within a day something had cut off the top of six of them. I mean literally just came through and clipped the the top off leaving the chewed up top on the ground and a bare stem sticking up. It didn't look like rabbits, the cut on the stems was almost surgical. So I just assumed it was ants....either way I got the survivors the hell out...but I hope I get at least one male, I really don't want to have to order more seeds and I really wanted to keep a pure LR#1 line going for breeding purposes.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Here are some pics of the Lowryders at 21 days after germination. The plants have sexed and there is one male and three females. All are the same age but one is significantly smaller then the others, not even a third of the size of the others but still showing female preflowers. The plants slowed growth for a couple days after being rescued from the flower bed ants but they are healthy and back on track. Tomorrow I will transfer the male to a pot of its own and get it away from the females to produce some pollen but I don't want all the bud to be seeded so I'll just be brushing the pollen.


marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
I expect to get about an ounce to an ounce and a half off the two bigger females...maybe 3 to 6 grams off the little tiny one....I'll post up the wet and dry weights at the end for each plant.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
'Yeah, I was just guessing at the ants...whatever it was nearly destroyed my entire crop...which would have sucked. I'm starting my next crop next week (I stagger every three weeks till summers over) and they will not be going in the beds, got me some more planters.

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
LOL, okay. I'll give it a few days for the buds to really start to flower well and I'll post a few more...I got the male transfered to his own spot and moved him to the other end of the property....Less sun but its a male and he'll get enoughto make some pollen so screw it....I'll get the pics posted around Wed or Thursday, should be able to really see the new little buds by then.


Well-Known Member

here's one of thos pheno that come out super small.

this is the sister at the same age 63 days

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Kermnon, thanks so much for the post, it give me hope! Great pics, those look ;ike some really healthy happy plants. Ithing that a lot of the reason that the one plant is so small is that is was severly stressed but the ant/cutworm attack. But those are some really great pics you posted and I wouldlove to subscribe to a grow journal if you have one! Thanks for the interest in my little grow. Hopefully I'll have some pics to post in aabout two weeks of the deisel ryder and the auto AK that I'll be plantingas soon as they come in. Again, great pics, and if you can please get me a link to your grow journal or just keep posting them here. THis site is really lacking some good outdoor autoflower grow threads and I'd love to see more healthy, happy plants that you have to post. I hope my ultra dwarf comes along as well as yours did!!!


Well-Known Member
yeah no sweat man, i enjoy this auto flower concept. those where pics of my first attempt at lowryder, these were from the dwarf mix from the joint doctor by way of the Attitude seedbank.

the first batch yielded a strong male, and i grew him in the pot as the female pictured. she yielded about 100 beans and about 1/4 os smoke. the smell while flowering was quite unique. the effect was decent. i have a few more gowin at my caretakers, i'll try to take sum pics soon, and ill post em here.



Well-Known Member

i grew this all organic in a earth pot, they seem to breathe real well. feed with alaska fish fert, diluted urine, and bat gwano, then finshed with fox farm big bloom
nice plants. i hope mine grow that well, i got some autoflowering dutch passion tundras growing outdoors, a little over a week old. they seem to be growin alright in just black kow but when i get the time im gonna transfer them to a miracle gro mix. first grow btw