2nd personal grow - pics - trainwreck, pineapple express, etc.


New Member
yeah I dig the tip, but I was also getting down the environmental control at that point.

you're right though, cfl would have saved me $$ for the seedlings.


New Member
Ok, I have been giving them water to keep the rw wet if it dries out, but the ones in the dwc are fine, and the soil I just moisten if its wet, 30-60ml per seedling when it looks pretty dry, then enough water to moisten the surface of the rest of the soil.

I'm never ever buying rockwool again, I bought one package of it and it works but its soooo slooow compared to rapid rooters.

My perlite tray started growing green algae so I put the seedlings in a soil pot.


Well-Known Member
never put seedlings together. there will be stress, fighting, which will stunt/shock them.
i would really try to avoid the "hempy" if your using 100% perlite. i tried and took them out. i will stick to soil. hempy is very hard.if you overwater when they are small you girls may be fucked! if they get fucked so do we. dont want that.
i rescued one of my girls my first and last time trying. some growers are good at it and have mastered the "hempy". i would stick to what is most forgiving and wait until you master soil first.


New Member
never put seedlings together. there will be stress, fighting, which will stunt/shock them.
i would really try to avoid the "hempy" if your using 100% perlite. i tried and took them out. i will stick to soil. hempy is very hard.if you overwater when they are small you girls may be fucked! if they get fucked so do we. dont want that.
i rescued one of my girls my first and last time trying. some growers are good at it and have mastered the "hempy". i would stick to what is most forgiving and wait until you master soil first.

Took apart the hempy tray, the perlite was growing algae. Says so about 3 posts back.

I plant them together because I don't care. They are low-yielding freebie seeds and I don't honestly want to give them a lot of space and maximize them because they aren't even feminized seeds. The good beans are in the DWC, although I kinda messed up the clones since one of em is flowering. I'll probably replace the clone in the DWC with one of the other good seedlings in rockwool. Unfortunately it will be a week behind its buddies in that tub.


New Member
24 light changed back to 18/6 because one of the plants was drooping due to too much light and/or heat. Threw a fan down blowing cooler air into the closet and gave em a night time and shes nice n perky again. Probably try 24/0 again.



New Member
trainwreck from ghs on the left, pineapple express from g13 in the middle (I'm pretty sure). It may have happen that I put 2 trainwrecks in there, but can't know until the other pineapple gets a little older. problem is both strains look verrry similar ;)