Organic Montana Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm jealous I still live in a non med state but there working on it this year. Not sure on the chlorine but I'm interested too. To be safe you can prob water them in with distilled water and after you filter your other water just let it set in a resivoir for 24 hrs+ and you should be fine.
Distance was something inwondered alot about, a concensus is around 18 in to encourage vertical growth butyou canhave them as close asyou like providedthat they don't show signs of light stress or bleaching just take a temp reading ontop of the plant and if it's in ur desired temp range then rock on.

You will see a noticeable diff in yeild with the 7 gal over the 5. Plus if you are going to train hst or lst you will want theextra root space to support all those colas. Imgoing with 12 gals in my big indoor grow and ittl bworth it.

I yeah are you intaking the same air that's being exhausted into the room/ garage ifso youshoud consider wasting the exhaust outside to keep garage cooler

Keep up the good work
No dude, my exhaust is going out and up in the attic, intake is being taken out of the cold garage !and for what im doing 5 gal will do just fine


Well-Known Member
yuppers, I just think about how many seeds he popped, compared to how big his room is, and he would fill it up real nice with 5, but a nice 7 would be cool to. I just get water from the culligan machines or whatever tyoe is in front of the store i go to. 5 gallons of water for 1.25. If that filter works though you'd be set. maybe just hook it up n try it. I think the worst that could happen is yellow tips on your leaves. not sure but i bet it is safe
reason for doing 6 is because i can , next crop im doing 3 veg and 3 flower so i can keep it rotating, just wanted to see how good i can do on 6 of them


Active Member
nice setup man
hope your grow yields out great
you got some killer strains keep up the good work


Well-Known Member
so hey guys i have this filter setup and was wondering about it says that its 99% clorine free and 98% sediment. now will that 1% still kill my BMO products !?? and what kind of meter do i need to test my water ??
I don't know... but I would guess the 1% or less clorine would be ok. Write an email to BMO... they'll let you know for sure.

To test water it is good to get a combo tds/ph meter. Tds - total dissolved solids, measured in ppm and ec. These meters also measure water temp. I got mine for $140 delivered and I'm very happy with it.

is 20 in away far enough put my hand on them and its not hot and their it a breeze down their ???:joint:
You can get the lights as close as possible without stressing the plants. As long as they plants seem happy, it is far enough. After my plants were nicely rooted for a couple weeks I lowered my 400w hps to 5-6 inches off the tops. Before that the higest the light was 18 inches. My light was always aircooled though.

how do i donate to RIU !! does anybody know??
Link is at the bottom of the description


Well-Known Member
Dude. I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that your grow room is by far the coolest fucking thing i have ever seen. INSANE!
anyway good luck dude keep us posted.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Looking forward to the pic update man makes me feel like i am right in your room.

Yea look into your water meters i know spending 150 or 200 sucks but i didnt want to and ended up spending over 200 and got two different monitors witch both suck....... I know hanna makes a really good meter for 200 ...... i think thats the same company jig uses.......Just need to check your PH, EC/PPM ec/ppm are the same just depends on the nutes and what they go by ec or ppm ..........just make sure your meter can read both so you dont need two meters .......

........ I use house and garden nutes they say go by EC but then my other GH nutes go by PPM and so does my monkey juice......


Well-Known Member
I don't know... but I would guess the 1% or less clorine would be ok. Write an email to BMO... they'll let you know for sure.

To test water it is good to get a combo tds/ph meter. Tds - total dissolved solids, measured in ppm and ec. These meters also measure water temp. I got mine for $140 delivered and I'm very happy with it.

You can get the lights as close as possible without stressing the plants. As long as they plants seem happy, it is far enough. After my plants were nicely rooted for a couple weeks I lowered my 400w hps to 5-6 inches off the tops. Before that the higest the light was 18 inches. My light was always aircooled though.

Link is at the bottom of the description
To pay for your subscription, please click the order button next to your preferred payment method and follow the instructions on the following page.
Subscription:Elite Rolling SocietyDuration:1 Month *Cost:US$5.00
went to that page and this is all it gives me, their is no instructions on the following page :cry: ...


Well-Known Member
Hey JigFresh thats funny that you say email BMO about the 1% chlorine. i did just that on monday........and this is what she said
In an open container, that one percent of chlorine would evaporate in under an hour. You could mix directly into a product with that low of a chlorine content with no loss in performance,
So spread that around about the water, and letting it sit in an open container all the chlorine will be gone in 24 to 48 hrs!!!!


Well-Known Member
i use a digital hanna meter/ec/ it on this last cycle and im so glad i did..can be found at which is a local vendor to you..semi local at least..but in state buisness is always good.. I fill rubbermaid trash cans..with good old tap water. let sit 2 days be4 use..i have to add like 8 capfulls of ph down per containier..but my tap sits around 8.9. im ready for some of ur pic updates 2


New Member
Nice Grow +reps

Saw your post on another thread. Good job going legal! Its a much better feeling knowing you don't have to worry about getting busted!

Edit: My 99% c free ro water goes right to seedlings or reses. the 1% is harmless imo...
You've definately done some research. Super clean set up!

I'm getting my prop 215 caregiver card tomorrow so i can grow legally... and i can't feckin wait haha

I'm subscribed. Ready to watch these babies grow. rep for you


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the + reps ,all the BadAss comments ,the advice from all, So far things are very good,Just might have to change shit alittle, Intake wasnt big enough, went with a 6'' intake instead of a 4", got the chlorine in the water thing out of the way, im just learning like a muther fucker !!
Ok heres some Pic's of 12 days old, check out the white widow, how the leaves are, its trippy, tell me if these are good for almost 2 weeks old ?



Well-Known Member
yeah they look good bro. I usually judge overall health by color of the leaves n how they sit. (like if they are praying from heat or something)Yours all look nice n healthy.


Well-Known Member
are u incorperating any skillz like supercropping..topping, lsitng or fimming in2 ur veg..btw yes those look very good short and stout for almost 2 weeks...looks like ur starting out right..its a shame when u see some1 over watering a droopy seedling..ur s look good..shit those fan leaves are thick..good to here u got the bigger intake..good luck w/ ur baby girls


Well-Known Member
are u incorperating any skillz like supercropping..topping, lsitng or fimming in2 ur veg..btw yes those look very good short and stout for almost 2 weeks...looks like ur starting out right..its a shame when u see some1 over watering a droopy seedling..ur s look good..shit those fan leaves are thick..good to here u got the bigger intake..good luck w/ ur baby girls
i have read alittle about what you say, supercropping,topping,lsitng, fimming, scrog and stuff like that, dont know any of it tho