Nirvana Misty grow With Pics


Well-Known Member
To be honest, i have smelt things stronger, it does wiff a bit id say out of low, med, and heavy odors, id say medium. I would say yeah, the plant does stay small, the buds are quite long tho, i will update you with pics soon. VERY sticky! the seedlings do stretch, well did for me anyway, if you can stop that, i would say they would be even shorter.

misty is good i have some bud shots of nirvana's misty.....

and really its Nirvana's stinky! i am very pleased with thier breed on this one!


Well-Known Member
dont flush yet your buds have a few more weeks, at this stage your plants are devouring the PK in your foods give them a strong feeding of NPK .0.13.14 and that will help make your flower ripen and bulk

the real bulking comes in the last week or so!


Well-Known Member
Their at day 56 now, so i thought as its about time they should be about ready, JUST water would be ideal??

Orange hairs are pocking up everywhere, would you recommend a last BIG feed??


Well-Known Member
spider mites have become a real problem, a lot ofleaves have been attacked, but i have ATTACKED back. little bastards, got some organic insect killer, seems to work :)


Well-Known Member
orange hairs everywhere! Beautiful, the camera doesnt pick them up for some reason???

There down now and drying at the moment.

VERY sticky and smelly now!!

pics soons


Well-Known Member
3 plants..

5 1/2 OZ dry.

And i tell thee now, what a fuckin intense HIGH!! heart races at first then builds up and up and then WHAM your stoned as hell!! LONG HIGH as well, hours!!

Being jared now and left in the dark for a month or so! put a few bits of orange peel in there as well. Smells citrusy as it is, why not fruity and orangey citrus it up a bit!! (has dried a bit dry as well).