My DIY Aero Cloner...51 Site...


Well-Known Member
......hey there, epixbud, long time! Yeah, I 've been doing some different tests with my diy cloner(Cross between yours and stinkbud's) like yours except I used pvc and a RoughNeck(NO LEAKS!) with 45 sites for the 2" neoprene pucks.

I started mine without a timer(ART-Dne Recycle timer $70, does from seconds to minutes to hours-plug in a whole power strip for multiple uses) and I only got a few to root before they all got slimey in about 14 days. This last run I went 4 min off, 1 on and got 100% by 11 days w/S.S.AK47, and G13's WW. Go figure....... I also used 15ml Gal(2) of "PowerCloner" solution on this last run. The only difference I see in our units(other than the pvc) is that I used 4 spray tips down two rows and I used the "E-Z Cloner" 360 sprayers, w/396 pump----dont even remember what you use.....sorry!

Whatever your doing is working great for you; I am not suggesting you to change or try something else!
In fact, stopped by here to ask your opinion on something. I working on setting up some kind of ventilation for the chamber as I noticed today that it is getting musty smelling(not a 'bad' must, but like too hot of humidity..). It just seemed hot in there and I was thinking to get fresh air in there a bit. It's almost like too air tight, yet I dont even have it sealed.
Have you ran into anything like what I am saying?---or do you think it would help?

I remember you were using something to soak your cuts in before going in the unit(what was it?), and do you now use anything in the res water now?

It's great to see your still working this!! I hope your grow is going as well!

Thanks!!! +rep4u2



Well-Known Member
Hey there growinman, good to see ya.....

on the timer issue.... i'm still gonna try with one again, few batch's away tho... gonna get these kick ass timers that will do seconds even, $400 for them, but they control lights and other shit too all at once with a digital desplay, massive programibility too, gonna change to them for the aero systems.... and presently i'm using 2 spinners and the rest are misters, after i get the aero system dialed in i'll be making a smaller cloner and only use the misters.....

And the smell! i know exactly what your talking about, only ever smelt it in my grow when the main power went out for 1/2 hour.... you need to get the air in the room exchanging with fresh air.... i suggest a small booster fan for your furnice vents, only like $30, use it as an exaughst and put a hole in the other end, it's get rid of the smell, and if your room gets stinky you'll need to pull thro carbon.... you could also try just facing a fan at the pots, but it'll add quicker drying out of pots....

And the cut clones get soaked in KLN rooting concentrate for 1-2 hours, then trimmed up and into cloner, 30L water with round 20ml of Growzyme in the cloner, and i don't add anymore growzyme even if i add water, learned too many times not to use so much.....same with soaking the clones longer, stalls out the roots.... all learned the hard way.....

And yup, the grow is going awsome, just a bit behind on getting the next batch into flower, but thats cause the frigin roots coming too slow this time.... plus i still gotta finisht the first aero system, but it's basically done....


Well-Known Member
haha!! Yeah, I know the smell your talking about too!! No, I have the room ventilated fine.......2 H.O. 8" 440cfm---One each room, through a Can 50....
I am all hydro now too, so I know exactly what your talking the RH way high, stagnet air....... I am talking about the res of the unit itself(cloner). When I pulled the lid off this morning it had kind of that same smell--hot humid, like too much so; and it was all fresh friday, clones, h2o, cleaned out, etc...... I just went in there and pulled a puck out of a spot and, I know you want it pretty warm for roots to start (75+), but do you think I may benifit if I ventilated the res itself?---does't seem like the h2o2 could be freshly available the way it is...... what are your thoughts on that?



Well-Known Member
i get the same smell from my cloner, short of using an unsmelling brand of fertz... and i havn't herd of any, you could try few orther things.....

lay a pump sideways with no hoses attached in the rez to get massive water cerculation and mixing...

and/or find a big Aquarium water filter, they mount on the edge of aquariums and filter clean the water thro carbon, use it in the rez, but get a big one....

i have noticed that any vids ive seen of the big grows, they use both in the big rez's with both hydro and natural chems, so i'll use them methods, but not sure if they'd solve the smell.... mabey some Peroxide.... hydro growers like to use it in rez's too...


Well-Known Member
Good day all...... Day 13.....

Only a few left without roots.... and the ones i put in 7 days ago all have little white nipples on there stems, soon to be the sexy roots and 2 new strains in my garden.....



Well-Known Member
the advantages to me are beyond, but i luv here'n this from peeps that benifit....

TTT said:
so I made an areo cloner and its perfect well almost perfect I just need to rearange the manifold but it still works awesome.It holds 72 and I get 100% everytime.
just wanted to say thanks for the help and advise on that project have a good one buddy:peace:
fukn eh, so simple......


Well-Known Member
Day 15..... only a few without roots, even the new ones in it got roots.... i'm goin nuttz to get my aero system setup for them......

................................ :joint:



Well-Known Member
Hey there growinman, good to see ya.....

on the timer issue.... i'm still gonna try with one again, few batch's away tho... gonna get these kick ass timers that will do seconds even, $400 for them, but they control lights and other shit too all at once with a digital desplay, massive programibility too, gonna change to them for the aero systems.... and presently i'm using 2 spinners and the rest are misters, after i get the aero system dialed in i'll be making a smaller cloner and only use the misters.....

And the smell! i know exactly what your talking about, only ever smelt it in my grow when the main power went out for 1/2 hour.... you need to get the air in the room exchanging with fresh air.... i suggest a small booster fan for your furnice vents, only like $30, use it as an exaughst and put a hole in the other end, it's get rid of the smell, and if your room gets stinky you'll need to pull thro carbon.... you could also try just facing a fan at the pots, but it'll add quicker drying out of pots....

And the cut clones get soaked in KLN rooting concentrate for 1-2 hours, then trimmed up and into cloner, 30L water with round 20ml of Growzyme in the cloner, and i don't add anymore growzyme even if i add water, learned too many times not to use so much.....same with soaking the clones longer, stalls out the roots.... all learned the hard way.....

And yup, the grow is going awsome, just a bit behind on getting the next batch into flower, but thats cause the frigin roots coming too slow this time.... plus i still gotta finisht the first aero system, but it's basically done....

dude why such expensive timers?

they got nice digital sentinel drt-1 for like 100 bucks


Well-Known Member
the one i want will controll all at once, 2-pumps, 2-lights, 2 fans and a nuther plug that turns on when the lights go out.... Actually like $360, havn't looked elseware for it, might find them cheaper someware online....


Well-Known Member
Day 17......... those roots looking soo good..... i got the aero system built/setup and tested just waiting for them clones now....

............................... :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Those are some great looking roots, epixbud!
I am quite sure you'll be very happy with the move to aero/nft. You seem to be a 'natural' at this stuff.
Do you have any pics up of your system? How many sites? What size pump and res? Did you go with the 4" square posts or round? Sorry for all of the questions if you've answered them elsewhere or are planning to do a diy...... Did you see the 35 site one I built?<---still haven't ran it yet; I really am happy with my GH AF20 and I love the pump they use.....

Anyway, hope you have a great weekend!!



Well-Known Member
good day there growinman......thankz man, and ya i'm gonna do a DIY for it, tryed to keep it as cheap a build as possible.... originally wanted to use 6" round PVC, but couldn't find any in black or white, only the damb blue ones.... soo.... well, pics will show, and i'm even pulling it off with the same gpm pump as my cloner....using spinner sprayers for the aero tho, with 3 1/2" pots, and i'm thinking of using nuthing but the Neoprean plugs that size to hold the clones in, no rockwool or hydratron, just in the air in the pots.. and the rez for it is like 120L....




Well-Known Member
nice set up. where did you get that white board you cut the holes in (for a lid to tub)? what is it made of, cost, etc.? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Right on!! Yes, your ready, I 'd say, haha:hump:---fun stuff, epixbud!!
I'd really like to know about that board too......what is it??, foam or something?

Two things come right to mind, that you have already thought of I am sure, but I am curious and have not run into these issues: What will support the plants other than the neoprene; will there be baskets?, screen? The other thing I really wonder about......I was going to copy/paste it, but it's here the post by Earl's dealing with the roots going from an aero/nft environment into the res..... wbinwv really has issues going on and Earl had had the same issues...... It caught my interest because I do a couple of dwc/hybird things and have not really had issues.... All of my veg units are dwc in 3" nets w/hydroton---then they move from there to either an aero/nft unit or get potted up to 1/2 gal pots for flood/drain....... So, I dont know if it's any concern or not, it could be that he uses a chiller for all I'd know......I haven't actually gone into flower with anything that wasn't set ready. wbinwv is still in veg as well.... check it out----cool unit too!

Keep having fun!!


Well-Known Member
So will that set-up spray, etc., in the upper chamber, then drain down to the very bottom res??? That looks awesome!! That almost looks like drywall, haha...what is it??


Well-Known Member
LMAO..... good day there DrGreenFinger and growinman, i knew i shouldn't have shown it! Supposed to be for the eventual DIY for it.... oh well, LOL,

the Board is Couragated Plastic Sheeting, payed like $65 for a 4'x10' sheet at my hydro shop...... get it cheaper at a depote if ya can find it, i'm gonna look around for other places.....

i used to use that shit building greenhouses years ago, knew it as twin wall back then, you can get it white/tint/clear colours too if ya look around.........hell, we used to walk on that stuff on roofs, it's major good with weight....

The plants will be in 31/2" net pots with the Neoprean holding them straigh, i figure to use the Neoprean as the Hydrotron till the roots take over, and it will be a SOG so the plants won't come noware near being to heavy for the net/neoprean..... it'll be a trial for sure....

and as for the roots...... the tray im using for it is 12" deep and the Rez is a seperate jug below the table.... might have to put some kinda screen around the drain hole if roots become a prob thro it....

only probs i can forsee is rez temps in the flower room, and i'll do some kinda chiller setup if that becomes a prob....

and the sprayers and hose are mounted to the bottom side of the sheet.... they hit everything about 3" down from the inside ceiling, then drains into the bottom rez..... actual quite impressed when i tested it, works awsome....



Well-Known Member
good day all, Day 18..... i swear i'm not gonna try a timmer on my pump for a while...... frigin had last batcha clones into 12h by now! anyhow....



Well-Known Member
Good day all.....
not sure wich day it is to them but i already got the first 24 rooted clones in the 12h aero system.....

in the cloner is the leftover's from the 12h batch and 5 strains to be new moms, got 2 new strains and makin new moms of the 3 strains i had, want them all shorter this time around....




Well-Known Member
Cool!! It looks like your having fun in there, epixbud! This is going to be awesome to watch this go along!! Good pics you have too!
So that system sprays from the lid, right?
When I was telling you about someone having issues with roots in the res......well, it ends up the problem was the roots in the res and then adjusting the ph---the buffer solution was what caused lockout......would have never guessed in a million years! And I did notice that that doesn't pertain to your situation anyway......just a good one to keep in mind.

All looks like it's coming on for you greatly, and as you planned.......!
