Strange experiments thread


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
happy 420 holiday. Being that it's a holiday, I figured that i would start a thread on strange Marijuana experiments or ideas. Feel free to leave a comment on an idea you have or intend to try. Don't be shy, it's fine to state something theoretical. I hope this generates some interest.
I'll even start it off. Like everyone else, I've always been interested in altering the effect of Marijuana. One way i thought of doing this is by somehow getting Marijuana to absorb LSA. I intend to research an LSA extraction technique for Hawaiian Baby Woodrose (Argyreia Nervosa). I believe I may be able to pour this liquid into a flowering pot plant. I am speculating that i may be able to alter the high. However, I'll prob end up killing the plant. Peace.:bigjoint:


New Member
Double dutch, veg plant 18/6 for 3/4 weeks, then flower for around 7/8 weeks, then repeat all again a second time round with the same plant till a finish, Double dutch tech, ive done it 4 times, takes time but good fun, always handy if you have 2 set ups, ie 1 in veg and 1 in flower to rotate your plant. have a go.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Just read above dude, putting a plant through veg and flower twice.
why the hell do that if i can veg your double dutch time strait threw end up with a beast of a plant that will yield shitloads more then your dbl dutch way... ya waist of time and what stress on the poor plant.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ROBBINBANKS- Sorry I may be confused. You veg the plant, put it in flower than reveg the plant and then put it back into flower and harvest. If so, then it is definitely news to me and def a strange experiment. Thanks for the input, didn't think anyone was interested in this thread. Peace.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
how about leave one plant in the flowerroom set a time that has multi tabs so you can set multi times, then set it to go on and off every 2 hours to seed up a plant.


New Member
It gives you double, i only do it with 1 every now and then, read it a while ago from a weed world mag and tried it, endend up with a monster plant, its not for everyone but we are all diffrent with differnt set ups etc, as people know even when a plant has been in flower foe a while you can put it back into veg with going back to 18/6, so your putting it through 18/6 twice and 12/12 twice, try it with 1 or 2 plants, not all of them.


New Member
ROBBINBANKS- Sorry I may be confused. You veg the plant, put it in flower than reveg the plant and then put it back into flower and harvest. If so, then it is definitely news to me and def a strange experiment. Thanks for the input, didn't think anyone was interested in this thread. Peace.
yipp thats it spot on, veg, then flower, then back to veg, then flower for the 2nd time to a finish, try it with 1 or 2 plants.


New Member
Here is a post from another site, i was trying to find the exact page from weed world, ''still looking'' as ive said its not for your full crop, but give it a try with 1 or 2 plants, ''ive done it with the ones that have not turned out to hot at the end''

Cannabis can be put back into veg at any time during it's flowering cycle. It's called reveging and you do it by changing the plant's light cycle to 18 hours a day. Flowering halts, and depending on the strain new vegetative growth will appear in about a month.


New Member
Thanks Robin sounds like a great experiement to me.
its worth a go, i would not post something just for the sake of it, try it with 1 or 2 plants, it does drag out but the very end results can be worth it.
2 set ups is best, like one starting in veg and one in flower, all i do is lift it out the flower area and put it in the veg area, so your taking it out 12/12 and putting it back in 18/6,
best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha. The trouble I have in doing the switcharoo is my vegging area has a real low head clearance while my flowering area has not great but adequate headroom. It would be a matter of changing bulbs and timers etc. so to keep all the action confined to the bloom area. Afraid it would get my cloning and blooming cycle all out of whack so doubt I be trying it anytime soonish. The clones seem to be growing faster than the bloomers are getting ripe:) Maybe I will get a good grow house one of these days. Something with a little room to work. Maybe one of them 3 or 4 bedroom ranch style houses like they gut and use in Medicino.


Well-Known Member
Jst for the hell of it I put 2 Snow white clones in an 5 gal super oxygenated DWC. I'm hoping that if i flower the plants small then they wont choke each other. I orig wanted to LST all my plants but i may not be able to do so with those 2. Has anyone ever tried this? How'd it come out? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I know this thread is a couple months old but I like to read about the exp. ppl try.
I cross bread my Monkey Paw with white widow. This is my 3 rd generation of this cross and the end results is a strain that is mind warping . I have been smoking this strain for a few months now and havent found many that could fininsh a spliff.