Growing Diary

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
get a rubberband, put it over the pot and with sewing strings I tie one end to a branch and one end to the band.
2 days later i tie again, bending the branches more.
if needed, but usually doesn't in my setup, I tie once more after another 2 days.

if a branch snaps (what can we do, it happens) I place it back to where is was, put a toothpick beside the branch and covering it up with masking tape.
if the branch haven't snapped completly it should recover well.

I need to tie down a plant today, if you want i can post a pictorial.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
you should, it will grow more while flowering.
anyhow, even if it won't grow any more you want light to get to the lower parts and that will be done by leveling the plant height-wise.
Yes ..I aggree ..
Took the advice and tight down the top (well for starters I bend it ..)softly softly plant is big and thick ) 2 days bending are for one side then turn around and do the other side
On the pic you can see it ..
This way I get the side branches to the top :O) and look I can lower the light almost 10 inch

Great advice as always ...Cheers

and Yes :O) make a tutorial on it ! Always handy


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Looking good!

I try to keep all the smokable parts at most 70cm from the light. If the light is 35cm from the plants I try to get all the buds to the upper 35cm by tying down the higher branches or by topping.
I also remove buds (but not fan leaves) from the bottom part so the plant will not waste energy on them, and for the sake of easy-access to the plants.
In your setup I don't know how crucial it is, because you have a fairly easy access anyway. If you harvest in parts you can let the lower parts another week to catch up and you'll be maximizing your yield.

Asaf Avidan and the Mojos are OWESOME! You all should try em out!
I just got my CD and its a GREAT one!

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Already bookmarked ...
Once harvest comes I will indeed do it in stages

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Sometimes even unavailbale for minutes on end ..?

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Watering almost every 2 days as the bucket gets lighter ...
really thirsty at the moment ..
Anyway some new pics ...Buds comming on ???:O))) Lotsa top colas now ..Tired her good down :O)

Night Claptoman do you think i could still get cuttings from this flowering female ...??


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
Looks good. Seems like its going to be a pain to water it in a few weeks, but what the heck.

Even if you manage to take cuttings it will take em at least 3 weeks until they re-veg. And you will lose some going-to-be bud.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
4 weeks Flowering today ...
another 3 weeks or 4 weeks ....??
Looking real good ...I think this is gonna yield a sh$t load

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
I'd guess about 4-5 weeks to go, depending or a shitload of things. It will not finish up in 2 weeks.
The flowers haven't started swelling up yet. You'll have about 2 weeks left when the flowers are already swell and about 15% of the hairs are brown. (or if you have a microscope like me, when almost all the triches are going cloudy)

By the way, I chopped 3 main colas yesterday off of the Blue Mystics :D I should probably post an update in my thread but I was too lazy to take pictures.
And 6/6 of my new set of clones rooted with my method but half died because they lacked water when I was away for 4 days.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
Flowering 5 weeks 3 days
Still watering every 2 days ..
Buds are swelling nicely
Wonder how long to go ...2 weeks ?? 3 weeks ...
UHHH the excitment :O)

Some more pics

One tip ..
I was looking for a way to have a fan inside up at the tops and I dotn want the air movement o be static comming form one side always ..
I found the best solution EVERY ..
A 8cm PC fan suspended from the top of the cupboard ..
Abslute fantastic
the fan rotates all byitslef around 100deg ..It blows air in all directions and keeps moving all day and night all alone ..:O)
Pinned to the top with a drawing pin ..Slightly move the fixing moved the rotaing angle of the fan ..Great cheap solution ..


Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
1st few brown(ish) hair

I noticed the 1st few are turning their hair brown :O)

I think its not too oong ..
The once with brown hair appearing are not the top cones but the once just below ..What that means I have no idea
Seems to be the top stays longer white haired ???

Anyway some pics to show ..

Note last pics shows the new 3 plants I moved them in the cupboard added an extra CF just above them temporarly untill i can lower the light


Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
looking good!
I always try to get my venting to go upside - get the cooler air from the bottom up and not the hot air down.
I just use a revolving fan at the corner.

I'd guess about 3 weeks left to harvest.

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
looking good!
I always try to get my venting to go upside - get the cooler air from the bottom up and not the hot air down.
I just use a revolving fan at the corner.

I'd guess about 3 weeks left to harvest.
Another 3 weeks ..ARRRRGGGG U sure LoL

Its 6 weeks flowering today !
So really 6 -8 weeks flowering is advertsied for this strain ..
So maybee only 1 -2 weeks ?
Anyway Better read up on curing ..
1st I snip em off and hang em a weeks then .ahh i better do some reading

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
dude good job i love the plant and deffinatly not ready to harvest need a couple weeks,

also are the 3 newbs seedlings or cuttings??
i think you had said cuttings right?

Flower Pot Men

Well-Known Member
My 7weeks strains took 10 weeks. its pretty normal.
And you won't get 25% THC either.
They like to over-rate things.
Mhh I see not enough brownish hair on mine ..
Monay its 7 weeks in flowering ..

And fear not about THC ..
I dont like 25 % Iam happy with good old Northern Lite ..15 - 20%

I like the taste ..not the harsh weeds you can buy/grow these days
Nice an mellow these days ..:O)bongsmiliebongsmilie:joint::joint: