this is interesting.


Active Member
And here I am with a plant that grew 2 bladed and 4 bladed leaves, thinking mine was a mutant.

That thing is ungodly. I want its children.


Well-Known Member
a pea bush?



one 10w and one 26w on the sides
and two 32w tube fluorescents over head

ill buy more lights down the line.


Well-Known Member
are u messing with us ? looks like u have 2 plants real close there in the 2nd pic ......rofl odd
no i assure im not messing with anyone.

it is really a mutated as it looks.

me and my sister were inspecting it and she thinks its a "siamese twin" type deal.
i disagree.

more pictures!

i have given an overtop shot and a shot of the stem so you can see it IS one plant.



New Member
i saw your plants mabey you should'nt talk. cause your tiny little plants look hurting

dude's cant take jokes.

i massacred my crummy bagseed plants, i pulled leaves off, watered it with pure iced tea, grew them in 2 liter bottles, it didn't matter because all it was was a street light in m buddies closet and it sucked and that's why i know that plant is fucking goofy lookin'.


Active Member
it looks like its just genetically a really bushy plant. let it grow. it will probly start growin normal in a week or 2.


New Member
the pole it was on fell over in a storm and i chumped it, the light worked but it was pink.

that whole setup cost about 12 dollars.


Well-Known Member
ha thats pretty cool.

you should get an HPS bulb and stick it in there.

well i don't plan on chopping it down.
everyone keeps saying not to.

i'm NOT going to.
i promise :)


New Member
where is this street light deal at?
on a pole hese the chump.

i threw that bitch out, now i have 2x 400HPS complete a 600 watt MH/HPS
and a ukranian baby light................and seeds, 3-400 dollars worth of shit and another 200 before i can do anything.