Well-Known Member
has anyone tryed the soapy water with white vinegar and water mixture to get ride of spider mites? i have seen threads about it but never heard any results just want to make sure its safe for my plant before i use

lots of places sell predators that eat the little f****rs then die when they have scoffed them all...........my local hydroshop does....
LMAO!! Fox farm "don't bug me", $12.95, available at most grow shops. Kills on contact, great stuff, won't kill your plants. I'm still laughing... Sorry to hear buddy.tried it doesnt worked killed plant dont try
Bad and stupid.Ya take a q-tip dipped in alcohol and dab around the webbin, don't do this to small plants, though.
Yeah do this if you want to kill your plants, this may be the stupidest thing I've heard on this site. Well unless you know who "catpiss" is, he really pisses everyone off.When spider mites get BAD and your neem oil is not workin no more , use a deep reach fogger (for roaches and inside bugs) you can even use raid name brand but if you heard of hot shots then use the blue can (not the green can) and if the babies are healthy enough then "bomb" 2 times in one week and thats it! they are all gone, put the bombs up till next time. just sit the can in the room for a few hours then come back and start the ventalation back up and do it again as needed! dont worry its not soap, it will not hurt nothin but it will kill more mites then neem oil, ladybugs, and soap all three put together. (if you see webs then the prob is beyond ladybugs or neem ) This here is some good info i aquired along the way and should probably be a sticky! good luck!