spider mite solution


Well-Known Member
has anyone tryed the soapy water with white vinegar and water mixture to get ride of spider mites? i have seen threads about it but never heard any results just want to make sure its safe for my plant before i use:peace:
if you want to get rid of spider mites, go to the grocery and git a couple of pouches of tobacco and soak it in warm water till its as strong as you can get it and filter out the tobac and put in a sprayer, you could prob even boil it or close to boil and put through a coffee filter
When spider mites get BAD and your neem oil is not workin no more , use a deep reach fogger (for roaches and inside bugs) you can even use raid name brand but if you heard of hot shots then use the blue can (not the green can) and if the babies are healthy enough then "bomb" 2 times in one week and thats it! they are all gone, put the bombs up till next time. just sit the can in the room for a few hours then come back and start the ventalation back up and do it again as needed! dont worry its not soap, it will not hurt nothin but it will kill more mites then neem oil, ladybugs, and soap all three put together. (if you see webs then the prob is beyond ladybugs or neem ) This here is some good info i aquired along the way and should probably be a sticky! good luck!
im using asamax and that seems to be working fine. just cant believe people would tell someone some bulshit to kill thier plants. and i dont know how this is a funny post im here and thought other were here to help each other but anyway dont try vinegar and use soemthing that is sold with the money saved
What is asamax smoke?
I am a expert when it comes to mites (spider) and i just yesterday used a Hot Shot (green can bomb). IT IS THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO A BAD PROBLEM ! after you get it cleared up , mix you up some neem oil and spray them from time to time. Fuck the rumors, use whats proven! (and common since) Also neem and hot shots are very cheap too!
Nobody should EVER give advice unless they have done it there self (more than once). Good luck to your babies smoke!
lots of places sell predators that eat the little f****rs then die when they have scoffed them all...........my local hydroshop does....
lots of places sell predators that eat the little f****rs then die when they have scoffed them all...........my local hydroshop does....

yes that is a good way to keep them from getting bad but once they get bad ladybugs cant fix that. (they die before they can eat that many bugs)
Don't use 'homemade' solutions these people are telling you, buy a known product, that you know works. Don't spray tabacco on it, or vinegar, thats fucking retarded. $12.95 will save your crop. Fox Farm!!
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When spider mites get BAD and your neem oil is not workin no more , use a deep reach fogger (for roaches and inside bugs) you can even use raid name brand but if you heard of hot shots then use the blue can (not the green can) and if the babies are healthy enough then "bomb" 2 times in one week and thats it! they are all gone, put the bombs up till next time. just sit the can in the room for a few hours then come back and start the ventalation back up and do it again as needed! dont worry its not soap, it will not hurt nothin but it will kill more mites then neem oil, ladybugs, and soap all three put together. (if you see webs then the prob is beyond ladybugs or neem ) This here is some good info i aquired along the way and should probably be a sticky! good luck!
Yeah do this if you want to kill your plants, this may be the stupidest thing I've heard on this site. Well unless you know who "catpiss" is, he really pisses everyone off. :?
Foggers especially raid brand, will kill fucking everything. Even pets, don't use this. I'm sure if you have half a brain you already know this. God people are stupid
My last two bottles of fox farm dont bug me have been bunk. Causing spotting and brittle leaves. hmmmm all my friends haven't had problems though. I did read in super charge your garden and apply this.
Wear gloves and do

60 ml per gal h202 spray the floor walls and equip. Oh wear eye protection too. This will kill like bleach without the side efects. Nothing on plants with this dose though.

Smoke a fat one and pray.

Now for your ladies

30ml 30percent h202 per gal
15ml listerine

Buy fresh batch of ladybugs.

Safers Soap in foliear and root region.

Mite x

Day 6
Release remainder of lady bugs.

Oh make sure your room is good and sealed to keep them critters in.

Repeat if nececarry. Don't use any bombs. Dr doom fucked me.
sir i have used HOT SHOT bombs more times than you have grown . I dont put non proven info on here (like the q-tip thang, and vinager) now we are all stoners so i'll just chill.............but yes i have had MANY mite probs and use bombs everytime it gets BAD other than that neem is fine !!!
i killed a small group of plants using boric acid. had the ph all messed up. grabbed the raid garden spray the last time i had spider mites. worked great for me but the plants were still vegging.