Good Ass Weed! Post All Your Pics


Well-Known Member
Here is a Pic from my WB I harvested the other day, some dank ass shit. Sticky ass hell and damn does it smell!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
what ive been smokin. bubblelicious this is a must grow strain. this shit really makes you cough...

what im smokin now. unknown, taste.. earthy with hints of fruit, high.. narcotic sleepy.



Well-Known Member
Here is a couple pics from my recent harvest. The flavor is amazing! Strain is White Berry, got 77g from just one plant with 400W. Thats just over 5 Ozs total for my first grow!!!! Took just over 3 months.


Well-Known Member
This is the only stuff I have access to. Seems pretty strong, definitely indica. $120 for 1/4 oz. In a couple more months I'll never have to buy again. :) I'm looking forward to trying different strains.

