South african dude

Another South African dude here. We have some good herb around, but there is also a lot of "skunky" junk around. I have recently decided to grow something spectacular for my own use and really appreciate all the advice on this site. Thanks all.
HiGH! from Cape Town, South Africa. I've always said. South Africa has an advantage over other countires like the us or uk in the aspect of our police force not being delveloped enough to be woried about issues like growers, I dont think the same applies for like the meth labs and stuff though. but not only for the one-to-two-plant-growers , but especially for the über grows.

Erm, Ive been smoking for a while so Ive seen quite a few changes to the price of a diff types but it's stayed at these prices
Indoor-$10-$12 (real rare but top strains sometimes go for $15) per gram
Hash (Goldseal)-$2 per gram
Outdoor chronic-$4-$8 per gram
and then ofcourse there's good ol' schwag for like $10 for like ±15 grams

Oh yeah, Cape Watch out for Johannesburg, it's a waste of time and money up there.
So true ProudlySellin', nothing but low-quality headache-inducing junk in Gauteng! Fortunately my first little grow is going nicely and I will post some pics as soon as I get the time. My temporary grow room is an old printer box with some MH and HPS to light it all, heh heh. The missus has already inquired about the light she seems to see emanating from my workshop even long before I go out to work (timer starts at 5AM) Got to block those holes!
Hi Dude, im from South Africa as well and i agree this site does kick ass..

so what are you growing? I know we are spoilt here in S.A but i still ordered my seeds online, how about yourself?

Anyway , look foward to hear how your grow turns out


I'm not entirely sure about the cultivar (if that's the right term - sounds kinda classy, doesn't it?) Some type of Sativa by the look of the leaves. They're seeds from a "bankie" I bought that didn't entirely suck! Man I remember the stuff I used to buy in PE, the friendly city, but now that I'm stuck in Gauteng! Nothing worth mentioning really. I might not be looking in the right places, but truth be told I couldn't be bothered, now that my own crop is in the field as it were.

Not ideal I know, but I didn't want to risk getting busted buying seeds online. Can you refer me to a site I can buy seeds with relative safety? I do have an importers-license if that will help, he he.

p.s. I have since moved all the little guys from the printer box into their new home. I built it from melamine and supawood and am actually rather pleased at how it all turned out. The plants also don't seem to complain and are finally showing some real growth. I am in the process of cunstructing a bank of high power red and blue LEDs to augment the spectrum of color to the palnts. Will let you know how it all turns out.


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nice box you made majic.. is there a way to move the lights or you have to move the plants up and down?
No Floridasucks, I dont move the lights as they are fited above two panes of glass to isolate the heat from the lights. I do however have a coverable window in the back, which is open to a North-facing window to allow the lovely SA sun to do it's bit as well.
As soon as I notice any stretching, I wiil make a plan to include some form of hoist for the plants themselves. I'm also hoping that the LED-array I'm currently constructing will help to "bush them up" a bit.
Thanks, it's my first attempt so I'm hoping....well, not my first attempt at carpentry (I do it for a living)....I mean the growing of course. Can't wait for flowering time, well actually two plants have accidentally gone into flowering what with all the hullabaloo surrounding the manufacturing of the greenhouse. (both girls though)
Florida, I took your advice regarding raising the plants toward the lights. It's a temporary measure, but I simply placed a piece of white masonite on an upturned bucket and placed the plants directly under the glass separating the lights from the greenhouse-area. It has only been one 18 hour light-cycle and I see a definite improvement already. The top of the tallest plant is now approximately 10 inches from the MH. The bottom of the glass panel feels completely cool to the touch, so I think my heat-extraction is working a treat! As a result, I have no fear of the plants even growing to touch the glass in the event that I am unable to adjust the height of the shelf. Will definitely make a more elegant plan for raising/lowering the shelf than the bucket as soon as more time is available, he he. I also still want to waterproof the floor and cover the walls in reflective material. Right now there is income-generating work at hand and something has to pay for all these new toys!
nice man. sounds like you have some bud in your future.

my friend made something similar to you light box. its a bank of cfl's in and enclosed box with a peice of glass on the bottom. it works great and the plants can be touching the glass it wont burn them.
After two 18 hour photoperiods I have now noticed that none of the plants had grown any taller (easy to check with the plants sitting right underneath the glass pane - probably no more than 6 inches from the light), however there is some serious action going on lower down! I will work on a more elegant method for raising or lowering the plant-base when I get some free time.
By the way, can anyone tell me how long it will take those two cheeky 4 inch high flowering ladies to revert at 18 hours of MH loving per day.
I'm having to take a quick business-related scouting trip to Durban. I think my first stop will have to be at the very first dealer I find that sells Durban-poison. It is a classic local pure sativa-strain, with a reputation for a stunning buz. If I'm lucky, 1/4 of the baggy will be seeds!