He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

sorry to hear it. i bet your young so be cool and move on. take this opportunity to find something better - time for an upgrade!!
Yea pretty much. God said not to lay our hands upon woman. But I will no doubt defend myself if some chick comes out of nowhere at MY MOTHERS home and starts talking shit and punches me in the head. Seriously if that guy was legally living there and had a shot gun registered in his name he could of blown her into little pieces. Think before you do stuff people. Don't think you are the craziest/baddest person cause their is always someone bigger and badder and ready to step up to the plate. First hand experience.

yea true dat...i think the last think you would wanna do is have a gun pulled on you or vica versa...you just gotta be patient and hopefully lol like my ex was dumb enough to do,wait for them to show up at ur house and then you can leagelly beat the dust off there asses..seriously a cop came to my house after i hit her and asked me if i owned the property,i said yes and they took her to the hospitle and i never got charged with anything! :blsmoke:


LOL thats why i blew my ex's grill out..she tried to swing on me and she got he nose broken..right in front of her new man...apperantly she was feeling as if she had the balls of a man but in the end she got knocked the fuck out lol



:clap:wow.... what a man you are :roll::finger:
Do not throw rocks at a tree because that tree may fall on you. If you hit a woman for no reason then your a jerk. But your less of a man if you get bullied by a female and allow her to abuse you. Seriously.

do you have some issues with being "bullied" by females??:oops::oops:...
do you have some issues with being "bullied" by females??:oops::oops:...

Not at all im good but who has the right to put your hands on someone because you don't have a penis? I never got why it was ok for a girl to pummel a guy and the guy to just be cool with it. You hit me man or woman and momma said knock you out!:bigjoint:
Not at all im good but who has the right to put your hands on someone because you don't have a penis? I never got why it was ok for a girl to pummel a guy and the guy to just be cool with it. You hit me man or woman and momma said knock you out!:bigjoint:

thats because you have no respect for women... you dont have to kick her ass to protect yours... wuss:lol:
:clap:wow.... what a man you are :roll::finger:

yupp...im not a man because i socked a girl that was yelling in my face and smacking me around...im sorry if i dont take shit from anybody regardless of sex...clean the sand out of your snatch gogrow..im sorry if you let people push you around maybe in your past but yea i dont care if your a man or a women if you act like you gotta set you can get knocked out like you have a set. :bigjoint:


Proper up-bringing tells you that you DO NOT HIT WOMEN unless you are one.

yupp...im wrong because i defended myself regadless of sex....im sorry im not a pushover..and who the fuck are you to question my upbringing? i was raised not to but when you dated a whore for 5 years that fucked your homie in your house while u were sleeping and many other people..go eat a fat bowl of dicks ya bastard :finger:

Not at all im good but who has the right to put your hands on someone because you don't have a penis? I never got why it was ok for a girl to pummel a guy and the guy to just be cool with it. You hit me man or woman and momma said knock you out!:bigjoint:

just ignore them man they apperantly are a select few of the ppl that are still completly blind to facts...FACT if anyone hits you in the face KNOCK THEM THE FUCK OUT regardless of there sex
so your trying to tell me if a girl drillz you in the balls you should just sit there and take it? fuck that noise..that chick is gettin knocked the fuck out..! unless you have absolutely self respect and just wanna "take it all in stride"

yupp...im wrong because i defended myself regadless of sex....im sorry im not a pushover..and who the fuck are you to question my upbringing? i was raised not to but when you dated a whore for 5 years that fucked your homie in your house while u were sleeping and many other people..go eat a fat bowl of dicks ya bastard :finger:

your "homie" fucked your woman under your own nose and she deserved the beating? wrong priorities man, He deserved the beating, unless you were unsure that you could take him? That makes sense take it out on her tough guy. :dunce:
your "homie" fucked your woman under your own nose and she deserved the beating? wrong priorities man, He deserved the beating, unless you were unsure that you could take him? That makes sense take it out on her tough guy. :dunce:

try reading my past post asshole i beat him with a ballbat...so yea im sorry if your wife/gf wears the pants in the family and you may just take it on the chin...but like my homie said earlier if you hit a girl for no reason your an asshole..but if you let your women run your life and push you around your just a hairy vagina with no spine..kinda like the FRENCH

I'm guessing you took it on the chin ALOT. From a lot of girls,(and probably a few dudes I'm suspecting) to feel like you have to defend yourself. Do the women you see usually fuck around on you?
I'm guessing you took it on the chin ALOT. From a lot of girls,(and probably a few dudes I'm suspecting) to feel like you have to defend yourself. Do the women you see usually fuck around on you?

hey man im not the gay one...im not the one with the hammer of thor as there icon..so how long have you played dnd/warcraft? sorry im not a vagina and dont get pushed around...but hey theres always the world of warcraft right?

I've never played any of that shit. The hammer is because of my heritage. You could defend beating women as being cool as much as you want it still doesn't make it right. The rule is that you do not hit women. Show me an example where it is justified? Because she cheated? not good enough. Because she could probably kick your ass? still not good enough. Enlighten me....