Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

How much do you think top quality bud should cost/oz?

  • 50

    Votes: 71 12.9%
  • 100

    Votes: 79 14.3%
  • 150

    Votes: 93 16.8%
  • 200

    Votes: 110 19.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 81 14.7%
  • 300 or higher

    Votes: 118 21.4%

  • Total voters
I do grow my own. and it turns out AMAZING for VERY little money/effort.

so whatever, I grow high quality bud and I believe it should be atleast half as cheap as it is. apparently the majority of RIU doesn't. THAT"s why I want this thread closed, it's demonstrated the general opinion of RIU and it doesn't seem to be getting much better from here.

all I've been seeing are biased indoor growers who don't even account for the high quality and cheaply grown outdoor gardens.
Hey poplars, I like you bro, but you need to realize that other people have an opinion too. And you may not like it, but you made a thread asking people's opinion.

Why don't you sell your bud for 150/oz? Start a trend. I'd buy it if I was in Cali.
I'm not much of a seller, but if I ever sell bud to anyone that's the max price it will be.

and yeah sorry I'm getting a little worked up over this mass bias here. it just doesn't make any sense if you think about it logically.
The general weed buying community isn't the smartest bunch of people. I try to think of myself as a great buyer. Then there is the general population who have never sold weed before so have no idea what goes into it.
Most dealers aren't growers. They aren't making as much profit as you think. The growers could sell for 150 an ounce. alot do. But you got to buy in bulk because if you're selling ounces all day everyday for 150 you're going to have alot of traffic. So they sell pounds for about $2400 to keep traffic and suspicion down. Then the guy that's buying pounds for 2400 might sell a QP for 850. That's only a thousand profit. That's around 30% profit. Sounds fair. Most convenience stores have a bigger profit margin then that. If you're paying 850 for a QP when you break it down that's about $215 an ounce. When you're paying that much does $300 really seem out of the question?
I do grow my own. and it turns out AMAZING for VERY little money/effort.

so whatever, I grow high quality bud and I believe it should be atleast half as cheap as it is. apparently the majority of RIU doesn't. THAT"s why I want this thread closed, it's demonstrated the general opinion of RIU and it doesn't seem to be getting much better from here.

all I've been seeing are biased indoor growers who don't even account for the high quality and cheaply grown outdoor gardens.

Again I fully agree with principle. Indoor is not necessarily better (and for many a grower, could be far worse) and growing outdoors is far cheaper, and the retail price should reflect this.

The unfortunate part is that while most people have a closet or some space to spare...even more people do NOT have a safe place to grow outdoors....OMFG I wish I did! Someday (soon) it will not matter legally here in the promised land, but keeping the neighbor kids from helping themselves will take a little security in the urban world from which I can't wait to emigrate!

My opinion has been that without the very largest of setups, indoors, $150 a zip is charity work...not that that is bad.

Now if you extend your 150/oz taking into consideration the incredible yields you can get...stick with me here...I can flower 6...Each yields about 1-2oz....outdoor the yield/plant could easily be 10x greater...but! indoor could produce 2 crops in this time so we figure the outdoor yield at a very low 5x the yield on the 6 legal plants....with this one could say that if the indoor grower gets $200 for a zip...outdoor SHOULD be priced at 20% of indoor (yields 5x not to mention free light, microbes, established balanced ecosystem with predators, free ventilation and cooling, and at least supplemented water and nutes!) either outdoor should cost only $40oz or if $150 is actually the price based on cost and value...indoor should cost 5x as much (like out of season produce!!!) or a whopping $750!!!!!

Of course that is ridiculous...but this is purely logical if looked at from a wider vista.

Now...I am assuming that we are talking about a medical assuming that someone was illegally just selling the meds they are to grow for themselves, and we know this is done, a 6 plant indoor grow yielding 2oz/plant (I wish!) @ $300/ounce would be $3600...two grows during the long outdoor grow...$7200.:-P

A 6 plant outdoor grow, 1 pound/plant @ $150/oz...$14,400.:o

I am not suggesting that outdoor growers sell for $75/oz...just trying to add perspective.

The general weed buying community isn't the smartest bunch of people. I try to think of myself as a great buyer. Then there is the general population who have never sold weed before so have no idea what goes into it.
Most dealers aren't growers. They aren't making as much profit as you think. The growers could sell for 150 an ounce. alot do. But you got to buy in bulk because if you're selling ounces all day everyday for 150 you're going to have alot of traffic. So they sell pounds for about $2400 to keep traffic and suspicion down. Then the guy that's buying pounds for 2400 might sell a QP for 850. That's only a thousand profit. That's around 30% profit. Sounds fair. Most convenience stores have a bigger profit margin then that. If you're paying 850 for a QP when you break it down that's about $215 an ounce. When you're paying that much does $300 really seem out of the question?

This is also makes sense.

that's why produce is free.

When I go to the grocery store I seldom see anything priced at $4000 a pound. There was that time when there was a bad hurricane and tomatoes went to like $5 a pound and I was like wtf what a rip off. So how do you think it's realistic that it should cost thousands of dollars to grow a pound of pot? I thought you were supposed to be experienced!
now that's interesting, $100 and $150 have been steadily rising. lets watch them keep rising people ;).
I voted $150, because that's how much I wish a good oz cost. But sadly, to a dealer it matters fuckall how much I want to pay.

Poplars, I understand your frustration that the majority of people here disagree with you about how expensive good weed should be. BUT, you have a seriously screwed up perspective of how the illegal marijuana trade actually works.

there is NO SUCH THING as legal marijuana in the United States. Period. Just because you live in a state that allows for MEDICAL use, does not automatically mean you're allowed to grow fields and fields of cannabis.

People who grow large amounts of cannabis to sell are doing something very risky (yes, I know, nobody is forcing them - but I for one am damned glad they're taking the risk, or I'd have no pot to smoke) and they feel quite justified in charging whatever price the consumer is willing to pay. This is what a free market economy is all about. YES, the fact that it's illegal makes it easier for growers to feel justified in charging an arm and a leg. YES, if cannabis were legal we may very well see the prices drop. Would it be dramatic? No, probably not at first, and maybe not ever. Why not? Because the sad truth is that most people are not going to grow their own. There aren't going to be thousands of people going out and starting cannabis farms, causing an influx in the market or anything like that.

Why not? Well, because anyone who is interested in growing cannabis is probably already doing it - despite the fact that it's illegal, and maybe even *because* it's illegal (because they can charge as much as they want and there's very little competition). Just like legalization probably wouldn't cause any dramatic rise in the number of smokers, it wouldn't really affect the number of growers, either. It would likely be years before we'd see any real "commercialization" of cannabis, or any major existing forces in agriculture planting fields of marijuana for recreational use.

What's funny is that you constantly attack anyone who doesn't share your opinion, but your opinion seems to be very narrow. It's obvious you're speaking from the experience of someone who has grown cannabis for his own use, but never in large quantities and never to make a profit.

You're arguing that milk should be free, because we can all walk up and squeeze and cow's titty, when that really isn't the case.
When I go to the grocery store I seldom see anything priced at $4000 a pound. There was that time when there was a bad hurricane and tomatoes went to like $5 a pound and I was like wtf what a rip off. So how do you think it's realistic that it should cost thousands of dollars to grow a pound of pot? I thought you were supposed to be experienced!

Bad analogy dude...lettuce just does not make me as happy as Cannabis.

Now a nice size tomato could weigh 1 pound...peeled and sliced could easily eat a half a pound to a pound in one serving....and still would not be high:-P

So 448g= pound @ 4K/lb=$9/gram....maybe consume 1/2g per session...$ you are freaking high as a kite and the $3 tomato tastes like a million bucks!

Do not forget...a farmer can legally cultivate as many tomato plants as he wants in plain view....also may get a USDA subsidy when times are rough. Nobody is gonna kick in your door and thump you upside the head for a tomato matter how sweet they are!

Again @ ~10 bucks a gram...Fine Cannabis seems like a freakin' steal!

Now honestly I would not know where in hell to score bud that cheap...Delivery collective charges $65/3.5g....street dude...$55...Dana Point Compassionate Care $75-$80 for top shelf:shock:

I wish I used to know someone like me...people in socal seem odd to me...everybody thinks they are so cool...but most are just rednecks who live in sand...Beachnecks!

You're arguing that milk should be free, because we can all walk up and squeeze and cow's titty, when that really isn't the case.

Good one! :clap:

hayduke, I was using the analogy of someone else. They were pointing out how weed shouldn't be free just like produce shouldn't be free. Does it actually cost 1000 times more to grow weed? Short answer is no it doesn't! And around here $10 a gram is street prices, anything more is robbery! Gotta love Canada!
hayduke, I was using the analogy of someone else. They were pointing out how weed shouldn't be free just like produce shouldn't be free. Does it actually cost 1000 times more to grow weed? Short answer is no it doesn't! And around here $10 a gram is street prices, anything more is robbery! Gotta love Canada!

Yeah, I got that...Another thing to consider...the price needs to be compared to dried produce...ever bought a little bag of sun dried tomatoes or dried baby morels...pricey...but still not over priced like Cannabis, but again the effect!

Another way to look at it is bottled water versus vodka

Guess I'll just smoke some more of this almost free Headband! bongsmilie

$300~350 oz for kind buds
$375~420 oz for haze/dro/Purple Kush
$440~470 oz for Grand daddy Kush/Sour D
$550 paid once and bought once of russian something...It wasnt white russian. And the weed smelled like PAINT and no it wasnt laced..LOL

This is my local prices and it SUCKS. But too bad the weeds to dam banging to stop buying...I dont sell only smoke a ton so its kinda pricey for me. About $200 a week down the drain......
im still waiting to see Poplars 35$ dollar outdoor OP that grows pounds... at least a pic or 2 come on..lets see some evidence why ur weed is so pleniful and bomb that its actually worth less...
Prices are way to high out here in Plano, TX (suburb of Dallas). I've seen stuff as high as 200 a quarter ounce. Always medical grade but ridiculous if you're dumb enough to pay dat shit.
Once in awhile I like to take a 10mg. Loritab to get the party started quickly.

Around here 10mg Tabs go for about $3 each.
I think the price for a Tab is a bit insane, mostly due to the fact that anyone can fake a back injury,
and say to the doc that they have a high tolerance to pain medication so they can get 10mg. tabs.
I've seen people get 100 Tabs for $10, while using their prescription card.
That's a 300% profit.
I know that this is entirely different than the prices of weed.
Weed that is grown indoors takes a shit load of risk, money, and labor.
Tabs, are simply bought at the store.
Loritabs is a plentiful drug that anyone can get a hold of.
If memory serves me they are an opiate. Personally I think all opiates should be avoided like the plague.
Lortab, the big blue...just like hydrocodone but lil stronger..i thought it might contain an anti inflammatory with the active opiate hydrocodone/vicodin/tylox. . . very similiar to oxcotin, cept less potent.