

Active Member
Quick Q has anyone used sugar during the flowering stage?? Ive been told this increases yield tenfold would like to know if this is just hearsay or not




Active Member
I use molasas. 1 tbsp per gallon every other feeding. Organic only. It's not sugar but it's got alot of complex sugars and small amounts of other nutes


Mr I Can Do That For Half
do not use sugar whoever told you this is retarded and does not grow. You can use unsulpher black strap molasses or products derived from it such as sweet,sugar daddy, carbo load,Sweet leaf and such. Add molasses at a ratio of 2 table spoons per gallon of water in hydro each res change. In soil use it every other watering no more then 3 times a week...what your after here is the carbohydrate which allow more nutrient intake and usage which increases resin out put which means sticker heavier buds. Dont forget to flush at end of grow


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that people take sugar and roll there nugs into to add final weight. A cash crop bitch move. But ive never heard of them using it to fertilize or anything. I would go with molasses any day.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Anyopne who would roll buds in sugar is a dumb ass too but if you bought buds with suagr considering it looks way different then thc sugars would make that person even dumber and desreved to be ripped off..Common sense will prevail...I hope


Active Member
Well plants produce glucose durring ptsys but I don't think giving a plant just basic sugar would work to help the process


Well-Known Member
Ive heard that people take sugar and roll there nugs into to add final weight. A cash crop bitch move. But ive never heard of them using it to fertilize or anything. I would go with molasses any day.
must taste great to smoke!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Suagr doesnt have the carbs that your after in it and is useless as it has been refined and the molasses removed ( if from cane new sugars from corn dont have the same thing). Have you ever smelled or tasted burnt sugar it is horrible and will make you puke... I know dumb people but I dont know 10 dumb enough to buy buds rolled in real sugar that makes you a danger to society if your that dumb


New Member
To clear things up ten fold hell no but it WILL help but it also WILL make the bugs love ur op. I personally have no access to molasses atm so I am using c and h sugar and it undoubtedly helped. To the post a few up. Chances are they did grow they just weren't arrogant. Sayin if u use it u don't grow is truly dumb. Sugar has carbs weed likes carbs end of story. I would use sugar in the raw if ur forced to use sugar however yes molasses is what will make ur plants shebang. Sugar does and will help but usually the side effects (bugs, sticky mess if u spill the water) usually make it not worth it. I am using it for two weeks now and am starting to see bugs so I stopped last night and hit em with some don't bug me but I will say they DID show a difference while getting sugar. Note I only used a 1/4 tbsp per gallon and it only took two weeks for bugs to find their way in.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol keep using sugar as the refined sugar does not have what your plants use. Your just adding increased chances of mold and insects. Take a bit read the scientific data and research that was use to confirm the upatke and output achieved from non sulphanated un refined molasses and you would understand regualr suage does nothing for a plant sorry its unusable in that form as they remove what the plant needs and thats called molasses which comes from sugars natural form. brown suager has had a small portion added back. Plain white sugare from the store has none of what your after and has sulphur in it so it is actually not good for your plants as they cant use it and it reduces what they can uptake.. some newer grows dont do the research and think just adding anything made the grow better. using regualr sugar did not help your grow in fact i guarantee you lost potential potency and weight.sorry its just fact


Active Member
Well impressed with the replys on this i should be able to get molasses from my local hydro shop and ill go this way. Ive currently got thai ss and an afgan strain on the go put into 12/12 tonite looking forward to the results.
Thanks guys the advice from diff growers is Very helpfull and much apreciated :)


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If they have it and they should get Grandma original unsulphured black strap molasses about $2.68 a jar it works the best..just never add to an aero setup..good grows


Well-Known Member
Right, so therefore if its ok to use refined sugar, so coca cola must be like a super plant additive the added caffeine would make the plant grow super fast. Like has already been said sugar has been refined the carbs the plant use are not present in refined sugar.


Active Member
Im using a bio bizz all mix soil grow under 400 hps grolux ive currently been using baby bio plant food ( now i know most growers will laff there tits off @ this lol) but after quite a few grows and using canna a/b cannazyme etc ive getting best results by far by using baby bio lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
No you can not use suagr and coke doesn not use real cane suagr in the US anymore only in the mexico plants we use a corn based sugar in pop now called a dextrose mix. Its molecular structure and taste is different. So you dont even have the molasses bits as you would from unrefined cane sugar


Mr I Can Do That For Half
tried bio nutes before and hated them.. imstill a big fan of Fox Farm..canna is good but exspensive for the correct lineup... i am going to be running new humbodlt countys Emerald Traingle nutes soon as I know people whoi do and I am impressed so want to see.


Well-Known Member
No you can not use suagr and coke doesn not use real cane suagr in the US anymore only in the mexico plants we use a corn based sugar in pop now called a dextrose mix. Its molecular structure and taste is different. So you dont even have the molasses bits as you would from unrefined cane sugar
was not being serious mate. That was an attempt at sarcasm!