cross polinating two breeds, name?


Well-Known Member
I'm just starting to get into the technical aspects of marijuana, I have been growing for about 10 years now and want to get into breeding. I still dont know much about breeding except cross pollination, so say i have one strain thats male (lets say ak 47) and I have another strain thats female (northern lights) and so if it was possible to mix the 2 strains together, do i actually have to keep somewhat of the same names of the mother and the father. like northern lights ak47, or northern ak47 or something or can I name it something completly different of my choice? If not how many different breeds would I have to cross to able to name it myself, basically what I am saying, how would I go about making my own breed?
Also indica and sativa, would it be possbile to breed them together or no? I really look forward to any of your feed back, even just try to answer part of the question, happy toking :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cool I have two strains

1) DonkeyDick
2) Strawberry Jam

so my crosses could be

1) ?
2) Donkey Spread

I need cooler starting strains


Well-Known Member
Name it NLxAK47 F1.. Truly, even that only really applies if the parents are relatively true-breeding themselves.. Once you got your NLxAK47 F1s, back cross them 6-7 times, introduce some new (prefereably landrace genetics) then back-cross 6-7 times again, then pick whatever name your little heart desires..
(Yea I'm a nazi about jumping the gun on new strains!)


Well-Known Member
For stabilized, predictable, quality genetics.. Sorry, but yea..
So in 2015 watch for "Randy's Rocket" That cold be a high of all higjs strain. I'll staert work when I'm not so buzzed, if I remember.

But if I make a strian for now it will be "Randy's Rocket".


Well-Known Member
Landrace genetics are extremely stable traditional strains.. And As far as which parent you backcross to, that depends on which tends to pass the traits you're trying to lock in..


Active Member
I can't wait to do this once I've got some more stable living conditions. I've got a crap-ton of random seeds that I'd like to mix around with some of my other plants later on. They could produce some very interesting results if the Chinese seeds turn out to be any good. I've got two growing now for a test run to see what sort of traits they tend to have.


Well-Known Member
cool I have two strains

1) DonkeyDick
2) Strawberry Jam

so my crosses could be

1) ?
2) Donkey Spread

I need cooler starting strains
aww dick jam??? thats gross i wouldnt smoke weed with that mane if you crossed those two

name it Death.

Source:Katt Williams
katt williams shit is called deaf, DEAF nigaa take to hits of this shit and you cant hear shit. try being less stoned when you watch stand up

iva had cannabliss before, the guy at the clinic told me snoop dawg smokes that shit:lol:
thats one hell of a sales pitch. if its dank id belive it. but now im gonna start saying i have cannabliss and thats what snoop smakes, he gave me the seeds

OP- this is your chance to come up with your own goofy name like alaskan thunderfuck or pineapple express