holding your smoke in


Well-Known Member
Ok so i was always under the impression that holding your smoke in for longer gets you higher but i was browsing the forum and came across someone saying that this doesn't work and just causes oxygen deprivation, is this true?


Well-Known Member
Yep. No point in holding your breath. You take it 90% of the THC within the first 5 seconds.


Well-Known Member
Yep. No point in holding your breath. You take it 90% of the THC within the first 5 seconds.
See this guy right here cant really site any real sources. After all they say 90% of stats made up on the internet are fake. C what I did there???


Active Member
ive heard that too, seen it on uk420.com and sure they had sources............


Well-Known Member
i didnt know that. maybe now i can keep from coughing from that dank and keep from puking lol


Well-Known Member
anybody can put something up on wikianswers, your gonna believe the first guy who comes along with an answer? how do u know he knows what he's talking about? i want a real source, not some internet gossip site.


Well-Known Member
theres one way too solve this, one day take a few hits and hold them in as long as u can, the next day take a few and dont hold them in (of the same bud ofcourse) now think of how stoned u were each day. Problem Solved :)


Well-Known Member
theres one way too solve this, one day take a few hits and hold them in as long as u can, the next day take a few and dont hold them in (of the same bud ofcourse) now think of how stoned u were each day. Problem Solved :)
a natural stoner will forget the high he was day the before and only focus on the preset and yesterday.


Well-Known Member
I think this is bs. I've always noticed that when you hold it in longer, you get higher. That's not to say that if you hold it in for like 2 mins your gonna be way higher than say if you had held it in for 42 secs, there is a limiting point but it is most definitely not 10 seconds or some shit like that. Its more like 20-30 seconds.

Me personally, I count down to 42 seconds in my head everytime I take a hit.


Well-Known Member
Best of both worlds. Inhale - hold for 5 seconds - blow 1/4 out - take a deep breath - hold for 5 seconds- blow out - take a deep breath - keep going until you are out of smoke / vapor. You will be able to hold for a long time without the oxygen deprivation.


Well-Known Member
Best of both worlds. Inhale - hold for 5 seconds - blow 1/4 out - take a deep breath - hold for 5 seconds- blow out - take a deep breath - keep going until you are out of smoke / vapor. You will be able to hold for a long time without the oxygen deprivation.
yep and then you'll be able to differ from a real headrush from weed or a headrush from lack of oxygen.


Well-Known Member
LMFAO louis you putting the crazy kid in his place there was fucking hilarious.

Holding in your smoke isnt going to get you any higher, hold it for a few seconds and youll have all the thc.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
theres one way too solve this, one day take a few hits and hold them in as long as u can, the next day take a few and dont hold them in (of the same bud ofcourse) now think of how stoned u were each day. Problem Solved :)
Exactly like this only i think it can be done the same day. I've tried it and personally I think you get more out of each hit the longer you hold them, or it could just be the lack of oxygen adding to the feeling of euphoria. Maybe a little of both.