16 days and nos flowering


Well-Known Member
hey . i been on a 12/12 cycle for about 16 days as of today , and nothing at all the only thing im getting is larger stipules and the internodes are swelling up . is that anytype of sign of flowering ? im growing a giga bud hybrid. its already 2 feet talk and nodes are alternating. but thats about it and im sure it nots an autoflower and its not getting any taller then 2 feet . also here is a link to show pics of it . from the other threads . please help and i hate the 2 hr drive to check on it every 3 days lol


please help me and give some advise.

im using stealthy hydro nutes 8-21-22
is that good enough? please give some very good tips and thanks. and if your asking about the bulb its a 400w mh 4200k

Dolce Vita

Active Member
it might not be getting any bigger cos the pot its in is limiting the growth... those pics dont really help.

i think you just need to give it more time. sorry i couldnt be any real help dude, good luck tho!


Well-Known Member
it might not be getting any bigger cos the pot its in is limiting the growth... those pics dont really help.

i think you just need to give it more time. sorry i couldnt be any real help dude, good luck tho!
its like a 2 gallon pot and i dont want it any bigger then that man . i jus want it to flower and i seen other plants in smaller pot flower and etc so thats not the issue.


Well-Known Member
its like a 2 gallon pot and i dont want it any bigger then that man . i jus want it to flower and i seen other plants in smaller pot flower and etc so thats not the issue.
it does seem long to be not flowering, but some just takes time....i was @ week 2-of flowering and saw very little bud production....at 3rd week it started and by 4th it seemed to of caught up......maybe try flushing the plant, and then give it some time....its not the pot size as i flower in 1.6gallon pots and harvest nicely.



Well-Known Member
it does seem long to be not flowering, but some just takes time....i was @ week 2-of flowering and saw very little bud production....at 3rd week it started and by 4th it seemed to of caught up......maybe try flushing the plant, and then give it some time....its not the pot size as i flower in 1.6gallon pots and harvest nicely.


i flushed it and then i just fed it today actually at 7-16-21 in nutes so i hope that works out. it smells good but nothing is happening and i will be pissed if its bunk and doesnt flower


Active Member
I'm sorry to say but your plants look like male plants to me.I've been growing for years and they look
male to me.sorry just my opinion!


Well-Known Member
what do you think it is? because the plant smells good , but its not flowering at all so i dont know
I'm sorry to say but your plants look like male plants to me.I've been growing for years and they look
male to me.sorry just my opinion!

that could be a possibility...BUT idk if its the only plant then just leave it be and wait....some plants just slow starters.....some finish great some dont.....pends on the strain & its genetics.



Well-Known Member
double check the possible light leaks and maybe the timer is failing you on 12/12? Next time try some bud blood the first week of flower. 10 days in they will have buds and tichs galore!


Well-Known Member
double check the possible light leaks and maybe the timer is failing you on 12/12? Next time try some bud blood the first week of flower. 10 days in they will have buds and tichs galore!
no i checked the room i went in there and its dark very dark and the time is good its a digital one on at 6 off at 6


Well-Known Member
ok, if you haven't ruled it out I would try to check the 12/12 cycle if it goes on/off while your not there to insure that isn't the dig. timer failing? Otherwise, what is the strain? Bagweed maybe or some other LONG flowering cycle sativa? If it's a seedbank send em an email directly and ask if this is norm? If it's a young plant and less then one month old the guy above may be right that it hasn't finished veg. on it's own? IF that is the case your flower cycle wont start anyway till it's old enough to flower. Regardless of time you want every plant needs a veg period weather you throw it in flower from seed day one.


Well-Known Member
matbe it hasnt finished veg yet.

but if the nodes are alternating then it should be done and mature by then and it only grew 2 inches since i had it on the 12/12 cycle . and its been veging for like almost 2 months bro from late april i can say. its still growing them little things that looks like shoots like internodes i can say that so what do you think ?


Well-Known Member
now im pissed because my timer tuns off 15 mins early now so im going to adjust it and what should i do just put it back on to 18/6 or what ?