Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

How much do you think top quality bud should cost/oz?

  • 50

    Votes: 71 12.9%
  • 100

    Votes: 79 14.3%
  • 150

    Votes: 93 16.8%
  • 200

    Votes: 110 19.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 81 14.7%
  • 300 or higher

    Votes: 118 21.4%

  • Total voters
Another analogy for the outdoor/indoor cost/price argument:

I think most would agree, that buds have some intrinsic gold...regardless of whether it takes lots of care or if you get lucky.

A gold miner back in the day...If he came across a nice big nugget...he was not compelled to sell his gold at a lower price...nor would a miner who found only gold dust expect to get more than the market value of the gold.

Another analogy for the outdoor/indoor cost/price argument:

I think most would agree, that buds have some intrinsic gold...regardless of whether it takes lots of care or if you get lucky.

A gold miner back in the day...If he came across a nice big nugget...he was not compelled to sell his gold at a lower price...nor would a miner who found only gold dust expect to get more than the market value of the gold.


I seriously don't think you can compare something that grows out of the ground and has many different properties to something as rare as gold.
the truth is all of the people who grow the chronic,(the good stuff) don't sell it they just keep it for persy, the stuff that usually is in high volume is commercially grown, and its just plain shit that does not get you high!!! all of the really good stuff never gets into the hands of a dealer, and it really blows
in my country prices are crazy
rich kids will do anything around 150usd for a gram of some mexican.
lol some chump change
So refreshing to see the $300 oz. people stomping the $150 oz. people.

End this garbage thread already. "Grow outside it's cheaper" is not even an argument. Just not feasible for the majority of us.
So refreshing to see the $300 oz. people stomping the $150 oz. people.

End this garbage thread already. "Grow outside it's cheaper" is not even an argument. Just not feasible for the majority of us.

you obviously don't understand this thread.

it's about what would happen if it were legal. what the price would actually cap out at, if the market were in conditions of perfect competition.

growing outside would be feasible for the majority if it were legalized. your argument isn't even an argument . . .
I just gave away 1.5 pounds completely free, no cash transaction, no barter no nothing.... didn't owe them anything at all.... free weed, :). I spent about 750 to grow 2.38 lb.'s I have 10.5 ounces left, :)
Another analogy for the outdoor/indoor cost/price argument:

I think most would agree, that buds have some intrinsic gold...regardless of whether it takes lots of care or if you get lucky.

A gold miner back in the day...If he came across a nice big nugget...he was not compelled to sell his gold at a lower price...nor would a miner who found only gold dust expect to get more than the market value of the gold.


Value is in the eye of the beholder my friend..... :)
Weed should be free, like air.

I want to be able to skip down the road picking buds of wild plants and dancing like a retard... but alas, no, i have to pay money to get some and then i have to smoke it out of the way as not to get busted.
Come to New York and start talking your shit.
You'll soon realize as your face is being smashed in......That your wrong.

just because there are idiots in new york stupid enough to smash my face in over weed doesn't mean you're right in any way.

in fact new york is still very black market over there so it's not surprising prices of weed are insane.

sorry but you guys still have failed to justify these high prices. though some of you have came close, you all still fall short somewhere. there's a big flaw in this system and prices of weed will not stay up above 300 or even 250. but you don't need to take my word for it, it'll be legalized within the next 5 years /somewhere./ then perhaps you can see what the prices will truly cap out at.
haha come to NY, haha. internet tough guys. most ill deal with is 250 and thats only so i can get rid of bulk at 200. hey lets over charge so we dont have to get jobs. as soon as it legal, what are you people gonna do? nobody with truely good intentions says keep it illegal or charges an arm and leg.
I want to be able to skip down the road picking buds of wild plants and dancing like a retard...

Don't forget in this pipe dream...the proposed state tax in Ca is $50 per oz....this does not include the inevitable local tax. Factor in the cost of the State license fee to grow and the yearly renewal (these are not just get a note from the doc or become a caregiver)...thousands in fees.

Marijuana is a commodity. Commodities do dot drop in price. We will see a drop if you consider the $500/oz price you see on the wall at the clinics...but they are just crooks compassion involved...regardless of what it says on the door.

Maybe with all the costs and fees, commercially grown legal marijuana will be <$150/oz...but as with most things, you get what you pay for...Commercial "Marlboro Weed" would not be flushed, cured, manicured and nicely packaged for the bong...It would be mechanically stripped from the main fiber stalk and then mechanically chopped (stem, leaf, bird shit and all) into a uniform product. The excessive keif would be collected and used in premium products.

Some people pay $12 for a six pack of beer...others refuse to pay the high prices, or to compromise on quality and grow their own food and medicine, brew their own fine beers and produce their own fuel....Others smoke trash compacted Mexican Brick each their own.

Legalization will not come from enlightened compassion for the sick or the incarcerated...It will come from the necessity of gathering enough clams to live...scarcity, competition and greed...coming to a resource rich country near you!

Grow Your Own!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the ONLY way to reduce the by reducing the demand...the price should only be for a convenience.

But this won't happen! Americans are too lazy to dig a hole...And only in the Western world do people have "Hobbies" that involve work ;)

Despite the fact that I give herb away for free (I usually spend less then a lot of people to grow it too), I can understand perfectly well how the price system works, and even AGREE with it in some cases, even if its $300+ dollars.

just for simplicities sake:

Whole setup costs about $2500- lights, ballasts, nutes, water, rent, space, pots, soil/medium, wall lining or paint, table's or res, airstones, CO2 tanks, clones or seeds.... etc etc. then there is the ongoing expenses like more rent electricity water..... and beleive it or not time does COST money. 1 hr a day say in the room with the plants= 30 bucks a day for 90 days= 2700 in ninety days..... and say off this set up you get 3 lb.'s

Well sell the first two for say 3200 (200 a zipper) and you get most of your money back in your pocket... with nothing extra but the other lb. and then you can smoke it, eat it, sell it, give it away.

Let me put it this way. Unless you have grown lb's and lb's and lb's don't even bother trying to price pot, because you simply just don't understand...... and don't forget you have to pay your trimmers (herb or cash, either way it comes strait outa the pocket)..... or spend a huge amount of time doing it yourself (loosing out on other moneymaking opportunities or enjoyable events). Now lets assume your disabled with two kids, a single parent, huh, lets assume you just lost your job you can't get unemployment disability workmens comp or any state aid, and your LUCKY enough to have a harvest coming.

You tell me 400+ an oz for that extra lb. isn't fair for those kids to have clothes, diapers, wipes, food, a room of their own, lights, toothrush toothpaste, maybe some toys, or some gas to get them to the park. Formula is $16 for the small can, baby goes through a can in two or three days.... How about car insurance, car payments to get these kids to the doctor? How about paying for babysitter as you go look for another job even though your disabled, because this harvest is only going to last for this month and you have three months before the next harvest and only 15 days before next months rent/mortgage is due???

And then when you do move out...... remember when you flooded your table and it didn't drain and water spilled all over and you flooded your carpet/garage? Or how about the nice electrical job you had done just to run the op that the owner didn't know about and is charging you $1000 to fix? hardwood floors rotted out? spilled some nutes on accident and that stain doesn't come out??

Again: Unless you have grown lb's and lb's and lb's don't even bother trying to price pot, because you simply just don't understand
hey all, I'm sure this issue has been posted about before, but I want to get a poll on this about what people think weed is truly worth.

to me, I believe top quality bud is worth no more than 150 an oz.

but I would like to see medium to high quality bud for 50-100 an oz.

I'm just starting the thread on that note, I will explain why later on when I'm not tired and just now thinking of the thread.

so anyways I'm going to setup a poll and you guys vote on what you think the price for top-quality bud should be. and I don't think the prices should be jacked up just because someone wants to pay 10,000 dollars for their indoor setup that someone could achieve with less than 300 dollars.

anyways, let the discussion begin.

edit: by the way, we're talking in US dollars here. $$$

Now that I'm growing it, I realize weed is priced perfectly. This is fuckin hard work, man. And the electricity costs, cost of nutrients... Fuck that. Pay the man his money!