First time LED grow


Active Member
Noted- Thanks for the feedback, I moved the lights closer. What should I be feeding them? I have just been using a 2-5-2 and its liquid, like 2 drop's to 2 liters of water and I go threw that in like a week or longer.


Well-Known Member
Noted- Thanks for the feedback, I moved the lights closer. What should I be feeding them? I have just been using a 2-5-2 and its liquid, like 2 drop's to 2 liters of water and I go threw that in like a week or longer.
I don't like to give my seedlings nutes for the first two weeks but yours appear to be doing fine, just don't go upping the dosage anytime soon. Give them maybe another couple of weeks and then try increasing the strength slowly every week until you reach the bottle's recommended level. Later on when you're ready to induce flowering you'll need a different bloom nutrient, something with more nitrogen than what you have now.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the tips. I will keep posting pics as often as possible, or when it can be noticed. I have a dual window fan in the bottom of a cabinet and router'd out some holes in the shelf for air flow.


Well-Known Member
Ventilation is always good, though your light probably doesn't emit much heat at all. What kind of array are you using? I came close to getting a Lightblaze 400 before my funds dried up. I'll be sticking to tried and true(and hot) HID for the foreseeable future but I'd love to get an LED when I can scrape together enough coin.


Active Member
60 Blue light LEDs: 465nm (nanometer) wave length
165 Red light LEDs: 650nm (nanometer) wave length

They are custom built pannels by my father in law, he's got a electronics enginering degree.

The temp in there stays at about 77 degrees humidity I don't messure but I would say its 60%


Active Member
oops that's per pannel, so there's a total of 900, He can get some cool shit so I got some spec's for him and told him what I was looking for. Next 2 weeks went by and he droped em off to me.


Active Member
I would have to say some where in the range of 100w not over that, but close to it. but that's total spread out in a cube.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Just keep that light close and it's all good from there. Have you thought about using supplemental lighting during flowering, perhaps CFL's?


Active Member
I still don't know yet. I don't think I will, I should have enuff spectrum off tho's lights to flower tho's 2 plants just fine with out having to use something else....Depends on how it goes tho. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I haven't seen many successful LED grows. The ones that came out well used either T5 or CFL to boost coverage and penetration. Maybe there are some grow journals that I've missed, but most LED grows I've seen resulted with fluffy buds. Definitely not comparable to the tight, dense nugs you get with HID or CFL.


Active Member
Good point I have read alot of failurs too, that's kinda why I wanted to try this first, money can always be made, also I dissagree with some of the things peeps do with there LED's such as: plant to LED ratio, growing area/ streching the LED spectrum, Crappy LED pannels, tho's are the main things that I am paying full attention to. Meh, I guess time will tell.....


Well-Known Member
You want honesty right? LEDs are a big time waste.

Go CFL's, I'm a noob and I wouldn't even waste my time with em. Most of the specs are complete bull shit.
research it on RIU a bit, plenty of hard core plp with tell you they suck balls.

Just tryin to help Bud how it goes well.


Well-Known Member
OHH, wait 2-3 weeks for nutes/ferts otherwise your prob going to burn them which is much worse than a deficiency to fix.