Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

First off.... Ur welcome C3PoH2o :wink:

Second, let's just cut to the crux of the biscuit (that middle dent where the butter melts mmm) with Christianity. It's plain and simply a STOLEN religion. Old testament... JACKED! New testament... JACKED!! The whole thing is stolen from others and then used against those others!! It's a bit of insanity......a cruel twisted insanity. Paul of Tarsus JACKED Christianity and then that pollution was repeated by the other gospel authors (completely anonymous writers of a perfect truth no less!) and the Romans through Constantine honed it into a slave religion.

Yes, you may kill and be completely forgiven. That's a neat bit of sophistry..... There is however ONE immutable sin which CANNOT be forgiven.....:lol: It's almost too funny, if it wasn't sadly true......Carny trick incarnate!

You will suffer eternal damnation if you are shown the word and turn away from it.

Everything else, rape sodomy, incest, murder, worries there. All will be forgiven, but not NOT believing in the MYTH, oh that one is UNFORGIVABLE. That doesn't even make sense, unless someone is seeking total control. If there is a G*D, I'm pretty confident that G*D is confident, and already in COMPLETE control. So why the damnation? Unless it is a MAN made CONCEPT of CONTROL. :roll:

Lawdy, how the meek are truly the flock. Baaaa.......

You are off balance on many topics but I wont go there today. There is a reason why there are 2.1 billion people on this earth that are Christians.

Fact of the matter is not either side knows but that's why they call it faith. Science can't prove where we came from. I'm happy that I know Jesus and when my time comes I'd rather of known him than not to of known him.

The only unforgivable sin is blasphemy, which is few and far between.

People are so unimaginative nowadays that mixed in with what the school preaches its easy to see why people don't have faith. Here's an example of this today heck people are so unimaginative they have to use a cardboard cut out of a bear to get the point across! I'm not preaching the bible I'm just saying.
Please, tell me why there are 2.1 billion Christians? It's a popularity contest? Shucks, and no one told me.... they can't all be wrong!!!! Right???? :lol: Lawdy....

I merely question the SOURCE of your THEORY. Please xplain the Bible to me.... not the content....I know the content.....explain IT....what is IT.... run down the complete history of the Bible with dates, times, authors, who published it...everything.....because unless you can back all of that up, you don't have a source that you can quote from with any accuracy at all.
I was gonna blab on about imposing will and blah blah but "Steve" got it all down. I was raised in a strict catholic family, was forced to go to church in the Military, now that I am not required to attend services or seek the acceptance of a flock of people or whatever, I am personally freer to express myself not bound by a schedule and not confined by the teachings of a novel. We are made of one waved thier hand or pulled a finger (fart joke) and said oh look what I made. Believe in what you want,bongsmilie don't belive what the book tells you to do.

Definitions of apostate on the Web:

  • deserter: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
:? Ok, Ok... how in the hell is any of this helping the kid that asked the question? See thats why I hate religion lmao....just help the guy that asked the question. This threads not about us and our beliefs, its about a 18 y/o young man with a genuine question.
gee u found a name for me how nice, now you can bite the hariest part of my ass. See if I was a Christian I would never say that.
Please, tell me why there are 2.1 billion Christians? It's a popularity contest? Shucks, and no one told me.... they can't all be wrong!!!! Right???? :lol: Lawdy....

I merely question the SOURCE of your THEORY. Please xplain the Bible to me.... not the content....I know the content.....explain IT....what is IT.... run down the complete history of the Bible with dates, times, authors, who published it...everything.....because unless you can back all of that up, you don't have a source that you can quote from with any accuracy at all.

[FONT=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica]We also believe that ultimate, saving Truth is found only through God’s Son, Jesus Christ.

and that's an unbiased source yeah?

how do you explain that the jesus story is almost an identical parallel to hyroglyphics found in eygyptian pyramids etc, from thousands of years before jesus's time? and i believe there were a couple of other examples of this as well.

Life without Jesus has nothing to do whether life is clear or not. CrackerJax the more I say stuff about the topic the more you dig stuff up to look for answers, hate to break it to you but there are no answers! This is actually bad since I actually turn you more away from Jesus, because your ideas become more concrete to you. I wish you the best of luck and if there isn't a God I guess you get an extra cookie.
and that's an unbiased source yeah?

how do you explain that the jesus story is almost an identical parallel to hyroglyphics found in eygyptian pyramids etc, from thousands of years before jesus's time? and i believe there were a couple of other examples of this as well.


BTW...satanism originated from the egyptians.
and that's an unbiased source yeah?

how do you explain that the jesus story is almost an identical parallel to hyroglyphics found in eygyptian pyramids etc, from thousands of years before jesus's time? and i believe there were a couple of other examples of this as well.


Because the stories, metaphors in the Bible are all taken from that time as well. Dead Sea Scrolls, a lot of things go into the making of the Bible! Explaining the Bible takes a PHd and even that isn't sufficient enough to explain anything! It's a faith, that's all. But like I said I don't want to be the one that concretes your guys ideas. I still have much to learn about the Bible and its been an incredible journey.
Life without Jesus has nothing to do whether life is clear or not. CrackerJax the more I say stuff about the topic the more you dig stuff up to look for answers, hate to break it to you but there are no answers! This is actually bad since I actually turn you more away from Jesus, because your ideas become more concrete to you. I wish you the best of luck and if there isn't a God I guess you get an extra cookie.

And if there isn't a god...what happends to you?
One more thing, I used to be exactly like you guys! I'm not kidding when I say that statement. However I've been through events in my life where I know the Spirit has touched me. I've literally gotten answers from God. It sounds like hocus-pocus but until you guys go through something like it, you wont believe. I promise you he will touch your lives sooner or later. Now I'm Bible thumping. Silly me.