why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

i moved house wen i was 14 and didnt know any1 then 2 of d bois from school asked me do i wnt ta go for a smoke so i gave into piere pression nd now 4 years later here i am nd 2 of dem are lyk my best friends now and since then im smoking every day

thats top noch shit thats for shareing
These are good storys, keep em comming, I get bored at work, so when the emails flow in it give's me a reason to stop what I'm doing......
well first smoked when i was like 13 didnt really do it again till i was 15 then it was a done deal..... i love it all my problems just seem dumb when im lit i just love everybody more patience, im kinder the world is just a better place i clean my whole house ..lol.. now im 28 and still toking but the price of weed has caught up too me thats how i came across this website the economy got me thinking outside the box..lol.. so im trying to grow a lil something i hope it works well see....
well first smoked when i was like 13 didnt really do it again till i was 15 then it was a done deal..... i love it all my problems just seem dumb when im lit i just love everybody more patience, im kinder the world is just a better place i clean my whole house ..lol.. now im 28 and still toking but the price of weed has caught up too me thats how i came across this website the economy got me thinking outside the box..lol.. so im trying to grow a lil something i hope it works well see....

yeah i notice that weed prices has gottin outof hand even brick weed is crazy you have to buy it by the oz now to get a blunt or two

but your start up story is like mine i had stoped for a while then when i came back i hit it harder then ever

and i am a big fan of regular weed so to see you have to spend $10 to get a blunt i was blown away then the weed man tried to offer me some weed with a name (kush, jack, big ben, branson,etc) but i couldent bring myself to pay $25-$50 for a blunt that shit is crazy
i only smoke by myself so reg. is great for me
I started smokin when I was a freshman in high school. I was over at a friends house and another friend came over with a little bit of reggie wrapped in tin foil. We poked some holes in a coke can and fired it up and we all got blaaaazed. Good times, I miss the paranoia because in a way it made my high more intense.

I think I smoke now because I just enjoy being relaxed and when I am not high it is difficult for me to get to sleep (I have sleeping problems, always have....) so it helps with that and it also helps me to eat more than I normally would which I can benefit from since I am trying to put on weight. Also got bad back pains but I really haven't smoked anything that has made my back pain go away.
thank for stoping by ....make sense?

next caller please

I was in high school when i first smoked a bowl. Shit was awesome, was like my life flashed before my eyes and I just opened up and everything was better. Started doin it just to have fun and relax, also made me more open bout all kinds of shit. Also have OCD ,anxiety disorder, and insomnia... weed knocks that stuff right off the map so I can function. MJ is the healing herb.. :peace::weed:
it first started for me with my cousins just chillin over summer break before my senior yr in hs 3yrs ago. theyd been smoking prior to that, so of course i was trippin all kinds of shit tryin to hang with the heavyweights lol. then....it graduated to being a medium to relieve the extreme stress in my life from the pain of poverty and very-near homelessness. i would just fly away from reality in any number of ways...i would think about the innocence of youth,poetry,reading, play games, just watch tv or even just stare at the sky. im sure you guys can relate in some way. now that im in a better situation i mainly smoke because its fun lol i smoke with my friends to mellow out the mood or by myself and listen to some freshly downloaded music. makes me slack off more than id like to admit though, still trying to iron out those kinks haha
i hear you i stay in norcal an 1/8th is 45 or 40 on a gooday..lol.. i dont work only my man does and he dont burn thank god..lol.. could you imagine.... shit i prefer an 1/8th a week well i was up too like 300.00 a month so im really being strict with myself it was fun while it lasted but we bought a house and we gotta pay that rent so i aint got it like that no more... so im back back to my dubs and lil 10 sacks i feel like im back in highschool ..lol..
I cant remember when i first got high, not because of memeory loss but because i was a sporadic smoker very young. I smoke now for lots of reasons, the one i appreciate most at this time in life is the amplification of feelings. Weed helps me be more aware of my feelings and how others make me feel, weed doesnt allow me to get to familiar with myself, im still full of suprises, still find some things amazing like a little kid, which is nice. The worst is knowing im a criminal and as such could lose a lot because it.
The first time i smoked weed was when i was like 5 and i smoked from that point on just cause its what the older homies did, not cause i was getting high cause i wasn't, And i don't know why, i didn't feel stoned until the 15th time or so when i was like 11. that was fifth grade and i was the black sheep of that school everyone called the stoner loser kid I didnt realize it then but damn i was a young smoker, no wonder parents hated me lol. Ive always been a few steps ahead of the rest. Since i was raised in the Mean streets of fortworth,southdallas area and im white, You wouldn't know what im talking about unless youve been there. When i was about 10 i moved to the burbz and started blazing all the time. Became a mellow person and forgot my violent past. I thank god every day for Weed cause i had a real bad attitude towards life. And loved chaos. but now i just get high....:peace:
I smoke now because the government says its illegal despite their promoting stuff like alcohol and cigarettes which are FAR worse for the body and mind.

I smoke now because my GF smokes and we love getting silly together. It inevitably leads to some tanglin' between the sheets. B)

I smoke weed now because I finally have a solid connection!

I'm trying to grow weed now so that I don't have to rely on unreliable weed dealers!

I was first introduced to weed in high school, many moons ago. A girl I was dating "broke MY cherry", but I didn't really get high the few times I smoked with her. then, in my senior year in high school, during the National Honor Society trip in upstate NY, I got invited to a girl's room for some weed. When they started passing around this huge (or so I thought at the time) bong, I got totally nervous and asked, "What the fuck is THAT thing? I don't know how to work that!" After a simple lesson, I took three relatively big rips from the bong and got so wasted . . .
I first smoked weed when I was 13. My sister and brother are major stoners, so it wasn't new to me. The first thing I ever smoked out of was an old soda can with my sister, sitting on the rocks over looking the valley. I've been smoking ever since, and I don't plan on stopping.

I like the feeling, it makes me happier, and all my worries disappear. I love weed.
I could quit, but I choose not to, 'cause it makes me so happy :peace:
I smoke wed because I am addicted. Hahahah kidding. Im funny.

I started when I was about 13, mainly did it back then to be cool and it felt good. Now adays I do it to relax. Nothing like sitting around watching a good movie/show while blazing it up.
My first time was when I was like eighteen, which was late compared to some of my friends. anyway we fogged out by homie's van riding out to West Palm Bch. I remember we stopped at Burger King and I swear that was the best Burger King I ever had, but real talk I still smoke at least a few times a day for several reasons. for one it's a habit, I mean an actual seeming necessary part of my daily routine. Also I like the way it makes my mind work. I've had some of the most intellectual conversations stoned. I think what I most enjoy about burning is making music while high. I could be just sittin there thinking about the most mundane things while smoking and BAM!!! Outta nowhere I get a beat in my head. before you know it I've spent two three hours at my computer putting the beginnings of some brilliant hip hop together. Then to sit back smoke some more while listening to what I created and sometimes I get a second blessing and the words just start to flow, almost as if they are'nt coming from me but from some unseen force guiding my thoughts. Yeah, that's the best way I can describe what I get out of weed.
Started last year when the love of my life walked out on me...wa wa wa, anyways I smoke weed everyday, about 3 grams a day. I am very much addicted. I cant go more than 4 hours without smoking or I get flu like symptoms and become extremely anxious.

It sucks but its my way of coping, guess im not as strong as others.

I have a :joint: in hand now.
I started when I was 13 with a friend of mine. As of now I don't smoke. I have not smoked any in almost 4 years. Only because the weed here is garbage I don't want to smoke the shit here and the good stuff is not that great either and cost too dam much.It use to be good quality weed I duno where it all went i guess I smoked it.