Global warming is a FARCE. Al Gore is starting a new multi- billion dollar tax scam, that will inevitably be paid with our blood. You know the new carbon tax, and cap and trade system. It's the new get rich quick scheme Al Gore and his buddies cooked up for us. It is not going to change anything, only what they tell you to believe will change. These movies are marketing tools, as well as the Discovery green channel and all this green crap. Granted we are some wasteful people and we need to change our ways. But do you want to see the cost of living skyrocket? Because it is, as soon as all these companies we depend on to manufacture, grow, distribute, and buy from raise thier prices due to operating costs associated w/ the new taxes. They jacked up the prices on oil last two years and everything we buy and need wentup. Well the gas prices dropped below normal, but the prices for food and other stuff didn't come back down as a result. We are slaves in an Orwellian, totalitarian, fascist country and this green guilt trip they are trying to lay on us is BULLSHIT! Visit for the truth, and don't rely on the propaganda spreading corporate news. Oh and watch the Obama Deception on youtube.