High dreams



So another post inspired me to put this thread up...because I know its pretty cool for me atleast and thought I would share it :P.

Anyways, when I smoke within a few hours of falling asleep (especially if I smoke good weed and/or I'm super high) I tend to have the most lively, exciting dreams that I almost always remember in the morning. When I don't smoke I don't really dream much at all, but when I do smoke, I dream about my future, movie plots, crazy far away trips, I meet people that don't exist or I've never met in real life, I go places I've never been or places that don't exists. All of this I find incredly intriguing because in my past experiences with dreams (without weed) I always dreams that involve people I know and places I've been.

I actually had a dream the other night about a girl who is my 100% ideal dream girl...and she doesn't exist. How's that for crazy haha. I talked to her, learned her name. Hell I even almost had sex with her before I woke up.

The craziest part is that I have alot of dreams that seem like horror movies, but they don't scare me and I don't watch horror movies lol. Yesterday I had one about a possessed 6 month old baby that could walk around because it was possessed. It would just walk around the house at night opening doors and stuff, but it was just a little baby, it was freaky!

So yeah, I've heard that pot is actually a dream inhibitor...I guess I'm one of the lucky few or something? How does pot affect your dreams? Is it good or bad...or just nothing at all?


Active Member
Your a lucky man to have dreams like that, i rarely have any dreams my doc says is because my consciousness is way above normal..anyways that dream girl you had a dream about is somewhere, you just have to find her.
So yeah, I've heard that pot is actually a dream inhibitor...I guess I'm one of the lucky few or something? How does pot affect your dreams? Is it good or bad...or just nothing at all?
Definitely an inhibitor for me. I used to have very vivid dreams before I started smoking. When I take my T-Breaks my dreams come back full force. That's the only reason I take them anymore.


Your a lucky man to have dreams like that, i rarely have any dreams my doc says is because my consciousness is way above normal..anyways that dream girl you had a dream about is somewhere, you just have to find her.
yeah man, lol I'd certainly like to beleive she's out there, I don't beleive in soul mates and all that jazz, but it certainly would be cool to meet that girl one day, It would be love at first sight for me atleast (I do beleive in that :P)


Well-Known Member
this might sound a little crazy but i was watchin the 9th season of d.b.z the other night with my kids and vigeto was kickin buus ass. any way i went 2 sleep about 3oclook in the morn. just to wake up an hour later screamin cuz i was dreamin i was goku tryin to deflect an energy blast from destoryin the world lol-- i know yall prob. dont know what im talkin about but its still crazy but at the same time it was kind of awsome!!


Well-Known Member
Goten, you always have some wierd shit to say. :p DBZ is the shit. I downloaded everything but the cell saga a couple months ago and just can't find it in myself to delete them.


Well-Known Member
Goten, you always have some wierd shit to say. :p DBZ is the shit. I downloaded everything but the cell saga a couple months ago and just can't find it in myself to delete them.
dont delete them! go ahead and get the cell sega ( witch is killa ) and keep them and pass them down to your offspring if you have any. if you dont you will one day and they will love it. d.b.z will one day be a rear collectable!! :peace:


i have almost every uncut episode from almost all of dbz...I LOVE it...Its a guilty pleasure though, haha I think I was too old for that stuff when I was 12


Well-Known Member
i have almost every uncut episode from almost all of dbz...I LOVE it...Its a guilty pleasure though, haha I think I was too old for that stuff when I was 12
i got them all!! but i didnt start watchin it till i was about 22-23 im 31 now but i caint stop watch it lol plus my kids love it! :peace:

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
i got them all!! but i didnt start watchin it till i was about 22-23 im 31 now but i caint stop watch it lol plus my kids love it! :peace:
Jeeze, funny you guys are saying that, I'm going through season 1 again. Downloaded them and put them on a DVD and watching it on a tv. I used to watch them when I was about 12 or 13 and loved it. I remember watching from the first episode. Lasted so long that I literally grew up watching it. haha

I used to like watching it because it was violent as shit but I watch it now for old times sakes. That and the DVD's of some sagas are $100...


Jeeze, funny you guys are saying that, I'm going through season 1 again. Downloaded them and put them on a DVD and watching it on a tv. I used to watch them when I was about 12 or 13 and loved it. I remember watching from the first episode. Lasted so long that I literally grew up watching it. haha

I used to like watching it because it was violent as shit but I watch it now for old times sakes. That and the DVD's of some sagas are $100...

yeah when I was growing up I remember planning my day around 5PM every mon-thurs cuz that when a new epidsode of DBZ came on haha good times... I would love to get blazed and watch a few episodes :P


Well-Known Member
yeah when I was growing up I remember planning my day around 5PM every mon-thurs cuz that when a new epidsode of DBZ came on haha good times... I would love to get blazed and watch a few episodes :P
shiiiiit i like gettin blazed and playin the game on the ps2 ( dbz budaki ) vegetas final flash attack is the shit!! :peace:


shiiiiit i like gettin blazed and playin the game on the ps2 ( dbz budaki ) vegetas final flash attack is the shit!! :peace:

this is what happens when your stoned...you go from talking about dreams, to budokai for the playstation 2...wtf haha


Active Member
haHAAH yea i had a crazy ass dream thee other night so long to explain but it was the dopest dream and i had smoked some kush right before i fell asleep to

grow space

Well-Known Member
Just yesterday-i smoked at midnight 2 joints and soon after that i went to sleep.i saw this beautiful beach, where the water was so clean.we went on a trip with someone and i met this perfect superb beautiful girl.we chilled out and do all sorts of fun stuff and then.BAM-Its porno time-yeah, had a good dream sex lol but weird thing is i remember the sex part the least:( anyway,, when i woke up i was so bummed cas it was so beautiful dream:) and now its over.

keep dreaming ya all....


Just yesterday-i smoked at midnight 2 joints and soon after that i went to sleep.i saw this beautiful beach, where the water was so clean.we went on a trip with someone and i met this perfect superb beautiful girl.we chilled out and do all sorts of fun stuff and then.BAM-Its porno time-yeah, had a good dream sex lol but weird thing is i remember the sex part the least:( anyway,, when i woke up i was so bummed cas it was so beautiful dream:) and now its over.

keep dreaming ya all....

yeah that sounds like the dream I had about that one girl haha


Well-Known Member
i be havin some far out dreams man. like once i was sitting at a table playing dominos with jesus christ in the middle of the ocean and i even felt the water on my feet. and as we were playing we were talking about life and my goals and the things im not doing right in my life. it was so crazy but very insitefull


I beleive dreams are almost like windows into your self consciousness and can even go a little deeper than that. Almost like vision...I guess the interpretation really determines how far it actually goes though.

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
A little off topic but has anyone ever died in their dream? If so, what happend, did you wake up? I noticed a few times I would have dreams where I was falling from something and it felt exciting without being scary.

I had a dream once where I was racing cars up the street, except I was in a peddel bike. I remember going up this him but at the top I just kept going through the air and fell back on the ground. As soon as I hit the ground I woke up.