the not important enough for a thread, thread.


Well-Known Member
This is just a place to post random stuff that happens, that you want to tell about, but it's not really a big deal. If you follow me.....

I'll start.

Today, I was hangin at a friend's house, and I told him we should smoke. As we're sitting there getting high with his cousin, dude asks my friend if he can have some weed. This is the conversation

B:Dude, lemme have some of this weed.
J:Fuck you, this shit don't grow on trees!

That's when I started busting out laughing and they couldn't figure out why.


Well-Known Member
Today i was flicking at a bee that was climbing on a screen door and it landed in a spiders web. The spider proceeded to attack the bee i had inadvertently doomed. It was like the discovery channel o_O


Well-Known Member
Today, I was hangin at a friend's house, and I told him we should smoke. As we're sitting there getting high with his cousin, dude asks my friend if he can have some weed. This is the conversation

B:Dude, lemme have some of this weed.
J:Fuck you, this shit don't grow on trees!

That's when I started busting out laughing and they couldn't figure out why.

I would of laughed to!!:lol:

Well, this one time at band camp. This girl had a flute.... Oh wait I bet you heard that one.;)


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see this guy? He can flow pretty good.

I'm gonna start using this as my video thread.



Well-Known Member
today my exwife has to go to court for non payment of child support. the bitch only has to pay $50 a mounth for my 3 kids.( thats all 3 kids ) not $50 per. child. and she about 4mounths behind but shes in court for it today. shes has a job. but she dont try to give the kids nothing but she trys to hit me up for everthing she can. she been haven random men give her shit then out of the blue she got merried in the court house the other day. lol and she still wont leve me alone she called me this morn. on her way to court and ask if i would come up their and drop the child support if she would pay my probation fees. cuz im on probation ( thats fuckin stupid ) i said if you can pay my probation fees for me you can pay for these kids that you dont pay attention to. and i hung up on her. so now im just wounder whats goin to happen???


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get really high really quick because I have to go see the new harry potter movie. So I packed a bowl, and a GB bowl.
I've been hitting the bowl while checking RIU, then I'll walk into the kitchen where I just filled the GB to take a hit. Then I'll walk back to the living room to check rui, while hitting the pipe, then I'll walk back to the kitchen. This went on for 10 minutes before I thought to sit the GB on the coffee table in the living room.


Well-Known Member
i was lookin for this thread to talk about my pb.and jelly.. couldnt find it..maybe i was just..:bigjoint: but its found now...:lol::lol:..:peace:.. funny ass cat.heheh


Active Member
Well you said 2;14 EST I scratched my ass, Now this wasnt your average thru the shorts scratch this was hand on ass diggin into the asscheek scratch. One that only a guy could fully appreciate but none the less, it was a great scratch. :-?


Active Member
Well you said 2;14 EST I scratched my ass, Now this wasnt your average thru the shorts scratch this was hand on ass diggin into the asscheek scratch. One that only a guy could fully appreciate but none the less, it was a great scratch. :-?

I'm eating these Baskin Robins soft candies...these ones taste like mint chocolate chip ice cream...Best $1.10 I ever spent.


Well-Known Member
OK, let me start this story off by saying I fuckin hate bugs.

Last night, I was taking the trash out at around 2 AM. (I was stoned and forgot it.)

as I was bending down to pick up a can, I felt something land on my back. Now, keep in mind bugs in florida aren't to be fuckin played with. I attached an image so you can get a general idea. So I fucking flipped out because I was really high at the time. I took off running, hit the street and kept running. I pulled my shirt over my head, trying to get it off, and just before I got it all the way off, I'm still running full speed, it's pulled over my head, and BAM! I hit a mailbox. Right in the stomach. Knocked the wind out of me.

I get up, pull the shirt off, look around, and see my neighbors all pointing at me laughing there asses off. They thought I was high on meth or something.

Oh yeah, the giant bug that landed on me? Turns out it was a leaf.



Well-Known Member
thats funny bro. lol... i just got in from cuttin my grass..i got a hug yard that i cut with a riddin lawn mower..well this lawn mower has a cup holder on in for your drinks.. i had some sweet tea in a bottle...i also had a :bigjoint: to toke im cuttin the grass..and while cuttin my :bigjoint: feal on the floor panel..well since i was :eyesmoke: tring to cut my grass.. my dumb ass bent down to pick it up while it was still goin forward instead of stopin it first.. next thing i know my neck is being jacked up into the front of the lawn mower cuz i ran into a tree while bendin down to pick up my :bigjoint:..damn my neck is stiff right now.. i think i need some bio-freez..hehe


Well-Known Member
Today at work my boss said there was an odor in the mens restroom. She thought it was a problem with sewer gases or something.

So I told her about this stuff called ONA Gel...

She quickly ran a google search for it and ROLLITUP.ORG was the very first search result...

She clicked on the link and was like "What is this?" "Marijuana growing?"

We both laughed..... but for different reasons :hump:


Active Member
Ok first things first it's 0940ish EST. I am well into my second bowl of the morning and am watching my DVR'd episode of "The Venture Brothers" from Adult Swim.
Hank Venture is laying and the bottom of the pool, unconcious, and Dean his brother is alerting thier temporary Nanny.. Molitov Koktease (she's a Mercenary) anyway the scene cuts to Ms Koktease giving Hank mouth to mouth ,which of course Hank wakes up and begins using his tongue, Molitov pulls away complaining of milk breath and Dean points out to Hank that the Apaches are Back!!!....
Well the Apaches have pitched a tent in Hanks shorts according to Dean and Hank starts running around the pool yelling my shorts are haunted my shorts are haunted......
Well I was laughing ......:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
my dog woke me up this mourn. around. 8:30.. i let her out so she could piss.. i packed my bongsmilie full of w.widow. and now. im :eyesmoke: watchin pinapple express..hehe.. i tried watchin it last night but i was so :eyesmoke: that i feel :sleep: so now im givein it another shot..heheh


Well-Known Member

i really dont wanna go to my court ordered drinking class tonight!!!! :evil::evil:

i went drunk and stoned last week lol but i think the guy knew...