B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !


Well-Known Member
Vegi Box !


Going to be buying 300 of these


Going to be cloning over 200 ........ Possible.. check out these pictures... I cant keep up with the growth of these plants atm...

i am sure they'll be over 100 clones.... :)

Pics ..

1. AMS !!!!!!!! Lovely plant... cant wait to smoke her beautyfull fruit !

2. Maple leaf... fucking awfull stucture...

3. My haze Strain.. DWRS Haze

3. All together... moved clones out, gona stick em under a t5...




Well-Known Member
Oh dear mate not good, well thats rodents for ya.

yup............. starting to think i will get rid of them. doesnt matter what my girl says.. there going !!!!!!!

I've got loads of plants going atm. theres no point in losing them over some fucking stupid mice, I dont care if there in there cages... but if they get loose... uhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu its awfull man.

i regret saying that mice are nice :D !!!! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there little bastards :D hahaha....... :peace:

mr west

Well-Known Member
I keep finding either dead or diein mice that my cats catch and play with, sometime they dunt fin ish em off and i have to which breaks my heart but i cant see an animal suffer.


Well-Known Member
day 10 - Shots from yesterday night.


I nearly killed all my clones ! :D !!!!!! LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Totally forget that they need water aswell :D ! LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

opend up the dome today and puff.... this horrible site struck me... loads of leafs turnd brown.. and some were wilting :S

hahaha..... oh well..... i got loads of clones to come soon :) !



Well-Known Member
day 11 :)


slowly getting there...... :) im very glad the haze havnt stretchd as much as they did the first time.

dont want to tie evrything down again, i think i lost yield there majorly.. :S

so this time i'm gona make up for it..

going to be sticking a second ventilation system up there... :)

just to make sure temps stay nice and even ;)




Well-Known Member
Day 12 Flowering

Vegi outdoor :
AMS left --- Haze right

AMS left --- Haze right



day 13 flowering -

I think the stretching has stopd... thank god it wasnt so bad as last run :) had to tiegh them all down... not the case now. the tallest plant is 28 cm's.. smallest is only 6 cms !

slow grower... but theres only 2 small ones.. the rest are all between 23-28cm's.. wich are in inches.. : 7-9 inches tall...




Active Member
Hey DWR,

Just gone through your journal. Some nifty stuff you got going on there. I really like the look of your outdoor AMS and Haze.

I kinda dig the idea also of growing many small clones and flowering pretty much straight away rather than a few biggies (avoids height issues). I think I'd do something like this if I had my own place. Landlord lives below so I've got to keep it pretty stealth and no space for a decent size grow tent (one that allows space for veg and flower) - hence my choice of LR2. Good luck! Subscribed


Well-Known Member
Hey DWR,

Just gone through your journal. Some nifty stuff you got going on there. I really like the look of your outdoor AMS and Haze.

I kinda dig the idea also of growing many small clones and flowering pretty much straight away rather than a few biggies (avoids height issues). I think I'd do something like this if I had my own place. Landlord lives below so I've got to keep it pretty stealth and no space for a decent size grow tent (one that allows space for veg and flower) - hence my choice of LR2. Good luck! Subscribed

cheers man :)

Its my first try zero veg..... + i know that my plants love to grow the 2 weeks before stoping.. so yeah i dont see the prob with it at all :D

hope it goes well ....

Sucks about the landlord, i guess you got to grow some balls :D jking.. but seriously... who cares, i had the landlord next to me.... and i still was growing fullsize... :D

if you get a carbon filter he wont realize its there :) :joint:


Well-Known Member
Mate awsome so far... Just starting my 3rd grow here and would be totally embarrised to show the pics compared with your multi strain grow. KEEP IT UP MATE. What country are you in to be out now ?


Well-Known Member
Mate awsome so far... Just starting my 3rd grow here and would be totally embarrised to show the pics compared with your multi strain grow. KEEP IT UP MATE. What country are you in to be out now ?
I live in europe somewhere :)

You shouldnt be embarrassed.... if you need any help pics help alot :D :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I'm in the U.k myself... why have you cloned AND GONE STRAIGHT TO FLOWER FROM THE CLONES ?? Would it not be better yeild wise to give each plant some time in the veg cycle ??

Just a question. It's good to get different ideas ??



Well-Known Member
Been reading you journal...just tuning in to soak up as much info as possible...im starting my first grow in a couple of days and i cant wait! u have some beautiful looking plants, i really see the advantage u get of cloning....i bet you will get 30g a plant..they look nice.....


Well-Known Member
I'm in the U.k myself... why have you cloned AND GONE STRAIGHT TO FLOWER FROM THE CLONES ?? Would it not be better yeild wise to give each plant some time in the veg cycle ??

Just a question. It's good to get different ideas ??

I can only imagin the roots being settled better... you see i flip'd the 120x120x200 box on its side.. so now its 200x120x120.... 2 meters length..

120 high..

I cant afford to veg any of these plants, cuz of the height they gain when i put them in flowering..

I totally understand what your saying, if I veg them the internode distance would be shorter resulting in a bushier plant.. resulting in yield loss... my expierence... also you loose room, i am aiming for 4 collas max per plant. hope to yield good like this now....

I will be veggin the maple leaf a week extra, thats why the other half aint filled up yet.. they have rooted succesfully yesterday.. leaving them to grow a bit before i stick em in there ;)

depends on the strain, with the time you'll get to know your plants and how the react... so i am hoping i hit the spot this time.

Been reading you journal...just tuning in to soak up as much info as possible...im starting my first grow in a couple of days and i cant wait! u have some beautiful looking plants, i really see the advantage u get of cloning....i bet you will get 30g a plant..they look nice.....
Thnx man, cloning realy has helpd me allot.... spared allot of time... work... :)


Well-Known Member
Veg Zone

Still have not cloned anything, would you clone with coco ??????

These little girls here had a fun time eating my himalayan gold ! very cute :)



Haze left - AMS right

Strawberries.... nothing around but loads of growth :)

Haze up close...



Well-Known Member
Cloning bay

Tryd to save the maple leaf clones... 12 of em left... most of them sufferd from dehydration... and hotness... hat to cut off most leafs :/

here's the result.. there going to sleep now outside.. hope to see some results in the next 3 days... then i will put em on 12/12 !

12 maple leaf..

pfff. the others all died... dryd all up :S guess had to much on my hands at the time..


