The UK Growers Thread!

What i think is pathetic is that every so called MP that says that weed cant be decriminalized have smoked or used canabis at some time in their lives, The whole system is a joke they keep the little man down by targeting home growers just to let the big orginizations profit from the gap in the market and not only that these people use the money made to fund more crime. If we do grow and sell some of our harvest the money helps us out a little, Where not useing our money to people trafic so who is comitting the real crime here its obvious to me that it is the goverment by shutting our small grows down they are helping the big crime organizations. I say that the government are commiting a crime because their is a law about aiding and abetting if you help someone comit a crime then you can be arrested for that crime isnt that what their doing everyday? by stopping us growing our own they are making space for crime rings to take advantage of the situation and they know this so why do it in the first place?. The only thing that they are doing is running this country into the ground stupid laws made by stupid out of touch people its time for change my people the western people are no longer free we have been supressed so much that now we just except it. Why should we sit back and let them walk all over us, If it wasen't for us they wouldnt have a job we pay the taxes so we should have what we want FREE THE WEED not just raipist, murder's and pedo's what their so fond of letting out of jail. They only think of whats good for them, So who is supposed to be looking out for us.
:peace: out.
I also know what you guys have been through i had an accident when i way young and have had pain for years afterwards i was addicted to pain killers codine, zydol that sort of thing but since i started smoking the dope ive been pain free and i mot useing anymore it was the codine that i was moastly dependant on if i never took it then i would be a wreak but not no more my friends now i enjoy my life weed set me free and i feel more healty so i say free the weed guys :peace: out.

hi guys new here, read this post and had to ask, i had a bad bike accident about 7yrs ago, smashed my knee and back, take a very high dose of codeine phosphate for the pain , like 150mg 4times a day, also been smoking bud for quite a while, do u know any good strains that realy target the pain reseptors??? any help would be grately appreciated as im going to end up with no liver the rate im going with these tablets!! thanx:-?
I also know what you guys have been through i had an accident when i way young and have had pain for years afterwards i was addicted to pain killers codine, zydol that sort of thing but since i started smoking the dope ive been pain free and i mot useing anymore it was the codine that i was moastly dependant on if i never took it then i would be a wreak but not no more my friends now i enjoy my life weed set me free and i feel more healty so i say free the weed guys :peace: out.

hi m8, how much codein were u on? and how did u get off it?? it is an evil drug and im a total mess if i miss just 1 dose!!!!
stomach cramps, figetty legs, irratable, cant sleep, tremors, and much more, its a fucking nightmare, i wanna get off them, how did u manage it m8?? thanx:peace:
i hate to say this but i did it with lots of weed and drink and just cut it out. same with the sleepers, tho i still take em now n again when i want a good sleep haha. your probably better just cutting down on the dose gradually.

i had a pretty bad burn about a year back n after 2 weeks of munchin codiene fozzies my guts were cramping like mental. not good when your backed up neither. i had to switch up the rotation like have codien for breaky paracetamols/ tramadol for dinner then ibruprofen a few hours later next day it would be the ibruprofen then codein then tramas. only way i coul eat sleep n shit for a month. fuckin harsh.
hi m8, how much codein were u on? and how did u get off it?? it is an evil drug and im a total mess if i miss just 1 dose!!!!
stomach cramps, figetty legs, irratable, cant sleep, tremors, and much more, its a fucking nightmare, i wanna get off them, how did u manage it m8?? thanx:peace:

Hi mate i was taking cocodamol 30/500 and coadine 30mg and i was also useing zydol but i cant remember the strenth but i was taking a lot every day when i started smoking i cut it down gradualy and i started to axarcise aswell to rebuild muscle function in my back and legs but it took a long time mate about 2 years to get off the prescription meds i wouldnt advise going cold turkey it will cause you a lot of pain and it could even set you back further but i was taking 8 or 9 coadine everyday with other meds and its no good now i feel healther and in more controle. But good luck my friend it takes time but its worth it inn the end :peace: out
BigBud - I'd advise to slowly cut down on codeine otherwise like WellGrow said, it could set you back further.

Aim on cutting down 1 or 2 tablets per week - this should be easiest.

As for strains that target pain receptors, go with any mostly or pure indica strain. They give you a heavy bodily stone and numb the senses. THC has also been shown to lower opioid dependance, so smoke more weed!
hi guys new here, read this post and had to ask, i had a bad bike accident about 7yrs ago, smashed my knee and back, take a very high dose of codeine phosphate for the pain , like 150mg 4times a day, also been smoking bud for quite a while, do u know any good strains that realy target the pain reseptors??? any help would be grately appreciated as im going to end up with no liver the rate im going with these tablets!! thanx:-?

White rhino is very good for pain relief is a fav with people suffering from pain. i have used it and its a great strain.

thankyou guys for all ur replies, problem is im taking 4 x 30mg codein 4times a day, i know to cut it down gradualy otherwise il have bigtime withdrawals. i tried just cutting them out straight away and i had unbelievable stomach cramps, muscle pain, massive headaches, and couldnt sleep, felt extremely irratable 2!!
god knows how these heroin addicts get of that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im just looking for a nice strain thats not to headfucking and coutchlocking that will ease my pain, i need something coz i cant live everyday in pain, if u guys know where im coming from i do appreciate it.
so i can get some damp shit for 140 its only slightly damp and dries out too real nice green. then you got that grit weed shit for 110-120. then the good shit is rangeing from 150 -160.
spy planes like that are a big worry if your not using cooltubes and running your lights through the night like me. i cant wait for winter haha
ok fellas..... i have a friend that has just gotten a big tent and is looking at having 20 ish girls in it. he's aiming for 2 Oz a plant with the intention of getting shot of it in one lump.

so question is how much are people paying for a Kilo of primo? i was doing some rough maths and guesstimating at somewhere between £4500-£5000

anyone have any idea?
fuck me bois ... yous are gettin ounces that cheap .. fuck im paying 200 an o even 220 at tyms ... nt its nt all gd stuff alot sprayed ... any1 want 2 go in2 biss ?? if onli i lived in uk mainland .