man.. that just sux nuts.. it is crazy to think that anyone is in jail for weed.. it is just sooo sad.. and they call this the land of the free... f me.. free my ass.. he is going to be nailed to a federal cross, and hung out to dry man, it just soo sux.. this country's drug laws are soo srewed up, and the fact that pot is even considered a drug is the biggest crock of bs out there.. it is legal to go out and drink yourself to death, or get your dr to scribe you some oxy's and get a habbit that will kill you, or make you wish you were dead if you tried to quit, but pot? forget about it.. totally illegal.. total bs.
and i just hope that this guy has some kind of scrupples when he is put under some heat by the fed's, and doesnt give them anything other than the shit that they found on their own.. i hope he didn't keep anykind of records and the like, but you never know.. just think that with all of the problems this country is facing, the worst economy in decades, millions of peps out of work, huge coorperations closing their doors after years , and here is our federal gvt. worrying about some guy selling some seeds.. great job dea.. i think the economy is going to rebound now. y they don't go after big companys that manufacture all of these legal pills and such is beyond me.. or is it.. it is because these companys are mulit billion dollar giants with arms soo long and hands in everyones pockets it is scary..
the whole thing just sucks eggs.. but as far as the person who said that you can't get weed in prison, they most be dreaming, but i would much rather be in my house smoking a fatty then behind bars doing the same anyday.. just hope that this case and others like it make us who are still free and not yet victims of the "drug war" realize how lucky we are, and just how quickly the walls can crumble..
i think that we shouldn't just remember this man who has fallen, but all people who are either in prison right now, or who are possibly facing charges as a result of our countries war on drugs today, and be hopefull that this silly war will soon come to an end.