fried at 420
Well-Known Member
haha this made me think about y2k wen peter started beating up the guy in the chicken suit or was it the chicken?
shame theres fuck all gold then isnt it? the only way the world will 'end' is when the sun implodes, which scientists say is in 2 billion years gonna go with the smart people on this one..So in 3 years can the world actually end? It sounds like another y2k scam for sure but i have heard hundreds of pretty legit theories on how this might actually come true. So i was wondering what the thc filled minds of rollitup have to say about it.
my personal favorite story is that in 2012 the plant niburu or "planet x" (google it) will come close to earth in its 2,000 something year orbit and when it gets close enough the aleins that live on that planet the Annunaki will come on down and take our gold to fuel their own planet. Some say they created us specificly to harvest this planets gold and they just come and collect it.
Its a little far fetched i know.. but what if?? im down to go hang with some aleins and convince them to take me with them wherever they go.
anyways.. what do you know?
Thats what Im saying too much real shit too worry aboutbeleave what you beleave we are heading to unsure times. a nuclear armed korea??? china taking u.s. place has the major world power? our rights has americans are being takin away from us year by year lil by lil. yall feel safe?
I'm pretty sure you're thiknin of an indiana jones movie.I think the very first 2012 theory I ever heard had something to do with crystal skulls. I did a fair amount of research on it(like 3 months) and found some pretty interesting facts about the properties of crystal quartz and how certain people including the Mayan's thought these skulls had some Divine power, very far-fetched story, but its my favorite one when it comes to 2012 theories.
Jesus vs. Our Next President sounds like the name of the best movie ever. I would hope Brad Pitt would be our next president and that Megan Fox would be Jesus.i brought this up in yogifresh's 2012 prophecy thread.
did you all know that the Catholics believe in 2012 a tall dark handsome, charismatic man who speeks many languages will try to take over the world, and Jesus Christ will rise again to fight him. and all the sinners of the earth will be wiped cleen, start anew.
when is the next presidential election?
*EDIT*- for the record i dont belive this bull. i just know it is believed by some people
The Catholic Church does not believe this.i brought this up in yogifresh's 2012 prophecy thread.
did you all know that the Catholics believe in 2012 a tall dark handsome, charismatic man who speeks many languages will try to take over the world, and Jesus Christ will rise again to fight him. and all the sinners of the earth will be wiped cleen, start anew.
when is the next presidential election?
*EDIT*- for the record i dont belive this bull. i just know it is believed by some people