Oh Goodie! ... More on 911 (inside job) :)

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"It doesn't matter at this point how much was use ... the fact still remains that IT WAS USED"

now why do most people still argue bout whether or not it was "inside" ? ...............Oh yea i forgot the mainstream media "forgot" to report the inside job. Dont we have any non-mainstream that can at least try to report this ? someone that has access to a TV ? Well i guess the main problem is Most of the people with scientific evidence are on these forums............ IS THERE NOONE OUT THERE THAT IS "important enough" to really get the truth out ? THERE IS 100% TRUTH OUT THERE but the right people aint reportin it....... will the government kill them ? well just in case anyone forgot :
U.S. MILITARY DEATHS (IRAQ): 4328 U.S. MILITARY WOUNDED (IRAQ): 31431 IRAQI CIVILIAN DEATHS: 151000 'EXCESS' IRAQI DEATHS: 655000 and i am pretty sure thats only Iraq...
this is why we HAVE to get somthing done ....... and i believe eventually it will get done..?
Anyways keep up the good work reb and drama and the rest of you guys who "care" !! Thank you for ALL the info, you guys are the best!

"It doesn't matter at this point how much was use ... the fact still remains that IT WAS USED"

now why do most people still argue bout whether or not it was "inside" ? ...............Oh yea i forgot the mainstream media "forgot" to report the inside job. Dont we have any non-mainstream that can at least try to report this ? someone that has access to a TV ? Well i guess the main problem is Most of the people with scientific evidence are on these forums............ IS THERE NOONE OUT THERE THAT IS "important enough" to really get the truth out ? THERE IS 100% TRUTH OUT THERE but the right people aint reportin it....... will the government kill them ? well just in case anyone forgot :
U.S. MILITARY DEATHS (IRAQ): 4328 U.S. MILITARY WOUNDED (IRAQ): 31431 IRAQI CIVILIAN DEATHS: 151000 'EXCESS' IRAQI DEATHS: 655000 and i am pretty sure thats only Iraq...
this is why we HAVE to get somthing done ....... and i believe eventually it will get done..?
Anyways keep up the good work reb and drama and the rest of you guys who "care" !! Thank you for ALL the info, you guys are the best!

You are welcome ... go check out some of my posts ... you will see there are indeed people who care about this and are working hard to bring this crime into the light. That local news station in SF Calif. got tons of thank you email for talking about 911. It's taking a while because the people who are suppose to up hold the law are the ones breaking them ... so I think some kind of civil action will have to go down. And those numbers of the dead are probably a lot higher than the so called "official" count.:peace:
This is a video from youtube where 2.4 trillion dollars the pentagon can't account for ... check out the war criminal speech the day before 911.
1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attack! DO u know what happened?WATCH!

Here a video from the Iraqi Vets ...
http://stoplying.ca/video/Iraq_vets_know.htmIraq Vets know 9/11 truth, resisters need help
Iraq Vets Know 9/11 Was An Inside Job
Well I will certainly do all I can to help.:hug:
More ...
http://www.rense.com/general86/therm.htmUnderstanding The Use of Thermite on 911
Begining with Larry Silversteen, it is time to arrest each accomplice within the Perle-Wolfowitz-Kissinger network of Neo-Cons, profiteering Zionist Money Merchants and mercenary killers domestic and foreign we know were involved. The Pentagon evidence was sufficient to convict them all, but the discovery of Dr. Steven Jones, carefully explained here, does for Silverstein what the Pentagon evidence does for Donald Rumsfeld and the entire Pentagon leadership.[/SIZE] [SIZE=+1]Whoever impedes the necessary arrests at this point must be counted as complicit in this capital offense of treason, conspiracy, high-crimes and New Federal "hate crimes" according to our laws -- but more than that, they must be considered enemies of the United States under direct attack by a foreign enemy who has infiltrated our command structure.[/SIZE]

This is another article that address the issue brought up in this thread ... like wh and olso bullshit about the aluminum. Plenty of good still shot too.:neutral:
haha worth watching yall
For those of you that like a run down instead of clicking on a video ... this is about an ordinary bloke by the name of John Harris ... he is doing an interview on British TV about 911 ... among other things he makes an excellent point about 7 minutes into the first video about the elite making the people think they make laws ... like the patriot act ... to protect the people from terrorist, but in reality those laws are made to protect the elite from the people ... ain't that the truth ... who has to take their shoes off at the airport now? Who has to have a passport even to go to Canada now? Just a couple of examples ... so he makes a lot of sense ... he pretty much talks about the things that have been discussed on this thread along with our lost of liberties ... but still interesting interview if you have the time ... it's in 11 parts ... two hour interview.
I will put up the first two here if you like viewing video on site.
1 ILLUSION OF REALITY by John Harris (1 of 11)
illusion and the law THIS VIDEO INTRODUCES JOHN Something with deceptive appearance: something that deceives the senses or mind, e.g. by appearing to exist when it does not or appearing to be one...
2 ILLUSION OF REALITY by John Harris (2 of 11)
illusion Video 2 covers 911 the charter of liberties. THE GATE KEEPER THE PERSON Something with deceptive appearance: something that deceives the senses or mind, e.g. by appearing to exist when ...

Here some interesting bit of news ... be sure you read the comment section ...
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/s...s-to-blame-for-911-tower-collapse-924509.htmlMagnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse
Webmaster's Commentary:
Desperation on the cusp of madness.

Here's a rebuttal piece ...
http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2008/09/unusual-magnetic-forces-should-not-have.html"Unusual Magnetic Forces" Should Not Have Caused the Twin Towers to Collapse
First it was the "new phenomenon" of "thermal expansion".
Now, Sergei Dudarev, of the UK Atomic Energy Agency, says the Twin Towers collapsed due to "unusual magnetic forces".
Webmaster's Commentary:
Desperation on the cusp of madness.
John Harris is great, love his work. I have posted some vids of his too. Niow magnetic forces eh? what a bunch of BS, good find rebel!!
For those of you that like a run down instead of clicking on a video ... this is about an ordinary bloke by the name of John Harris ... he is doing an interview on British TV about 911 ... among other things he makes an excellent point about 7 minutes into the first video about the elite making the people think they make laws ... like the patriot act ... to protect the people from terrorist, but in reality those laws are made to protect the elite from the people ... ain't that the truth ... who has to take their shoes off at the airport now? Who has to have a passport even to go to Canada now? Just a couple of examples ... so he makes a lot of sense ... he pretty much talks about the things that have been discussed on this thread along with our lost of liberties ... but still interesting interview if you have the time ... it's in 11 parts ... two hour interview.
I will put up the first two here if you like viewing video on site.
1 ILLUSION OF REALITY by John Harris (1 of 11)
illusion and the law THIS VIDEO INTRODUCES JOHN Something with deceptive appearance: something that deceives the senses or mind, e.g. by appearing to exist when it does not or appearing to be one...
2 ILLUSION OF REALITY by John Harris (2 of 11)
illusion Video 2 covers 911 the charter of liberties. THE GATE KEEPER THE PERSON Something with deceptive appearance: something that deceives the senses or mind, e.g. by appearing to exist when ...

Here some interesting bit of news ... be sure you read the comment section ...
Magnetic forces to blame for 9/11 tower collapse
Webmaster's Commentary:
Desperation on the cusp of madness.

Here's a rebuttal piece ...
"Unusual Magnetic Forces" Should Not Have Caused the Twin Towers to Collapse
First it was the "new phenomenon" of "thermal expansion".
Now, Sergei Dudarev, of the UK Atomic Energy Agency, says the Twin Towers collapsed due to "unusual magnetic forces".
Webmaster's Commentary:
Desperation on the cusp of madness.

The video i posted was a perfect example of satire. YOU WILL LAUGH IF YOU WATCH IT.

Its the darnedest thing. Today i have boon watching john harris's videos and trying to figure out how to do that in the US..

the biggest thing that i take from john harris is that what it all boils down to is common law. if i do not injure, harm or cause loss in any way then i cannot be acted upon by civil law by refusing consent to be accountable civil law. lol thats weird how i was looking into him today and its when you posted...
PBS station KBDI Denver Airs 9/11 Press for Truth
Webmaster commentary:

Just from reading the reviews, I will wager that this film never mentions the arrested Israelis.

Denver has a large viewing audience ... hopefully a lot were watching this program ... this PBS station was using a documentary about 911 for their fund raising drive ... they had a man who lost his son during 911 and is in the film on and the guy that made the film in the studio.

The Science that proves 9/11 was an Inside Job
This is another video of Richard Gage going over the scientific evidence they have about the towers that when down on 911.

Here a way too cool music video ... it shows several examples of steel frame buildings that have caught fire, raged for hours and never came down to demonstrate no skyscraper has ever come crashing down due to fire alone. They give the date ... the year and the number of hours they burned.

Plus they have excellent videos of controlled demolishes ... pointing out the explosion before they come crashing down ... then they show the towers pointing out the explosions before they come crashing down. Be sure you check out 5 min. into the video the part about insider trading ... I have another really interesting video pertaining to that ... Plus music for the kids!

911 - The Debate Is Over - controlled demolition

Now this next video and the last 5 min. of the previous one answers the question some put forward in this thread ... "why would they blow up those towers?" ... these videos provide those answers. Just more straw to break the camel's back ...
9/11 Resolution Trilogy Volume III: Pattern of the Times part 1 of 4
Pay particular attention to the corporations mention and the people involved. Very interesting stuff and it show a money trail a mile wide.:neutral:

Oh and check out this website folks ... this is where wh gets all his bullshit info from ...
Debunking 911
This is why he would never provide a link ... is he ashamed of the site ... I sure would like to know who owns that site ... if anyone can find out please post. I wouldn't be surprised if it was own by someone from PNAC. Of course they would make sure they covered their trail ... and use a good front. They will never stop the question about 911 no matter how technical or professional they may sound ... the questions will never go away until a real investigation take place ... and they don't want that to happen .... why? ... because 911 was an inside job.

Explain building 7 falling from FIRE... It didn't even get hit by a plane so that excuse is out.





Total garbage, prove it sir. Explain why NONE of the surrounding buidlings fell, or had structual damage (minus the minor broken windows and the likes).
Really? Got Evidence?

It is all in the other thread, where it should be addressed. Go read that, start to finish so that you are at least caught up, or post there and I will reply. I do not engage grow rebel because he is irrational and continues to use arguments which he KNOWS are inaccurate. He is the only one in there rapid fire posting youtube videos and getting congratulated by his TFH click.

Post there, and I will answer any question you ask, so long as you answer mine, honestly.

Was trying to redirect the topics to the correct thread, not continue to derail.

Let's see your evidence.
Total garbage, prove it sir. Explain why NONE of the surrounding buidlings fell, or had structual damage (minus the minor broken windows and the likes).



Does that look like damage to you? This is what happens when small steel buildings catch on fire. By the way... was building 5 hit by a plane? No. Did building 5 catch fire? Yes. Did it collapse? No.


A bank. Wonder what made that gouge in it. I don't see a corner of wtc 1 on the ground there. Was the gouge an inside job thing too? Did they build something elaborate to make people believe that the building which just fell did damage to the ones around it?

What is the point of demolishing 7? They pulled 6. They let 5 burn. CREWS of firemen saw that building 7 was sagging, a sign of impending collapse, and were ordered to stop trying to put it out because so many had already died.

I have to know going in, if you are going to say that the firemen in the NIST report on record, are part of the plot which murdered their brethren. That will help me figure out where to start.

Let's see your evidence.

Molten metal pouring out of wtc 2

South face before


SW corner after

Fires visible on the opposite side of the building across several floors.

Evidence of everything that I claimed.

Any idea how much copper is on a given floor of wtc 1 or 2? Electrical wiring, phone lines, cat5... how about aluminum? Light enclosures, cubicle structures, computer cases, duct work... a lot of soft melty metals in a single floor...


jet fuel melts stuff. This didn't even slam into a building at 500+.

That is enough for now.
jet fuel melts stuff. This didn't even slam into a building at 500+.

That is enough for now.

Not in the case of the WTC the infra-red photos that prove the building cooled down 15 minutes after impact when the jet fuel burned off. But of course facts like that destroys your image of your government keeping you safe ... :roll:
and you continue to avoid posting your link to where you got this information ... could it be because it's from the debunked 911 debunked site? I thought so.:neutral:
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