Food coloring to make seedling BLUE!!!

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
A friend of mine on this website(GrowPro1) wants to make his seedling Blue by adding food coloring to the water.

I told him that nothing would happen to the plant but i jusst wanted to check...Has anyone ever done this, seen one, heard of it working????

please dont hate this is his first grow and he wants to try it. Also if you have seen it post pics or whatever you can and will the buds change color if he goes through with it

...that alotta food dye....whatever please help, ill post a link to his grow so you can see it gradually change from green to blue!!!

He updates pics every day so itll be cool to watch!!!

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
well he said in like grade school he rememberd doing an experiment were that actually worked but not for weed, he wants to try a bud plant

Closet Grow (BuD)

Active Member
Smurf blue? :confused:

It works for celery; i did the same experiment in grade school
so theoretically the plant should turn blue... like it would get wattered than 24 hours later after the roots absorb some water the stem will get a lil blue and it will work its way up theplant, im not sure but that wouldbe sickkkk


Active Member
You can take a carnation with stem and split it from bottom of stem up to the flower and put each half of stem in blue and red water with food coloring and it will color half the flowerblue and the other half red. This won't work with root systems however.They strain it out.


Well-Known Member
It's been done before and the result is some of the absolute worst tasting smoke you have ever had. It will work, but your friend better knock it off long before flowering and try to veg long enough that none of that crap makes it into the bud or it will be so nasty tasting most would throw it away rather than smoke it.


New Member
lol if you thought mountain dew was gross for all the coloring, think about putting it in your pipe on top of that.


Active Member
if u used food coloring throughout the grow you'd have some fucked up nuggets.
This is in food color,Corn Syrup, sugar, water, food starch-modified, yellow 5, red 3, yellow 6, carrageenan, sodium benzoate (preservative), citric acid, blue 1. Could any of this hurt the plant???:confused:


Active Member
i think the only thing that might change is the hairs they would turn color but you can do the same thing when foiler feeding just ad some coloring to the spray bottle but why not just by blue strain bud clones/seed why be a faker?


Active Member
seeing how you wana be a faker and grow pretendo bud here is another idea for your friend get a spray bottle and fill it with a maple surup water mix and spray it on your buds right before harvest when the water evaps your buds are left with a stick shiney coating that makes the buds look more dank than they really are another thing i see is people spray grape juice to make it purple in color and then call it grape ape and people are like wow it smells like grape and thats when you say yea its grape ape bro this shit is fire and before you know it its all sold.