Special Features of the Opium Poppy


Well-Known Member
From what i found checking out Opium poppies is they have that weird pod in the middle with what looks like an upside down flower on the top, like the cucumber jelly fisher in SpongeBob.

Anyways my question is, IS this the mark of the poppy?



Well-Known Member
Remember you don't want just any old poppy, you want papaver somniferum.


Well-Known Member
has anyone bought opium poppy seeds online before?
Yes I have bought them online. Not sure about other countries but in the US its no big deal to buy them you can get them off alot of websites or Ebay. If ya go the Ebay route just buy the whole pods with the seeds in them. Say ya get 50 pods youll get a few hundred thousand seeds. Plus you can make some tea out of the left over pods. Just make sure the listing says that the seeds are still in them(some dont).


Well-Known Member
ya i found a local dispenser. But ok, so theres no reall way to tell if i find a poppy plant if its a papaver somniferum or not?

Mean Mr. Mustard

Well-Known Member
inthose first two picks, is it better to cut the plant when its the first pic, or do ya wait till it flowers, like the second, and open up that middle part...for extracting the juices i mean.


Well-Known Member
It takes 120 days days to harvest a poppy. In 100 days the flowers will have fallen off and all that is left is the pod. The pod must sit 20 days as the plant is now focusing on producing seed and concentrating it's opium. After 20 days the crown should be brown/tan and have raised up (like in the first pic) and that is the sign that the poppy is ready to harvest.


Active Member
The cheap and easy way to get opium seeds is to go to your local grocery store and buy them out of the Spice Isle. They're just as viable and you'll get 2-3oz (20,000 seeds) for about the same price as around 100mg (80 seeds) from a nursery.


Well-Known Member
The cheap and easy way to get opium seeds is to go to your local grocery store and buy them out of the Spice Isle. They're just as viable and you'll get 2-3oz (20,000 seeds) for about the same price as around 100mg (80 seeds) from a nursery.
IDk, you think there gana advertise the papaver somniferum seeds as papaver somniferum seeds at a grocery store??


Active Member
"Breadseed" poppy seeds are papaver somniferum seeds. They are the opium poppy seeds that I've used for years, the same seeds that will make you fail a drug test. The myth that they are sprayed with chems or sterilized is false. These seeds are meant for human consumption. To be extra certain, buy organic.


Active Member
I remeber buying a pack of ebay,,, I only wanted to grow them for seeds so I could resell on ebay but I never ended up doing that..... I did however cut the poppy pod just after the leafs fall off apprenlty "peek potency" just to see what it would look like,,, it was this nasty brown liquid juice,,, the next day it went black/super dark purpul...... anyway my dad cut them all up,,, lucky he did as I might of been tempted to try it one day,,,, never kept any of that shit just chucked it,,, its like playing with fire if you ask me "just dont do it"