Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

Love is a great concept but at least with the Bible and the church, it has been corrupted beyond recognition to pursue worldly is a false religion.

I will agree that some bibles are corrupted and ALOT of churches inorder to pursue worldy goods.

That however is not what christians are about. there are a few good bibles one well known one is KJV as far as churches each denomination has good and bad ones
Why are there no threads bashing jews or blacks. Are only Christians are fair game for your bigotry these days? Or is it that you know there is a God, and you feel like he's given up on you?

Why else would people constantly focus on christians, and Jesus, when every other religion in the world pretty much believes the same thing or is it easier for you to stereotype Christians; is it that you think they're an easy target? Well that makes you a bully.

I have a hard time understanding your hatred for a certain segment of society, when a stereotype doesn't fit everyone in that group. I certainly don't fit your stereotypes, and I don't appreciate the daily posts being directed at Christians in a derogatory way.

Funny, when I joined the RUI community, I don't remember reading anything about having to leave my religion at the door, or that in order to be a pot smoker I had to throw away my faith.

If you really despise Christians, maybe you would fit in better with others who think the same way you do. Here's the link if you're interested

First of all...being black...or not being black has nothing to do with religion. Let's keep it on point.

Second... it's not bigotry to examine an issue and find it wanting of proof. The Bible makes outrageous claims that we are supposed to take on faith. It's ridiculous in every sense.

Third... When you make these outrageous claims, it's not unusual to be called out on it in forums.

Fourth... I don't have a problem with all religions, just the cult based yours, and Islam. Judaism and Buddhism and even Hinduism strike me fine since they don't look to recruit ppl to their religion. It's not a popularity contest with them.

The fact that you don't fit the stereotype is irrelevant and indicative of how crazy the Christian faith is. It's a big jumble of differing acceptance of the Bible and it's varied interpretations. Something as important as the answer to life after death should be a bit more uniform. The fact that it isn't points to errors in the message. It points to being corrupted by the church... by man. Man based and man invented, hence the errors.
Something as important as the answer to life after death should be a bit more uniform. The fact that it isn't points to errors in the message. It points to being corrupted by the church... by man. Man based and man invented, hence the errors.

Search the scriptures to see if what the preacher man says is true. any man can get up and preach lies thats why there are so many views on the bible.
No it is not wrong unless you let it do harm to your well being. God created the plant as he has all the other natural things. He looks to us to use it responsibly. that there is the Key.
im 20 years old and I have been smoking since 12. I never had karma cuz I smoke weed. Im christian/catholic and god will accepted me for who I am not for what I do. Its said in the bible everything that is green is good just cuz it turns into ash when you smoke it doesnt make it evil.
Search the scriptures to see if what the preacher man says is true. any man can get up and preach lies thats why there are so many views on the bible.

It's all hoohaa.... like I said before... you have to take a snippet here and a snippet there form a book which was written by the ppl who profit by it. I can't trust the source. The Bible is a horrible guide to life. I'll give the Jesuits one compliment though... they know that all the hocus pocus is BS and would like to get rid of it all, but there wouldn't be anything left except begat begat begat....
Cracker Jax we know your an athiest so go to the thread that green cross povided and if you belive in reincarnation lets just hope you don't turn into a roach... There is no hope for you if you keep thinking the church is profit. I can't think of any scriptwriter that would have the knowledge to write what the bible says. It would instead probably resemble a tarantino film...
ok, each to his or her own in belifs, who's to say that the bible is a bunch of lies or wtvr just because one does not practice tha belief. i think alot of you are reading into things a bit too much. religion is a belief in which one should live his or her life, so in that sense, nobody is right or wrong. its the guide that person decides to live his or her life by. that being said, its wrong to say one person is wrong because its not the same faith as yours. the bible may well be bunk, but its not anyone elses place to decide that. now to jump back on topic, according to scripture, anything is only bad if it gets in the way of your health, and your life. marijuana is just a plant, nothing more. god put it on the earth for our consumption. as long as your not smoking to the point where its getting in the way of the things you need to do in life, then your fine. and even if god didnt mean for us to use it, we are all sinners, thats what we do, we sin. as long as you live your life the best way you can, and not a dick, then god will forgive you. theres no point of not smoking if your gunna sin anyway.(thats if smokin bud really is a sin). i see it this way, i believe in god, i believe in jesus christ, i try to live my life the best way i can, i try and help ppl when they need me, basicly some would say im a rightous dude. so, so what if i smoke a little pot from time to time, that dont mean im a bad guy, and it dont mean im going to hell. god loves me. god understands im not perfect, but he knows I try, and thats all you can do bruh. you do that, you live your life as noble as you possibly can, and your gunna be just fine.
Again, I don't mind someone needing an adult fairy tale to get through life. just keep it to yourself. What I cannot abide is a cult. That's what Islam and Christianity are. Nonbelievers need to believe.......there's my problem. Suffering goes hand in hand with these cults in their quest for world domination.
Again, I don't mind someone needing an adult fairy tale to get through life. just keep it to yourself. What I cannot abide is a cult. That's what Islam and Christianity are. Nonbelievers need to believe.......there's my problem. Suffering goes hand in hand with these cults in their quest for world domination.

but see thats just it, your judging the beliefs and not the believers. a religion is just a belief, nothing more. when ppl try to suck u into that said belief that the wrong doing of that person. i am a christian, but i am a firm believer of freedom of religon. and i dont feel anyone is wrong in their beliefs, im never gunna say that one person is wrong for believing somthing that i dont. because, who's to say they're not right? even if they are not, its still they're right to believe in wtvr they want to, and honestly i like listning to other ppl talk about diffrient religions because it opens my mind to diffrient ways ppl can believe in somthing. but anyway christianity is the belief in god and jesus christ. so if there is any type of malfunction in that its with christians, not the belief itself.
hey crackerjax, discriminating against people because of race, or religion is bigotry. Look in the mirror hater

Many of you would have cheered as the jews were marched into the concentration camps in nazi germany. They were to blame, just as you are blaming Christianity.

You're free to believe whatever you wish in this country, but don't expect me to turn the other cheek.

My Christan ancestors shed blood, to take this country from the British, and I'll be damned if I'm going to stand idly by, as a bunch of ungrateful godless punks like you talk shit about my heritage.
The bible is legitamite and i believe so because it's called faith. Where does this cult shit come from that i keep hearing. My church has not sacraficed a person yet.
but see thats just it, your judging the beliefs and not the believers. a religion is just a belief, nothing more. when ppl try to suck u into that said belief that the wrong doing of that person. i am a christian, but i am a firm believer of freedom of religon. and i dont feel anyone is wrong in their beliefs, im never gunna say that one person is wrong for believing somthing that i dont. because, who's to say they're not right? even if they are not, its still they're right to believe in wtvr they want to, and honestly i like listning to other ppl talk about diffrient religions because it opens my mind to diffrient ways ppl can believe in somthing. but anyway christianity is the belief in god and jesus christ. so if there is any type of malfunction in that its with christians, not the belief itself.

What kind of Christian are you, who thinks Christianity is just another belief? For me Christianity is a reality, and without it I'm nothing. I'll tolerate other religious and points of view, but they are in no way equal to me.

if you were to say zionism is to blame for all that's wrong in the world, most people will label you an anti semite.

What is a good label for folks who like to blame Christian for the worlds problems? Left wing fanatics?

I'm well aware that Christianity stands in the way of the liberal agenda, because God's word (the Bible) condemns immorality, so Christians must be pushed under the bus.

I'm surprised an entire generation has been brainwashed so easily, but I digress.
What kind of Christian are you, who thinks Christianity is just another belief? For me Christianity is a reality, and without it I'm nothing. I'll tolerate other religious and points of view, but they are in no way equal to me.

if you were to say zionism is to blame for all that's wrong in the world, most people will label you an anti semite.

What is a good label for folks who like to blame Christian for the worlds problems? Left wing fanatics?

I'm well aware that Christianity stands in the way of the liberal agenda, because God's word (the Bible) condemns immorality, so Christians must be pushed under the bus.

I'm surprised an entire generation has been brainwashed so easily, but I digress.

who is saying that christianity don't mean the world to me? i dont know where i'd be without god in my life. but that is MY BELIEF. its my belif in christ that makes things work. so realisticly all it is no matter how strong u feel about somthing it is a BELIEF. i feel as strongly as you do. i love god, and jesus. but thats how we feel, its our belief. and nobodies belief is greater than another persons. because we choose not to fallow another persons religion, dont mean that person is wrong, it dont mean that person's religion isint equal, it don't mean that person is gunna be damned for not believing in our religion. its 2 diffrient religions, who's to compare, judge or damn a person for believing in somthing else? not you, not me, god. so im not gunna spend my days trying to convince other ppl they religion is full of shit because that not what god inteded us to do. god may detest certian things,true. but we dont have to hate our fellow man because of thoes things. "hate the sin, love the sinner". therefor, i look at a diffirent religion as somthing a person feels as strongly about as i do about christianity, and who am i to tell that person he is wrong, because i'd be damned if someone told me that.
hahah Canna...:lol: Just a belief....see how that doesn't wash??

It's a cult...nothing more. All must believe....first the church used torture and vicious control through the royal families, and now it uses it vast accumulated wealth to BUY the faithful.

It's a cult....pure and simple. It's wrong.... it's the OPPOSITE of the teachings of the Jesus myth.
hahah Canna...:lol: Just a belief....see how that doesn't wash??

It's a cult...nothing more. All must believe....first the church used torture and vicious control through the royal families, and now it uses it vast accumulated wealth to BUY the faithful.

It's a cult....pure and simple. It's wrong.... it's the OPPOSITE of the teachings of the Jesus myth.
but see, thats "the church" people can be very vicious, and cruel. and im not gunna say that the church didnt, or does try to manipulate ppl. but that has nothing to do with my beliefs, and my relationship with god.
if ya read your bo0k u will se3 that the herb was used in the holy oil,and burned for incense,ect,.,read the bo0k im no preacher but i will tell you this,.,.the way you see rasta lives is the same life explained in that holy bible,you are not to shave your hair hence our locks,you are not to shave your beard ,as i do,you are suposed to sow se3d,read up,an be enlightened,.,dread cant dead