well heres my second crow attempt


Well-Known Member
well guys my first grow is almost done so i think its time 2 have some fun so i planted 3 seeds and so far 2 poped so im gonna start my journal with that.So im 3 days out of soil and 24/7 begins im using plain water for the first couple weeks. once i have established good root mass i will take 3 clones from each plant and put the clipings under 24/7 light and take my 3(well 2 for now) seedlengs and trick over 2 sex them if all female then i will again establish good root mass on them and make them my momys apending sexing. if all goes well my three mommys will stay in 24/7 grow box i made from burnt out freezer and i want 2 be able 2 harvest a pd a month off 9 clipings 3 clipings per mommy per month changing my mommys with fresh clipings 2 make new mommys every 3 months hope u guys follow this and advice is WANTED plz replay and i post pics along the way here are some pics of my grow box and babys



Well-Known Member
I found your journal, a link would of been nice, maybe put a link to your journal in your sig.

That's a pretty cool setup you have going, is that just a standard fluorescent, what are you going to do for ventilation, do you plan on cutting out some holes in the back panel for intake and outtake air?

I will have to following your journal to see what comes of this, I'm curious to learn more!

Welcome me aboard:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
for now im useing 3 cfl at 750 per cfl of lum and 1 t5 18" 550 of lum floro but that just 2 get plants going only gonna do 3 week veg time on clones and the lid stays open about 1.5 " so all my heat goes out the top i havent goten hotter then 81f in the growbox (FREEZER) 3'x3'x5' inside dementions using 1 8" fan on hi at all times oh and i tryed 2 put a link on sig and on threads just becomes a dead link. so i can grow dope but cant figure out a computer oh well


Well-Known Member
Please Visit My Grow Journal!!

As you are able to keep the lid up from time to time now but how do you plan on venting come flowering, you'll have to have the lid shut tight for 12 hours straight.

PS: The code tags are whacked, so I attached a link code, just change text and copy & paste it into your sig, should work!



Well-Known Member
if all goes well my three mommys will stay in 24/7 grow box i made from burnt out freezer
Oh ok I missed this line, it makes sense now lol, let me know how that link code works for ya?


Well-Known Member
yup lol it worked thanks humbolt haha i just noticed that i put crow not GROW can i edit thread name ? only seem 2 beable 2 edit post not thread ?


Well-Known Member
Awesome it works, yeah I think you are able to edit threads however I was informed that there is a time limit, I don't know what that limit is but you could always contact rollitup and ask or request to edit your thread.


Well-Known Member
ma fuck it im sure peps know what i mean but ne way i will post monthy reports and pics on this grow i now have 8 babys out of ten seeds just gave up on last 2 getin kinda soft so i tossed them hopefully i can get 6 females from 8 babys then i will keep the strongest 3 females as cloning mothers let u know how its going in a couple few weeks


Well-Known Member
Monthly reports, don't you think that's a bit long? you wont keep peeps interested in your journal that a way. I would post updates on everything noticeably different, at least once every week.

After all journals are good not only for your satisfaction but are useful for the new growers, I visit the journals frequently and find them very useful/helpful.

People tend to like pictures .. lots of pics, the more you update using pictures the more people will be interested in your progress, not only the newbie but experience growers that are more likely to help out in sticky situations.


Well-Known Member
well i guess u where right about the monthly reports being 2 long cus i got lots 2 tell

1st my second grow went south my wife put some blankets on top of the freezer and well it bent the screw holding up the lid so all 3 babes cooked and died.

2ed the digital cam i bought from the pawn shop was full of melwere and viruses so my comp took a shit on me

so now i got my comp fixed and got a new batch of babes going im going 2 start a new journal just waiting for payday and i go buy a new digital cam
my new grow journal is going 2 be titled 3rd times a charm i dont know how 2 put a link but hopefully humbolt can help with that again


Well-Known Member

Well that just sucks, I'm sorry to hear this, a streak of bad luck I reckon, are you still planning on using the deep freeze? also I would be happy to help out with whatever am able to.

Good luck on the next round!