Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke: thanks man ... many thanks .... looked at some trich with a small scope and if I'm seeing straight ... and there is some question about that .... I got like maybe 20% amber (maybe less), mostly cloudy and a couple clear. So I'm thinking that a couple days at most? In the meantime I'll just mix it up a little here, and do something competely different, and have a bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looks more 80% amber actually,looks real ns,,alot of strains will try to reflower on yu at finsh .i've had them where wasnt sure f there was an end,lol.great job.


Well-Known Member
hey man ... you be thinking 80% huh //// maybe I need to go and take another closer look. If that's the case then maybe I will just chop her today. Does it matter to harvest them after a dark cycle, in a dark cycle, after the light cycle or during the light cycle? Just curious. Walk on!!~~~~

mr west

Well-Known Member
i would take a leaf off the top middel and botom to get a rounded view of the trichs, looking spanking by the way id of chopped her down ages ago lol but then ive never been good with waiting .


Well-Known Member
hey mr.west how's she hanging this fine day? good to see you in the room. always a pleasure to have you come by. My my, is that cheese I smell? hmmm .... yes Mr.westie is coming on by for a visit. its alright Boris, he's of the frriend category. Yea, I am surprised with my patience on this one too. I am worried about the density and time to dry and possibly problems? My RH is mostly 40-50 ...especially moving through August now .... any thoughts my man on a successsful drying strategy for this bitch?

mr west

Well-Known Member
I actualy came round on the scrounge lol my stash tin is empty its sweat u can smell lol. I would make bud box out of a large carboard box, poking holes in it to hang the stalks from and i would take the bottom of said box away and place the whole thing over my exhaust fan outlet for a few to 4 days then id jar them if i had a smoke to see me through the cure.n Hope this helps mate sorry if its no good for ya lol.


Well-Known Member
no worries mate .... BO huh? smells like cheese? hahahaha! it done permeated your entire body man .... like fukin radiation ... hahahaha! Its all good. I have the perfect box too .... (that could be interpreted a couple dif'ways. huh?). ....so great ... that is what shall be done with the bitch today ... Day 72 .... is the chosen day ... or shall it be tomorrow ... hmmm ...

mr west

Well-Known Member
do u know anything about administering epsom salts as a cure for mag dif? have a look at my EBW thread in my sig if u can help mate?


Well-Known Member
oh right ... I was reading about that in your other thread ... but that's outta my realm of knowledge ... sorry can't help ya bro .... would give you nugs to hold you over if I could ..... hope things work out .... Walk on!!~~~~~

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I actualy came round on the scrounge lol my stash tin is empty its sweat u can smell lol. I would make bud box out of a large carboard box, poking holes in it to hang the stalks from and i would take the bottom of said box away and place the whole thing over my exhaust fan outlet for a few to 4 days then id jar them if i had a smoke to see me through the cure.n Hope this helps mate sorry if its no good for ya lol.
You out of smoke? This is unheard of!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know what took me so long to get in here and look at your grow. Looks great Tahoe, I hope this seat isn't taken. If it is to bad, move your feet loose your seat! haha:peace:


Well-Known Member
maximum expandability .... the sweetness of our virtual existence .... hahahahah! .... that lounger is free for you. Though you might be bothered now and again by some of the girls hanging around .... they're in training . So leave the gate open for them huh? thanks! hahahaha! great to have ya here. :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:
I don't know what took me so long to get in here and look at your grow. Looks great Tahoe, I hope this seat isn't taken. If it is to bad, move your feet loose your seat! haha:peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for hospitality!! I doubt having the girls around will bother me to much.;)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Morning tahoe!! dude, that plant looks so good and frosty I just wanna grab the fat cola and roll a pice of paper around it and burn it!!!! looks awesome bro!!:clap:


Well-Known Member
hey fellas hello hello. AAAwwwwlllrriighhtttyyy there folks, went down to see her again this morning. As recommended, clipped leaves from top middle and bottom buddage. Took a look under the scope and I'd still say approx. 20% amber or maybe a little more and mostly cloudy .... I'm gonna leave them maybe till tomorrow. Whaddaya think? Am I risking leaving them too long? and Ruin this?