oh, and has anyone seen this?
There got a be a good a way to make money off these idiots, maybe write a book or make a inside job video and sell to the truthers for 1$ a piece....these guys will believe anythingl
your the kind of people I would hustle into my slaves, if I was into that sort of thing.
same kind of people who are so easily inducted into fringe cults, when all the while they take your money and sleep with your wives
fix your brains. or you will be duped and taken advantage of for the rest of your lives.
questions for youThere got a be a good a way to make money off these idiots, maybe write a book or make a inside job video and sell to the truthers for 1$ a piece....these guys will believe anything
Natrone is 1 of only 3 people on any board who ever made me question my own beliefs... and I have been in the game since 84... well before the internet. I make it a personal mission to try and address both sides of any argument before I engage it with others... and in decades of experience... I swear that his very straightforward take pushed me. It is no minor task.questions for you
1 Who exactly IS a "truther"?
2 Have you ever in your entire life of living, took the time to look at anything deeper then was given....or look at something from different angles and i mean that in every sense of the word... i can tell you havent just by the way you speak but i felt it needed to ask you these questions because its not peoples faults that they are uneducated, its societies. but we are society so therefore please educate yourself and others...
Natrone is 1 of only 3 people on any board who ever made me question my own beliefs... and I have been in the game since 84... well before the internet. I make it a personal mission to try and address both sides of any argument before I engage it with others... and in decades of experience... I swear that his very straightforward take pushed me. It is no minor task.
You are an idiot. I do not say that to offend you... but because it is. I will offend you later. NoDrama is a straight up guy. I also like FDD. If Cracker were gay I would let him suck my dick on principal.
I don't have to agree with a person to respect them. You require it because you are simple and insecure. Bring your simple ass to the other 9/11 thread and I will shred you... because for my own stated reasons I am on your side in this thread.
It is a simple man who presumes authority over another through difference of opinion. You are simple and presumptuous. Step up little man. Come and be shattered.
I don't have a vested interest in any of these people... but I find myself vested in ruining your day. The temptation I spoke of earlier was in reference to displaying your ignorance for the world to snicker at.
Come and be humbled.
Because he's one of them?Cracker, Why you gotta poke the nutjobs with a sharp stick? I decided to just leave them alone and hope they get psycological help at some point.
Now thats a fire! You can tell because theres bright flames... see.
But low the steal lives on.
This is the core of WTC1
It is quite stout.
I don't remember the burning inferno over 2000 degrees.
I do however remember the holes the plane made.
Because there was a woman standing in the hole.
Must not have been super hot there.
Thats were the plane hit I don't see the roaring inferno.
I just don't give a fuck anymore.