Big P
Well-Known Member
Do you know what happens to jet fuel when it hits something while moving 200-250 MPH?
It was not poured in it was thrust in at high speeds.
It sprays into a mist and bursts into flame.
Like this:
Small pick but that is a huge explosion.
99% of the fuel disipated right there.
After that there were small fires.
Burning carpet, drywall and some small pools of fuel.
I don't see the blazing inferno you say weakened the building.
The Architect and construction manager have both said
"That the towers were designed to withsand multiple 707 impacts."
A 707 is very comparable to a 767-200 in size and fuel compacity.
I know I'm not gonna convince anyone so I don't care to go on to much.
I'm here more to make friends,
I don't like being called names even over the internet
And I try not to insult (I fail sometimes, JRH and Medman sorry)
I try to work in areas like freedom, the constitution that sort of thing.
Seems like less of a waste of time.
Whats done is done and it really is irrelivent anymore, IMO.
actually the building was designed to take a hit from a 707, but not fully fueled, but allas both buildings did withstand it long enough to let most of the people escape
when you have that much fuel in one place at that speed it doesnt all instantly evaporate or turn into mist. much of it ignites and is dropped through the surrounding floors of the building through the momentom of the fuel and the force of gravity creating huge infernos on certain floors. these localized infernos on the surrounding floors would melt steel easily this is a simple fact
once enough time had passed for the infernos to comprimise the structures of the surrounding floors they were weakend enough to fail and collapse,
one floor pancakes on the floor below it which is also weakend by the fire, then the weight of 2 of those falling floors hit the next and then those 3 floors hit the next floor and the next and you have a collapse of the whole structure.
its really a ridicules argument, you guys are actling like these building are infalable