got pulled over today w/ no license and on prob.


Well-Known Member
Today i was driving and a state cop drove past while i was goin 75 so he whipped around and pulled me over. My license is suspended from florida cause of not paying a ticket. Im in another state now but still dont have a license. I am on probation and was wondering if anyone knows if being caught driving with a suspended license is a probation violation? I gotta see my PO on the 3rd and shes gonna drug test me too so i think i might just be fucked lol. So does anyone know if driving on a suspended is a probation violation? I have court for it on wednesday. any tips?
Today i was driving and a state cop drove past while i was goin 75 so he whipped around and pulled me over. My license is suspended from florida cause of not paying a ticket. Im in another state now but still dont have a license. I am on probation and was wondering if anyone knows if being caught driving with a suspended license is a probation violation? I gotta see my PO on the 3rd and shes gonna drug test me too so i think i might just be fucked lol. So does anyone know if driving on a suspended is a probation violation? I have court for it on wednesday. any tips?
uhhh yea doi:o
thats minor traffic shit how serious of a crime is it by u?
It depends what you're on PO for.. Just dont lie to the PO. MY friend was on drug court and got pulled over and lied to the PO he didnt see any cops cuz probation officer asks when you go if you have been pulled over and or saw a cop for any reason....He got deported...Yup but he had prior violations and was serving PO for burglury second offense.
So i advice just to tell him straight up and say it was for parking. Even if they do violate you its better then getting locked up. Cuuz violation = lock up on spot in PO. If you pissing dirty that might be a bigger problem.
Good luck i got off 5 years PO two years ago and it was a BITCH..Drinking all that flush and water and still failing....I hated it.
shit thatd be good, then all i gotta do is get the weed outta my 240lbs system by sept 3rd
How much you smoke ? Daily? How long have you stopped? If you havnt yet...You wont pass. You need a fake dick and a patch of clean piss. But PO gonna be watching over your back.. Big risk.
shit thatd be good, then all i gotta do is get the weed outta my 240lbs system by sept 3rd

lol damn big hommie you weigh almost the same has me. i can get it fully out of me in 9-14 days usually
my mom had the same PO as me and she said that they do the mouth test are those easier to pass? I smoke almost every day up to like 3 days ago
my mom had the same PO as me and she said that they do the mouth test are those easier to pass? I smoke almost every day up to like 3 days ago

damn your fucked lol im not familier with the saliva test but seems like it would be easier to pass somehoew. you might have to hide out in the batcave for a little grip lol
The popsicle test last longer i heard..You scrape your inside of you mouth my PO use to make me scrape my back part of the gum and they rub it on something and send to lab.
Haha, no offense but you guy's can't complain about winters, it like averages -25 Celsius here in winter months. But anyways man that sucks you got busted, at least he let you drive home haha.
im from florida so anything below freezing is fuckin nuts. the cop didnt say i could drive home he just told me to get it home and hes not gonna watch lol so i waited till he went the other way and drove home.