First Grow Plants Are Failing Need Help ASAP


Active Member
Hi so this is my first grow and I decided to start off with a closet grow. I'm using

4 foot florescence cool white and warm white bulbs
peat moss starter pellets
NYC diesel 10 female
Tap water with a ph of 6.7

So some of my baby plants are doing well which you can see from the pics but the biggest one is having the most trouble. Some of the smaller ones are having trouble also. Their leaves are turning yellow and the biggest one is like crumpled up.
I have about one cm of water in the starter incubator but I just took the top off of it today. I haven't had the fan running yet because I felt my babies were too small. The temperature and humidity were at 79, 41 respectively when I checked. Can someone please help me I don't want my babies to die.



Well-Known Member
There looking very stretched, you want those lights to be quite close to prevent that. And get your fans directly onto them to strengthen those stems. dont worry to much about the damage at the tip of those leaves, ive had a couple do that, and they ended up just fine.


New Member
they look a bit water logged man. plus i would get some cfls instead they are much better. it will stop the stretching when you get them within 2 inches of the plant. Let them dry out and change your lights it will help.


Well-Known Member
Ph is too high and I think the humidity in that dome is getting redic. You should just leave the dome off of them and transplant those bad boys into at least some 6 inch pots for the time being. Soiless mix of course. None of that pre nuted miracle grow stuff. And the ph should be around 6.2 to 6.5 with the diesel. And give them just straight ph'ed water until about the fourth leaf set. Keep me posted. []Deace!


Well-Known Member
And they do not need any direct air flow really at this early of a stage. You want them to withstand the least amount of stress for the first week or two of their life cycle. Less stress now will amount to more vigorous growth later on. Trust me on this. Don't smack em with the fan till they get a bit bigger. I mean keep a fan in the room but not directly on them.


Active Member
OKay so I took the advice that you guys have given me and drained most of the water out of the black tray, the peat moss felt very wet so I put them in places where there wasn't water in the tray. Also the one that is tall and stretched with the crumpled leafs had like a white root coming out of the moss. I also dropped the lamp within 2 inches like you guys said to do and the dome with no longer be on the tray. Here are the most recent pics. Thanks guys I really needed help and you guys came through.



Active Member
okay here are the pics of my babies this morning. they look good except the leaves are begging to turn upward making a U or V shape which scares me. I think this has to do with the humidity being around 55 when I checked. I think i'm going to throw a little fan into the grow room to see if this helps. I stopped over watering them and only spray a few sprays on them once a day. Let me know how i'm doing guys. Thanks for the help you guys saved my babies before and I owe you big time for that. The advice you gave me was great.



Well-Known Member
okay here are the pics of my babies this morning. they look good except the leaves are begging to turn upward making a U or V shape which scares me. I think this has to do with the humidity being around 55 when I checked. I think i'm going to throw a little fan into the grow room to see if this helps. I stopped over watering them and only spray a few sprays on them once a day. Let me know how i'm doing guys. Thanks for the help you guys saved my babies before and I owe you big time for that. The advice you gave me was great.
The humidity is fine for vegging, however - those pellets still look really wet - I would'nt mist or water them in any way until they dry out some.


Well-Known Member
I've heard that those peat pellets are pretty acidic, due to the natural ph of the moss they're made out of. I've never ph tested peat, so I can't say for certain this is true.

Might want to get yourself a ph meter and check it out for yourself, though.


Well-Known Member
The humidity is fine for vegging, however - those pellets still look really wet - I would'nt mist or water them in any way until they dry out some.
That's odd, those things usually dry out pretty good overnight. I would get them into something larger as soon as possible. Your watering is going to be hard to manage and your roots will grow much faster than you think.

Get them into whatever medium you plan to use ASAP and get your watering routine started. They are looking okay.


Well-Known Member
That's odd, those things usually dry out pretty good overnight. I would get them into something larger as soon as possible. Your watering is going to be hard to manage and your roots will grow much faster than you think.

Get them into whatever medium you plan to use ASAP and get your watering routine started. They are looking okay.
agreed, also, the main advantages flouros posses is low heat output(most u can sit your hand on the bulb and not get burned) so you can have the lights as close as possible. i keep mine 1/2 an inch away. it really seems to speed up growth for me. i did an experiment and the ones 3-4 inches away took2-3 times as long to get big fat leaves cuz they stretched up to the light first then started working on the leaves more.


Active Member
okay so I'm going to throw them in the FOREST GREEN OCEANIC ORGANIC STUFF. I will drop the lights another inch even though they are only 2 inches away. I hope this helps. Thanks for helping. Is it crazy to start the vegging process a week in? I have 1000 watt MH lights. I am thinking about putting them 18/6 but it will only be 7 days come Wednesday? Thank you boys.


Well-Known Member
i would advise against it for a little while, just keep strong fluros on them for awhile CFLs prefrebly, the only reason i say this is ive done it before and killed of them with 2 much heat and what not but my mates have gotten away with it, i just like to besafe, and i get really good results with my 100w CFL when they are young then i change to HID lighting, but this is only my opinion


Well-Known Member
and with fluros and CFL the closer the better, 1/2 an inch to 1 inch provides better growth from my experiments


Well-Known Member
and with fluros and CFL the closer the better, 1/2 an inch to 1 inch provides better growth from my experiments
I would stick with the CFL's until about the second set of leaves. Then set them in their with the 1000w at about 5' and start moving it down from there.

I would NOT transplant directly into FFOF at this point. Get some soilless mixture first. Mix the soil in 3 parts with soil, vermiculite and perlite. This is a very forgiving mixture that will give you good moisture retenstion and good drainage. The FFOF is great soil, but it can be a bit hot for seedlings. Plain jane soil to start, then transplant one more time into the FFOF in a couple of weeks. Should be good and strong by then. And use the same mixture of vermiculite and perlite with the FFOF when you move them into it.


Well-Known Member
spot on laserbrn, i should have taken the time to explain a bit btter, but hey weed does make u lazy i guess:)


Well-Known Member
Man, the best thing you can do for those seedlings now is, wait for it.... absolutely nothing. Let them be, let them grow. There's nothing wrong with them other than being a little on the soggy side. Do yourself a favor and don't touch or look at them for about 3 days. In about a week, when you see roots popping through, transplant them in 1 gal+ pots and you're set.

So many people kill with kindness.


Active Member
thanks boys will do. will have some pics up in a few days in the new mixture, and stuff. I think i'm going to have to keep them in the 4 foot lights though for economic reasons. I will bring them within an inch though. I'm going to put them in a 8 inch pot to start for the soilless mixture. Then I will put them in the 3 gallon pot with FFOF in a few weeks. Thanks boys and any further advice would be appreciated. I appreciate the guidance with the grow. Hopefully they will produce great results.