i was just wondering if you could just use regular dirt to grow my weed in because i need to make some cash for my baby on the way so yeah i really need to know. please help? thank you.
regular dirt... no telling whats in that stuff... at the very least go to your local lowe's or home depot and grab some of that miracle grow 3 month release mix for 10 bucks that should do the trick much better than common dirt... common dirt is just a lil too iffy if u want a decent yield... just my 2 cents.
regular dirt dosent have the nutrients that other specialty soils will have. To answer your question, yes you can, but for $5 a bag at Lowes pick up some Miracle grow.
You have a kid on the way and you are growing weed for $$?
I am not a saint or a preacher, but the consequences of getting caught......just sounds a little too risky.
No. In nature weed developed the trait of only being able to grow in dirt you buy from a store.
Id suggest getting a bag of perlite though. Possibly some peat moss depending on the soil you got around you. But yeah of course it can, that is where it came from originally don't forget.
yea, and listen to there advice, i tried to skip on the soil just thinking dirt is dirt, but after the bugs, and the slow growth do to it getting to hard, and poor drainage . i had to buy all new dirt and re transplant everything, wish i just woulda started with it.
thank you guys.keep the ideas comminy oh also i put my good seeds in a damn rag and put them in a dark area about70-75 degrees cause my friend told me to do that before i plant them.when should i take them out of the damn rag
first grow yes but first time dealing no. i got connections i just want to grow my own so i can cut back on the money i got to spend on a oz or 8 ball and just grow my own.
Welcome to RIU! You dont want to use regular dirt indoors. It gets compact and does not drain and Its a waste of time. You will have bugs and weeds growing in the crap and running around your growroom! You wont be happy! Fox Farms Ocean Forest or your own mix is the best. If you cant afford it make sure whatever dirt you get has been sterilized. Miracle Grow works but I dont like to smoke Synthetic fertilizers myself. Good Luck!
thank you guys.keep the ideas comminy oh also i put my good seeds in a damn rag and put them in a dark area about70-75 degrees cause my friend told me to do that before i plant them.when should i take them out of the damn rag
omg dude... dont depend on this to be a get rich quick scheme or even make some chump change your first go round... it takes time to learn... seems like you havent grown any type of plant in your life... i dont think you should depend on this to make u the money you need... just being realistic my friend...
growing outside on that much acreage... u need to make sure wild animals wont tear that shit up... rabbits love that stuff... especially when they are tender lil shoots... so many things can go wrong that can only be learned through experience... READ READ READ... you need to start with reading some journals on here and grow guides it'll answer so many of your questions.
i like to get em started by dropping them in a cup of water and put that cup in a dark area.... as soon as those babies crack put them in some germinating soil WITH NO FERTILIZERS... give it two weeks in that and then move em to the miracle grow dirt... good luck
It aint necessary to germ that way but if you do a day or two they should sprout and some advice bro read read read cuz theres alot of shit that goes along with this it aint easy especially for the 1st time. good luck man
nah chico i have dealt before just never grown. i got people buyin from me but i wanna get my own stuff growin so i know i dont have to call my connection up ever 3 days for another oz.
If your growing outside, you should burn the area you are going to grow on, or spread wood ash around. Also tile the soil for about 2 weeks before you use it and don't forget the lime.