Michigan MMJ

That's why I left Michigan. It's full of redneck drunks and thug wannabes. A good majority of those in Detroit/Flint aren't wannabes I guess, but where's the good in any of that shit? There are obviously intelligent, open-minded people in the state, otherwise the stem-cell reserach and mm props wouldnt have been passed. The problem is, most of these people (myself included) want to get the fuck out of Michigan. Even after the prop passed I knew the cops were still going to bust people. The state is too backwards to make any real changes that will benefit the state (i.e. legalizing/taxing marijuana, wind power, etc.) Too busy giving Hollywood tax breaks, I guess. :cuss:

Okay, I'll chill out now, haha.
The judge dismissed a Marijuana Possession Charge against a Register Patient today in Ingham County 55th District Court. The patient did not have adequate Counsel, and still prevailed, she refused to accept a 7411 plea agreement and told her attorney she would show him the information for the affirmative defense. The Prosecutor wanted to continue the case. while he studied the law, and today, her case was dismissed. I don't think they wanted to have to rule on the affirmative defense, their only other choice was to Dismiss. This is huge. The possession charge was from last September. VV:blsmoke:bongsmilie:mrgreen::twisted::lol::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:
Yes the times they are a change'in my friends.Met with our county sherrif last night again for his talk on the new law and his dept is behind it 100%.They've had NO issues since the law past and have spent several hrs training the force on the new law.Ya got a card and are within our limits then it's " have a nice day" period.....
They know if they mess with a patient they'll get sued and thats seems to be a big issue with them.magin that...............:lol::lol:.

So looks like things are a change'in my friends.

I also spent some face time with a few of our state reps this week in Lansing and they didn't seem to have a problem with our new law at all.Hell before they wouldn't let us in the door and now they're saying come right in. hehehehe,,,, got to love it.63% of the vote does crazy things.
I probably shouldn't even ask, but what county?

If you don't want to say, I understand.

Yes the times they are a change'in my friends.Met with our county sherrif last night again for his talk on the new law and his dept is behind it 100%.They've had NO issues since the law past and have spent several hrs training the force on the new law.Ya got a card and are within our limits then it's " have a nice day" period.....
They know if they mess with a patient they'll get sued and thats seems to be a big issue with them.magin that...............:lol::lol:.

So looks like things are a change'in my friends.

I also spent some face time with a few of our state reps this week in Lansing and they didn't seem to have a problem with our new law at all.Hell before they wouldn't let us in the door and now they're saying come right in. hehehehe,,,, got to love it.63% of the vote does crazy things.
Sherrif Paul bailey but you'll prolly find the same answers out of all the countys.From all the leo's I've spoken with they all say about the same thing, " about time".They've more important things to do then worry about some weed now. Seems most have lost all there funding and are more worried about keeping there jobs.Looseing there tax base kind of put a crimp in there style and they know dam well they kick in the wrong door ( med patient) and the lawsuits will fly.Kickin my door and I'll take your fire dept away, simple as that.After whats happened this week here,I belive this is there biggest worry.

Step lightly cuz we got a very BIG stick, the lawsuit stick,hehehehe.
Madison hgts just got a lesson on whats in the law so now they'll get the stick lesson, very,very large lawsuits,and they deserve it. The rest of the countys are looking at that and saying,oh-hell no,we need our fire truck. Leave them alone.

We'll see over time if this keeps them off our backs.

For now only time will tell, so just keep it safe and stay within the law.That way if'n ya do get your door kicked in you'll have to find a place to park the fire truck,lol.

Sue and sue LARGE,,,
So it has been a while since anyone has posted in this thread. I am curious about what has transpired over the last two months. My mother has MS and is looking to obtain her card, but she is in the Upper Peninsula. Are there sympathetic Doctors know of in the U.P.? Also I have had ridiculous back pain for several years now which causes my neck as well as my hip to hurt, the problem is I have never gone to a regular doctor for it, tho I have gone to the ER on a couple occasions because it had gotten so bad. I couldnt afford to see regular Dr. being without insurance. Im looking for all information and guidance as to what I can do for my mother and for myself. I am aware of the laws, having read everything that Michigan.gov has available.
Did you goggle doctors in the area? Is there 1 listed on the michigan site? Why couldn't you use A doctor in the lower michigan area?
Thanks anyway!

Hey man, sorry I missed your posts. Any MS patient should consult their regular Doctor first. All of the information about what the Doctor needs can be found, downloaded and printed from www.qualifyingpatient.org
You should also visit the MMMA Website and check the schedule for the THC-foundation. They are willing to make visits to areas other than there Southfield Offices, I know they have scheduled Traverse City and it seems like Gaylord was mentioned.
It is possible to get your Medical Records from the emergency room visit, they may charge for them. If you do not have a regular Doctor, assuming you can get the necessary documentation its going to cost you for the recommendation, around $200.00. VV:blsmoke:

Thanks Victor..very informative.
Your welcome. VV
subscribed i'm in the same boat

fuck the police if we could get half of people who used vicodin to change for pot the numbers would be overwhelming what would they do?-----------follow the law

i am making a list of LOCAL doctors from michigan that are maurijauna friendly in michigan

i read the law and i dont remember it saying anything about having to go to a special clinic

their are doctors who are supporting this and i will find them look for THE LIST comming soon

I've been seeing alot of reg doctors writing rec now so it's getting better everyday.Several clinics opening around the state too.
Can someone help me out? I am looking for A normal everyday doctor that will give me A rec. for the mm card! I can't seem tofind 1, everywere I call say's they do not particapate in that program.... Any help would be great.
this is in now way ment to steal riu's spot light, because this is the most informative website i have stumbled across yet.

BUT.. check out http://www.michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/

alot of our questions are ansewered on that forum buy people that have/are being used as "test cases" and some pretty good overall results.

half of the cops dont even know its legal yet and the other half know as much as we do. Cops are being cautions "let the judges handle it" more or less.

Be pactient, its a new law with alot of gray area's. If your gonna be a caregiver stay legal, if you do not intend on being legal go about your buisness amongst yourself.

Side note, if the community over there is any indicator of the common knowledge of growing. Michigan is FUCKED =\.....for now