My budz.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I know. My camera does not like taking close-up "macro" shots. Either that or its the person using it. Ya dig? I dunno. Could be either one...

however! if you click on them.. and zoom in?!
you get to see magic happen.. these buds came from a small bushy (kind) plant. Not too shabby eh? CFL lights are great if for growing. Ya dig? Especially if your like me and can't use something more powerful because of the electric bill. K well enjoy. One last thing.. the MORE YOU CAN ZOOM IN ONTO THE BUDS!!, the more majic you get to see.



Well-Known Member
it dosnt look like top shelf, but its free weed, id love to smoke some of whatever right now


Well-Known Member
Those buds looks mediocre at best man.... no offense....
Was this your first grow?
yea. my first grow using CFL lights. I use HPS/MH, well I use to use my HPS light. Until My electric bill got too big.. I simply could not afford to keep paying that bill every month, so i tried a grow with CFL lights only. Not too bad I thought.. that wasn't all the buds I got from the one plant.. I had at least double that. I got total weight.. all in a bag was 18 grams. Not bad. Small plant.. CFL lights. I can't complain really.

And just alittle FYI for you people.. where I live? It's a military town kind.. and ehh I mean I support our troops dont get me wrong.. but the people around here are dicks. Think they are better than everyone and all this shit. So its really hard to find good bud around here. Unless I grow it... for me and me only. Well, maybe a few of my life long friends that smoke.. I would help them out.

But yea.. thanks everyone.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it dude! They look great and good job! How did it smoke?
Smoke is easy going man... out of the whole 18-20 grams I got outa this mini kind plant.. I only got one seed out of the whole bag. Ya dig? Weird.

But yea.. for my area.. thats about the best weed there is. Unless you know someone around here with good connects. Ya dig?


Active Member
Free weed is the bomb and no one is really trying to rain on your parade. Its just we have seen people pull 6oz's off of a plant and only use cfls. Soil, nutes and other things come into play, but for your first grow anything is better than nothing. Good job, now try to double that yield on the next grow. Maybe double the amount of cfl wattage and add some nutes? Up to you man!
fuck the ppl who said its not top shelf, they drop alota money, time, and effort, and if u had that or wanted to spend that i bet youd get heavier and danker results. FOR NOW what your producing is some nice indoor bud which at college goes for 50$+ an eight, and 20$ a gram. take those 20 grams you have and push for 3 weeks and now you got 400$. Id be very pleased if my current first grow that im doing produces simalar buds. how tall was the plant when you stopped vegging and when you harvested?:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
nah. I actually got about 14 little micro nugs total... My total weight was 18 grams. I got a decent size 1/2 bag out of the plant. Ya dig? But thats all I have left.. the nugs in the pics.


Well-Known Member
Free weed is the bomb and no one is really trying to rain on your parade. Its just we have seen people pull 6oz's off of a plant and only use cfls. Soil, nutes and other things come into play, but for your first grow anything is better than nothing. Good job, now try to double that yield on the next grow. Maybe double the amount of cfl wattage and add some nutes? Up to you man!
no no.. I appreciate comments. Critics are welcome too. It's cool.. i don't tend to take things personal. Ya dig?



Well-Known Member
fuck the ppl who said its not top shelf, they drop alota money, time, and effort, and if u had that or wanted to spend that i bet youd get heavier and danker results. FOR NOW what your producing is some nice indoor bud which at college goes for 50$+ an eight, and 20$ a gram. take those 20 grams you have and push for 3 weeks and now you got 400$. Id be very pleased if my current first grow that im doing produces simalar buds. how tall was the plant when you stopped vegging and when you harvested?:leaf::leaf::leaf:


That plant was one of the toughest plants I have ever attempted to grow. That plant gave me alot of problems towards the end. Plus I had two timers stop working on me... so yea. I'm keeping this plant as a Mother plant. It's KB 'Kind Bud'. Way better than schwag could ever be...

But yea I appreciate the comment. I appreciate the haters too. My number #1 fans. :clap: just kidding ya dig?

I didn't actually. I wish I would have. I did my 12/12 from seed experiment. Went really well..
as you could see from the buds. However, being 12/12 from seed.. the plant was small bro.

Plant was only about 8 inches tall.. but it was really bushy you know? Short and stalky.
and like i said i could have gotten better bud.. and for sure i would have collected a lot
more yield. I'll just have to get another seed.. only this time i will make sure I use my
method. No more 12/12 from seed grows for me.

And yea, this bud goes for like 40-50$ for an 1/8th down here. But only a certain amount
of people know about it. And we all know each other; we're all cool with each other.
So its cool. However, there is only one person through out all of us who actually
has the connect. That's enough info.. you get the jist of it. ya dig? ;)

Harvest? Oh man, I just harvested it actually. 2 weeks ago bro. That was my first KB(kind bud) grow attempt. I started that grow well before I even signed up here. I'm talking like.. i planted it in late end of April of this year.

I wish I had more of those little nugs.

The hardest part of growing this.. (well.. im saying for me.. in my situation) is getting a`hold of a good seed. LOL. Took me about $230.00 worth of KB to finally find a small seed. ya dig?

Anyhow, im stoned and rambling.



Well-Known Member
that's a pretty small harvest for cfls. You CAN get donkey dick colas using cfls...just an fyi. Check out some grows in the cfl sub-forum. I'm asking you to look there not to be a dick...but to encourage you for your future w/cfls.

But hellz ya I'd smoke up ur nugs! :)