SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
I have used it and I threw it away...

No additives is the best for me, in my system...

Do you think my buds lack something I could get by spending more money?

even in big time veg... no additives and the girls seem to be doing great .. in my opinion...

nobody said your plants no need for posting all your pics

its proven that additives help as well as flowering boosters and stimulators

just like some folks wont use h2o2 because it kills the nature process, they use flowering boosters as you dont


Well-Known Member
I have used it and I threw it away...

No additives is the best for me, in my system...

Do you think my buds lack something I could get by spending more money?

even in big time veg... no additives and the girls seem to be doing great .. in my opinion...

well hell .. if you didnt like it then you didnt like it... Your trichs do look amazing so i cant say shit.. but the girth of the buds? maybe just those pics.... i think it would use the bestie blooms nicely..


great job though :clap:


Well-Known Member
well lets not get crazy... one thing you might have not noticed is how thick the plants grow with HID vs CFL's,t5's ... DOnt get me wrong. I use cfls for clones n seeds ..and t5/hps combo for vegging. I have vegged with cfls.. vegged with t5's and with hps... The #1 best results have been with hps/t5 combo using this little number...

the branches and main stems are thicker.. stronger and greener... it just loves the dual spectrum lighting...

I love the t5's and cfl... but for reach over 12-18 inches...... compared... pfff hell no...

Its all on what style you want... if you want a SOG with a bunch of lollipops that are 18 inches tall then whatever... but if you want to get little bushes indoors then youll need a little more.

BUT.. I agree.... for hydro.. where vegging time is very very small... you wont be needing anything that goes deeper than 12"... hell the clones that you start flowering are max 8" ...

anyway..ramblin on... i just would hate for poeple to get the wrong idea about HIDs.. It is still the BEST way to grow indoors period.
wrong idea about HIDs?

who is arguing HIDs credibility? I dont think anyone is.

all that was said was t5s are great for veg and big lights arent needed for veg which in turn will have you needing to cool your HID as well. more money, more problems


Well-Known Member
h202 will break it down... fast... and that is a big down side for me...:o

maybe your quality of coco just sucked?

i've used h2o2 plenty of times before and it never broke down coco

and btw, h2o2 isnt the most gentlest thing.

Sooner or later you will learn to only use h2o2 only when you need to clean out your res or a once and while thing.

trust me on this.... i was a die hard fan of h2o2...

also coco doesnt need h2o2. it has naturally occuring trichoderma that keeps things under control


Well-Known Member
well hell .. if you didnt like it then you didnt like it... Your trichs do look amazing so i cant say shit.. but the girth of the buds? maybe just those pics.... i think it would use the bestie blooms nicely..


great job though :clap:
Thanks bro...

That strain isn't the biggest producer in my set up...

I get 1/2 to 3/4 per lollipop on average... 48 under each 600..

They are not that skinny...:lol:

The LEFT leaf and the number on my sig can take you to 2 diff spots on my journal...;-)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys
here's whats been cooking so far
I'm getting the water farm drip system
gonna lay some nylon stocking on the bottom
a layer of hyroton, and the rest 80% filled with canna coco
what you guys think

as for lighting
i already have in place, just not installed yet
a 1000w MH with a suntube and my AAW combo
as of now the girls are sitting under a 28 new wave 6500k T5
and they seem very happy so far



Well-Known Member
thanks guys
here's whats been cooking so far
I'm getting the water farm drip system
gonna lay some nylon stocking on the bottom
a layer of hyroton, and the rest 80% filled with canna coco
what you guys think

as for lighting
i already have in place, just not installed yet
a 1000w MH with a suntube and my AAW combo
as of now the girls are sitting under a 28 new wave 6500k T5
and they seem very happy so far

i never chase my coco, as the drainage is already superior.....however, it cant hurt

as far as your light...

whoa kimosabe, thas alot of wattage for vegging!!!

but whatever makes ya happy


Well-Known Member
my two cents for moms:

plain canna coco in 5 gallon or bigger.
feed with 1/4 strength canna coco A&B nutes.
"smart pots" are flimsy and kinda wack, but your mothers will last longer with out transplant.

the hydroton is not called for but wont hurt either.

dont mix h202 with canna products... you can clean your rez with it (and you should to prevent pathogens) but make sure you wash it out well bcuz you CANT mix the two... it says it right on the bottles.

T5's for vegging all the way... they actually are best for root growth.
moms tend to get to big for t5's unless you have cfl's for lower and side lighting.

just my opinions tho.


Well-Known Member
my two cents for moms:

plain canna coco in 5 gallon or bigger.
feed with 1/4 strength canna coco A&B nutes.
"smart pots" are flimsy and kinda wack, but your mothers will last longer with out transplant.

the hydroton is not called for but wont hurt either.

dont mix h202 with canna products... you can clean your rez with it (and you should to prevent pathogens) but make sure you wash it out well bcuz you CANT mix the two... it says it right on the bottles.

T5's for vegging all the way... they actually are best for root growth.
moms tend to get to big for t5's unless you have cfl's for lower and side lighting.

just my opinions tho.
ty J
I'm using the stocking and the layer of hyrodton
to keep the coco from running and cloaging the lines
the main media will be canna coco

i was thinking to go with individual smart post
so they are easily moved around with out space or tub constrains
the most important reason is, avoiding one pump running a whole table
a friend just lost a whole table of clones in a flood table
went for a weeks vacation, pump line popped out
the whole table almost a total lost

this setup can also be connected together later to a controller with a float
for a continues watering setup

one thing I'm still debating is,
the water farm (2 gallon growing chamber)
or the powergrower eco (3 gallon growing chamber)



Well-Known Member
i like the simplicity, but you have one pump point of failure, I'm tiring to avoid

that's EASILY remedied...

you can have 2 or 3 or 4 pumps in line...

one through the other...

if one fails, the other/s will still fill the tray...;-)


Well-Known Member
well lets not get crazy... one thing you might have not noticed is how thick the plants grow with HID vs CFL's,t5's ... DOnt get me wrong. I use cfls for clones n seeds ..and t5/hps combo for vegging. I have vegged with cfls.. vegged with t5's and with hps... The #1 best results have been with hps/t5 combo using this little number...

the branches and main stems are thicker.. stronger and greener... it just loves the dual spectrum lighting...

I love the t5's and cfl... but for reach over 12-18 inches...... compared... pfff hell no...

Its all on what style you want... if you want a SOG with a bunch of lollipops that are 18 inches tall then whatever... but if you want to get little bushes indoors then youll need a little more.

BUT.. I agree.... for hydro.. where vegging time is very very small... you wont be needing anything that goes deeper than 12"... hell the clones that you start flowering are max 8" ...

anyway..ramblin on... i just would hate for poeple to get the wrong idea about HIDs.. It is still the BEST way to grow indoors period.
oh for sure, dont get me wrong more light is always better. i started with a mh but temps got really high and it made rez temps go up and all kinds of problems. now i use cfl's (just for veg&clone) and my buddy grows clones he got from me in the stink bud set up i built him, with a mh and theres no noticable difference, were on the same harvest schedule also and our harvests are usually close to identical. the only difference is hes always battling heat and im sure hes using more power. thats just my experience, one day when im oprah rich like SOG and have more room, i will probably veg with mh.


Well-Known Member
For my mothers i let them veg up in the SB veg unit until they're about 24" , then just pull them out, take off the collar and stick them in 3 gallon pot with coco. i use the same SB veg formula, but only at 800ppm. they havent showed any sign of stress or anything. not even wilting over a bit.
