best hydro-organic nutrient line?


Well-Known Member
Have been using the General Hydroponics 3 part series in the past, but due to my recent love of growing, am in a quagmire about what line is the best, but hear conflicting results all the time. If your an experienced grower, please just write what line you prefer and why. Would help a lot!!! Thanks,

Also, I have heard good things about humboldt and foxfarm nutrients. Does anyone have experience with both (or either) to verify these claims?
I use Botanicare Pure blend pro Grow + Karma + Cal Mag for vegetative stage I use Botanicare Pure blend pro Bloom+Karma+Cal Mag+Humboldts own Purple Maxx Snow Storm+Humboldts own Gravity for the Flowering stage
I use Botanicare Pure blend pro Grow + Karma + Cal Mag for vegetative stage I use Botanicare Pure blend pro Bloom+Karma+Cal Mag+Humboldts own Purple Maxx Snow Storm+Humboldts own Gravity for the Flowering stage

I have read reviews that humboldts own "purple maxx" leaves an undesirable taste during flowering sometimes? could this be from improper flowering that I read or have you noticed any odd tastes in your bud?
GH works fine, no defs (cept a little nitrogen needed in early-mid flowering when on MaxiBloom) - and if it ain't broke don't fix it they say.
I run Purple Maxx up to 6th-7th week of flowering and only 48 hours before a res change,I do 10 day flush with clearex,I have heard people using Purple Maxx to the end and maybe that is why they have an undesirable taste.

This is my current grow


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to respond to the other people, to say that I should stick with general hydroponics defeats the purpose of this thread. While it is a good series, I think that organic is a better way to go and in no way is the GH 3 part conventional series organic. GH just released a line called "biothrive" which is an organic solution, but it is a one part formula and not what i am looking for in terms of nutrition.

Thats a really nice grow you got going jcdws, I guess I am nervous since its unknown nutrients to me. Is it easy to make your own nutrient solutions (like combination), what are the instructions, did you design your own formula, and how do you calculate how much is used? :)

If anyone else has nutrient line opinions, please write in!!! specifically reviews about humboldt or botanicare would be awesome!

If anyone else posts
I use the recommended feeding regimen for the most part.I stay on top of my ec/tds levels to be sure they are at desired levels and make sure my res stays topped off and everything runs pretty smooth.I change my res every 2 weeks.
alright, well I am pretty verse about the res stuff and ppm meter so thanks for that ;) but are you saying then that a mix of organic lines is better than sticking exclusively to one? Its a mix of humboldt and botanicare solely, (not that its a bad thing), but have you tried fox farm's organic products either?
alright, well I am pretty verse about the res stuff and ppm meter so thanks for that ;) but are you saying then that a mix of organic lines is better than sticking exclusively to one? Its a mix of humboldt and botanicare solely, (not that its a bad thing), but have you tried fox farm's organic products either?

I have been growing with botanicare line nutrients for a long time now and have great results so I have stuck with em,I have just recently been using humboldts additives this year and am happy with the results,Never tried fox farm,.,.,.,.,.,really had no reason to switch.You will not find a definite answer to what nutrients are best,everybody claims what they use are best,just find what works best for you and some good genetics.
When looking into the organic nutrient lines i have found a myriad of contradictory reporting what i have gleaned is mirror in this thread a mix of lines both humboldt and botanicare. As to what mix is best i am still looking for an answer from an experienced grower.
When looking into the organic nutrient lines i have found a myriad of contradictory reporting what i have gleaned is mirror in this thread a mix of lines both humboldt and botanicare. As to what mix is best i am still looking for an answer from an experienced grower.

Like previously stated before you will not find a definite answer as to what is best,I can easily say my mix is best because it works great for me but I know others feel the same way also.Many nutrient lines work great,pick one and follow directions on the bottles,provide ideal conditions for your plants,monitor them correctly,and you should be successful.
sounds pretty simple. i guess what was so off putting were the reviews about (for example) humboldts nutrients being chalky or chunky, some lines having terrible smells, etc. Have you noticed any odor problems with certain lines, or particular differences between synthetic and organic fertilizers?
sounds pretty simple. i guess what was so off putting were the reviews about (for example) humboldts nutrients being chalky or chunky, some lines having terrible smells, etc. Have you noticed any odor problems with certain lines, or particular differences between synthetic and organic fertilizers?

I don't fully grasp what you mean by some lines having terrible smells,like the nutrients itself having a distinguishing smell??People go organic because of taste which is debatable and simply like to use natural ingredients that come from the earth itself. It really depends on personal preference
Thanks man. was a real real help. +rep in all aspects.

If anyone else has other things to say about hydro-organic nutrient lines I am all ears. Always looking for a second / third / N+1 opinion

have you ever given your girls too much gravity? I think my one girls was a little sensitive to it, and ever since, its been producing flowering superstructure or whatever, but calyxs are not forming swelling exploding on this new growth. the plant didn't hermie its just to hot for it to flower?

you ever do that?

- You don't need to go organic in hydro, its rather pointless... why waste time processing that material into something usable for your plants, in your reservoir!?

give them what they want, nutrients that are ready and fixable... although ideally if you could get away with not changing your res because its organic... but no i doubt thats true. every week son, pretty much.

i like canna's line, they are bio-active at least, as they advise against H2O2 genocide...

But am ag's Botanicaire line is the shit. Their liquid karma receives universal praise.


was that plant close up of the purple with 100% cloudy tricomes ready for harvest?
hey... read this quote lol it might just "change your life", in the words of that hussy natalie portman... here you go, i just happened to type this out on here today:

"The basis of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is the self consciousness and self esteem of man who has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being, encamped outside the world. Man is the world of man, the state, society. This state, this society, produce religion, an inverted world consciousness, because they are an inverted world."

guess who wrote that one -lol- yeah that guy.

oh, inverted world...
fucking james mercer!

jc in da houuse!

have you ever given your girls too much gravity? I think my one girls was a little sensitive to it, and ever since, its been producing flowering superstructure or whatever, but calyxs are not forming swelling exploding on this new growth. the plant didn't hermie its just to hot for it to flower?

you ever do that?

- You don't need to go organic in hydro, its rather pointless... why waste time processing that material into something usable for your plants, in your reservoir!?

give them what they want, nutrients that are ready and fixable... although ideally if you could get away with not changing your res because its organic... but no i doubt thats true. every week son, pretty much.

i like canna's line, they are bio-active at least, as they advise against H2O2 genocide...

But am ag's Botanicaire line is the shit. Their liquid karma receives universal praise.


was that plant close up of the purple with 100% cloudy tricomes ready for harvest?
hey... read this quote lol it might just "change your life", in the words of that hussy natalie portman... here you go, i just happened to type this out on here today:

"The basis of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is the self consciousness and self esteem of man who has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being, encamped outside the world. Man is the world of man, the state, society. This state, this society, produce religion, an inverted world consciousness, because they are an inverted world."

guess who wrote that one -lol- yeah that guy.

oh, inverted world...
fucking james mercer!

jc in da houuse!

Never had a prob yet with Gravity I use the lowest recommended dosage to be safe.That purple plant has about 2-3 weeks left still and is going to be some pretty good smoke.I cut some lower nugs off and dried them.The smell was incredible when I broke a nug apart,smells just like grape sweet tarts.

"The criticism of religion disillusions man to make him think and act and shape his reality like a man who has been disillusioned and has come to reason, so that he will revolve round himself and therefore round his true sun.Religion is only the illusory sun which revolves round man as long as he does not revolve around himself."

-'as long as he does not revolve around himself' is a very difficult task to pursue, a lifelong struggle indeed- and especially without the illusionary sun to 'guide' man, he is left only with himself, and his experience (with his experience) of the real. But this is not the inverted world mentioned above, not neccissarily.

" the immediate task of philosophy, which is at the service of history, once the 'holy' form of human self-estrangement has been unmasked, is to unmask human self-estrangement in its unholy forms. " i.e. the realities of and the productive dissociations latent in society, the very 'real' power of the inverted world. This is your job of critique, man, the ever doubting subject.

We came to an interesting impasse here jc, and I do thank Karl Marx for the rhetoric with-which-we-may-pursue-this-enticing-discursive-novelty, and i feel i should apologize for that sentance. moving on,

Many christians, and especially in my mind those vehement fundies / bornagians, who pose this problematic of "as long as he does not revolve around himself" in arguments as an unavoidable, and in their personal cases, nearly life destroying fact of the human condition. This is a hard postion to counter, as thier personal addiction to such a postion is living proof of the dangers of the ability for the individual to define his own reality. And therefore, the respite of an illusionary sun- which offers in the least some position outside oneself, presents a limited reality and one which checks the individual with outside... experience. Not reality. It is further from reality. Although arguably just as inverted as popular culture.

What I am getting at is a greater devotion to oneself, which is, without question, all you've got, as we struggle... "A man should look for what is, and not for what he thinks should be. " -Albert Einstein

Endless critique.

I feel that the pittfall here, the christian trap, is the choice of doubting oneself and ones environment, or rather giving up and subscribing to a reality bathed by the light of an illusionary sun, a world of faith -what a man wants to believe, rather than wandering and wondering at the endless abyss of reality you can nearly sense.

Such a life as one worth pursuing- giving up this life, for the reality of another, which is yet only (truly and all it can be) an inversion of man, is simply foolish. a waste even, for after you die, there is nothing. There is no I, there is no reality to percieve. Certainly. to believe otherwise is to negate reality, and find faith in what you want to believe...

it is therefore the enlightened goal of man to be endlessly critical of , literally, it all, to constantly challenge and find new positions, and move between these points of perspectives, in order to best challenge reality. this is the essence of the cartesian moment. it is a deamlike state, and at its best lucid, and free... a much preferable reality to one defined by dillusions, for it is one of choice. you may even choose dillusion!

and we still have yet to even delve into the wonders of political economy! we are still just at "I" !! , which is why religion is literally retarded. It only fucks things up after that. I do hope I was literate, and comprehendable, even if I was low on "comprehension"

peace! "Always act according to that maxim whose universality as a law you can at the same time will"- kant