I've been contemplating exactly how to do my setup, im stuck on DWC, and i've come to the conclusion that having a pump-manifold- trickle into the root mass won't work for me, and i understand once the roots and dangling in the water i could shut off the pump anyway, so, what would be your suggestions for feeding them alternatively to this, before the roots hit the water if NOT trickling the water, i suppose i could just feed them manually by pouring the water from the top on the rockwool for a week or two until they finally stretch down far enough??
24 hours a day? Every 2 hours? How ya going to do taht all day and night? let them dry out and die?
and about how often should i give them if i do it this way??
EVERY HOUR will work on a timer, why not try a Drip System, if you do not want them fed 24/7 from day one. soak up the cube nice and then do so again every othre day or 2 days? should i keep the rockwool wet, or let it dry completely, then go for another top watering.. i get that ideally it would be roseman's method, but it's just too complicated for how i want to do things..
Also, once the roots hit the water (say im using 5gal bucket and i fill 4gal of nute solution).. im supposed to still leave it at 4gal when topping it off ?doesn't go lower as roots get longer or anything right?