first scog attempt

nz green

Active Member
haha if i had actualy red my cf meter it says 600 ppm is 12 cf i changed it to that i usually keep it at that anyway dont go any higher than 16-18 there coming along good happy az:hump: 3weeks 4 days now


nz green

Active Member
can anyone tell me the best way to use pk 13-14 im starting 5th week today so ill change rez today and add the pk any advise never used it before but red and heard alot of good things about the product but everyones got there own little methods not sure on following the bottle instructions or trying someone elses technique anyonebongsmilie


Active Member
posting to subscribee! dude! sick grow! you got skills man..foreal. how far along are they now?? new pics sometime soon?

nz green

Active Member
thanks nckush there 4 weeks in now ill post some pics tomorrow i gota rez change for the pk 13-14

nz green

Active Member
hay guys sory about the long wait for pics old camera shit itself i got a new and better one heres some pics at 5 weeks 1 day they smell beautieful and sticky and frosty azzbongsmilieabit of tip burn i think thats from the pk 13-14


nz green

Active Member
6weeks in now coming along nicely filling up well let me know what you guys think my first hydro and scrog well im pretty stoked anyway:weed:cant wait to have a huge fat blunt


nz green

Active Member
7 weeks in now feeling realy solid, poping out more white hairs now heaps have turned orange now but new white ones are popping out everywere is this normal? anyone.:leaf:

