strange growth? pods already? (pics)


This plant is about 2 weeks old now and its showing strange growth I think, it already has what looks likes male pods :( What does this look like to you?

Its bagseed, anyone got any idea what it is?

250w cfl 24/7 about an inch above it since sprouting.


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hm...I wanna say those are balls, but the picture is fuzzy and something doesn't seem quite right.Can you get better pics?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
OOf.Those are even worse, lol. If it's an autoflower strain, it could possibly be showing sex already...but those looks like it's not in the place where the plant usually shows sex....almost like some weird growth.Does it look like this?This is a male. If it's just bagseed, I'd say toss it and begin again with some other seeds.
Sorry for the bad photos, shitty camera phone :(