to chop or not to chop

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Well-Known Member
my bro just got out of jail today and is going and choping his 20 clones . its been a fucked up 2 days .

my bro just served a month in a real jail with murderrs , hes 18 btw


Well-Known Member
im 20 , hes 18 . hes been in and out of jail all his life

me on the other hand have no record and am going to college geting a beter life . we both love weed


Staff member
was there not just a thread going on about how its wrong to steal others plants?
youre a fellow pot head, why would you do that!?

but if you found it someone else will find it that means who ever planted it didnt think to plant it where no one would go

karma will get you if you steal


Well-Known Member
was there not just a thread going on about how its wrong to steal others plants?
youre a fellow pot head, why would you do that!?

but if you found it someone else will find it that means who ever planted it didnt think to plant it where no one would go

karma will get you if you steal
the plants were i swear to god 200ft from my house.

there is a path by the forset then a fence that blocks the path from the high way that runs parelle . the plants are visable in the day time if u know where to look


Well-Known Member
so i chopd 5 plants and got about a oz wet and a half oz dry . my bros plants should be about 5 oz wet or more i hope
. and maybe 2 oz dry

i get half becuse he was in jail for my birthday lol


Well-Known Member
i do feel bad

i know im young but i smoke to control body spasums and pain . so more medicne for me.

my bro should be home with the other plants in HOUR :)
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